Наукові публікації у періодичних фахових виданнях України
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Документ Analysis and prioritizing rick minimizing techniques of IT projects(Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури, 2021) Jalal, Elbaruni; Bielova, Olena Ihorivna; Melenchuk, Viktor Mikolayovich; Бєлова, Олена ІгорівнаThis article is devoted to the risk analysis of IT projects. The article defines the risks of IT projects, classifies the key risks of IT projects and identifies the main sources of risks of IT projects. The analysis of risks of IT projects at introduction of information management system in realization of projects of the company is also presented. The possibility of risks of IT projects during the implementation of the management information system in the implementation of the company's projects is analyzed. And also the ways of minimization of occurrence of risks of IT projects at introduction of information management system in realization of projects of the company are offered. Under ideal circumstances, in modern organizations, project implementation reduces risks to zero. At the same time, in modern realities, it remains necessary to take into account risks and manage them as part of the organization when implementing projects. Nevertheless, risk minimization is effective for the dynamic growth of an organization or institution when implementing projects. The current trends in information projects in today's competitive world are fundamental and necessary for any project-oriented organization to manage risks in information outsourcing projects in an ideally complex task. Thus, this article examines the main factors that lead to the emergence of risks, based on modern scientific sources from leading researchers in the field of project management, taking into account the peculiarities of developing an optimal risk management system in an organization when implementing projects, as well as the implementation of such a system under various scenarios of projects’ implementation in organizations. A structure aimed at improving the risk management system in organizations during project implementation is also proposed. The study found that prioritization in the consideration of project risks, as well as risk factors, helps to correlate the risk of the project and the risk of the company itself. Prioritizing the response to risk factors and their strength of influence, considering the time, volume and quality of risks are of paramount importance for the dynamic growth of the organization and allow to conduct a matrix analysis of risks, and then propose ways to minimize risk.Документ Concept and content of professional ethics of a mediator(ТОВ «Наукова установа «Правові горизонти», 2024) Horielova, Veronica; Vishnevska, Yulia; Горєлова, Вероніка ЮріївнаThe article explores the content of a mediator’s professional ethics. It asserts that although conflicts originate in the social sphere, they fall within the legal domain (arising and being resolved within the scope of legal consequences) when considered as objects of mediation. It is noted that the mediator’s role is not solely a psychological phenomenon and should not be reduced to its practical application. Unlike a psychologist, a mediator operates within well-defined legal frameworks regarding the mediation procedure. Given the adversarial nature of the mediation object, a mediator cannot be either a party or an arbitrator. In other words, the mediator’s work is carried out within institutional legal principles, while the psychological aspect is strictly non-institutional. It has been researched that the professional ethics of a mediator is based on ethical values: trust; justice, including the principles of neutrality, independence, and impartiality; conscientiousness; truth, including transparency and honesty; f reedom, meaning respect for the mediator’s autonomy; responsibility; conscience, which includes the principle of voluntariness, dignity, humanity, and compliance with the requirements imposed on the mediator. It is noted that at present, there are no codified norms of ethical conduct for mediators, and the legislator’s attention is focused on regulating their activities. Emphasis is placed on the necessity of professional ethics arising from its socio-cultural purpose, which defines a system of values and principles that should correspond to the general concept of goodness for adequate professional communication. The article outlines some requirements for the ethics of mediators as mentioned in Ukrainian and foreign Codes of Ethics for Mediators. The main content of mediator ethics is defined in the article. The main features of the concept of professional ethics of a mediator are identified. An author’s definition of the concept of professional ethics of a mediator is proposedДокумент Conceptual provisions of law and morals in a pandemic condition(Юридичний факультет Західноукраїнського національного університету, 2020) Horielova, V.; Горєлова, Вероніка ЮріївнаThe article is devoted to the problem of morality and law in a pandemic, because the COVID-19 pandemic has put doctors around the world in front of a tough issue of priority. In this regard, the question of the ethical choice of the doctor and what regulations he should be guided by is relevant. The purpose of the article is to comprehensively assess the rights of the patient and the doctor in a pandemic, justify and identify the moral guidelines of the doctor in a pandemic. The patient's rights are analyzed in a broad sense: the legal relations in the field of health care are enshrined in the law, and in a narrow sense, as a subjective, real relationship between the doctor (medical institution) and the patient in need of care. It is revealed that the actions of a doctor cannot be prescribed as a certain algorithm, and each action and decision of a doctor in a certain extreme situation is only his independent, moral choice. It has been studied that Ukraine takes responsibility for a sick person, giving him a number of additional rights, but there are certain restrictions in the law that can cause harm. It is proposed at the legislative level to develop ethical guidelines for doctors who must act in a pandemic, which will reduce the morale in which the health worker and the patient find themselves.Документ Conceptual trends of modern morality in legal society(Науково-дослідний інститут приватного права і підприємництва ім. академіка Ф. Г. Бурчака, 2020) Horielova, V.; Горєлова, Вероніка ЮріївнаThe article is devoted to the analysis of the current state of morality in the legal society. Observing the transformation of the content of morality, which is a special state in the mobile process of social development and is progressing at the turn of political and socio-economic transformations. We can say that the transformation of morality in law is a transformation of public opinion of different meaning and direction, which due to internal or external factors or a combination of them are reproduced in the rules of law. The transformation of morality occurs at certain stages of development of society, and especially at those points in time when people are very sensitive to any external changes. In such periods, the general morality of society may be on a new countdown and lead to changes in directions to its further evolutionary path. Such a transformation of morality cannot exist outside the law and not affect its content. The article examines current trends in the transformation of morality in a legal society, which give rise to new theoretical constructions and approaches in relations in society, and thus encourage the modernization of legal tablets. The article analyzes the materials of statistical research on the views on the morals of the younger generation and the elderly. The tendency of gradual degradation of moral foundations is traced. The article states that certain provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Public Morality” are unconstitutional, although they coincide with the requirements of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. It is emphasized that the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Public Morality” does not fulfil its function, because it lacks many necessary factors that need attention, and its provisions should not be perceived as a restriction of freedom of expression for man, as freedom of legal the state is possible only within the framework of observance of the law and norms of morality. The article emphasizes that the content of the category “rule of law” implies the filling of legal norms with several moral principles and principles, because otherwise, the state can not be called legal. The article substantiates and proposes the category of “stabilizing function of morality” as a new moral and legal category, which is to maintain the stability of basic principles and rules of human life within the state through public resources, social, humanitarian, educational, propaganda and other methods of influenceДокумент Human Resource Management and Corporate Culture in Small Enterprises: Case of Ukraine(ФОП Лібуркіна Л. М., 2020) Petrova, I.L.; Albdrane, M.; Петрова, Ірина ЛеонідівнаThe article deals with the peculiarities of human resources management system in small enterprises in Ukraine, identifies its distinctive features, which reflect in organizational culture and provide unique opportunities of productivity growth in an organization, and on the other hand impede its development. Human resources management system is considered as a complex and multifaceted process, covering the set of organizational practices and activities aimed at effi cient and effective utilization of the most valuable resource of an organization – people and at the same time as a dynamic system which should be constantly improved. The specificity of human resource management in small businesses in Ukraine was analyzed and compared with European experience. The authors’ attention was paid to fore key characteristics of human resources management system in small business as staff professional development, using outsourcing and leasing of staff, motivation system as well as improvement of corporate culture. These characteristics show both controversial problems of small enterprises growth and opportunities of their further development. Besides, weakness of Ukrainian small business is evident in limited HR-practices, informal procedures and relations, lack of social protection, uncertainty and unpredictability of doing business, insufficient level of corporate culture. Relying on the results of research suggestions on improvement of human resources management system in small enterprises were made.Документ Impact of logistics on tourist destination development(Видавничий дім "Гельветика", 2024) Alkema, Viktor; Koziichuk, Oksana; Алькема, Віктор Григорович; Козійчук, Оксана ГригорівнаThe research aims to study the impact of logistics on the development of tourist destinations. It discusses the role and objectives of logistics in this context. The Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have significantly impacted the tourism industry and its logistics. The tourism industry worldwide almost fully recovered in the first half of 2024 after the Covid-19 pandemic. In Ukraine, tourism is also recovering, and despite the war, tourist tax revenues increased by almost a quarter in the first half of 2023 compared to the corresponding period in 2021. The research was based on analysis, synthesis, comparative analysis, and systematization methods. The study systematized and generalized the concepts of logistics levels that affect tourist destinations, logistics functions in tourism, and factors influencing the development of tourist destinations. Further research prospects involve justifying a model for the impact of tourism logistics on promoting tourist destinationsДокумент Moral aspects of protection of personal data of individuals in international documents and judgments of the European court of human rights(Міжнародний гуманітарний університет, 2020) Horielova, V.Yu.; Горєлова, Вероніка ЮріївнаThe article examines the moral aspects of personal data protection of individuals in international legal acts and decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, because personal data protection is a plane of the moral side of human existence, which is fundamental for the real ization of this person’s right to respect for private life. and family life. According to the provisions of national and international law, it is established that the category of “personal data” coincides in its understanding with the categories of “confidential information” and “personal information”. The article analyzes the international legal acts on the protection of personal data of individuals. A special provision is the provision according to which personal data indicating racial, political, religious or other beliefs, as well as data related to health. I or a person’s sexual life and those data relating to the criminal conviction of a person may not be subjected to automated processing if domestic law does not provide adequate guarantees for the protection of personal data. Also, the European Commu nity generally advises States to refrain from automated processing of personal data if appropriate data safeguards are not taken when storing such data in files to prevent accidental or unauthorized destruction or accidental loss of data and to prevent unauthorized access, alteration or alteration. dissemination of such information, and if there are no appropriate sanctions in the state in cases of violations of the provisions on personal data protection. The basic moral and legal principles and features on which the European Court of Human Rights is based in its decisions are revealed. Thus, the European Court in its decisions has established that a person may suffer non-pecuniary damage in the following cases: reasonable and unreasonable duration of data storage; violation of a person’s right to personal development, as well as the right to establish and develop relationships with other people and with the outside world; in cases of systematic or permanent accounting of personal infor mation, even in cases where such data may be contained in publicly available or other sources; in cases of collecting information about a person using a GPS device attached to his car and data about his location and movement in the public sphere. In view of the aboveДокумент Mutual responsibility of the state and the individual for the ecological state of the environment(Видавнича група «Наукові перспективи», 2024) Horielova, Veronika Yuriivna; Горєлова, Вероніка ЮріївнаThe article examines the current state and problematic aspects of liability in the environmental sphere and nature management, which is a "sustainable issue", the solution of which is complicated, firstly by military conflicts, environmental and man-made disasters.It is emphasised that the highest value is a human being, his or her life and well-being, which are inextricably linked and dependent on the quality of the environment.The fact that this issue affects almost all aspects of human activity highlights the importance of finding ways to solve it.Responsibility in the environmental sphere, therefore, should be seen, on the one hand, as the responsibility of the state to the individual, and, on the other hand, as the responsibility of the individual for the damage caused to the environment.The article investigates the peculiarities of positive (ensuring rational use of nature, identifying risks and threats to the environment and preventing them, etc.) and negative responsibility of the State for the ecological state of the environment to a person, which should not be viewed from the standpoint of "guilty without guilt", but as unsatisfactory work of state bodies to prevent environmental threats.The features of positive and negative human responsibility for the ecological state of the environment are also considered.Due to the absence of legislative consolidation, the article offers the author's definition of the understanding of damage to the environment -as negative consequences resulting from irrational or illegal interference.Summarising the experts research, the article concludes that there is an inequality of responsibility between the subjects of environmental law.In the context of inadequate state environmental control and a high level of environmental violations, it would be correct to introduce public control and give such control broad powers to ensure compliance withenvironmental legislation, which will serve to preserve the environment and strengthen law and order.Документ OKR as tool of staff efficiency improvement(Придніпровська державна Академія будівництва і архітектури, 2024) Naumova, Olena; Kopyl, Andrii; Наумова, Олена ОлександрівнаThe article examines the management system of setting objectives and evaluating the key results as one of the factors in improving employee satisfaction and effectiveness. The relevance of the research topic is justified by the current negative situa-tion in the labor market of Ukraine and its continued stagnation, which negatively affects businesses. This trend requires com-panies to implement new tools to increase employee satisfaction and enhance employee effectiveness. This article investigates how implementing the OKR management system increases employee effectiveness. The scientific results obtained are practical proof of the direct impact of clear and understandable objective setting on employee performance, which directly influences the organization’s achievement of its strategic goals. The importance of periodically evaluating and reviewing established goals and key results has been identified.Документ Preservation and development of human potential of Ukraine in modern conditions(Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Видавничо-поліграфічний центр «Київський університет», 2022) Petrova, Iryna; Sandugey, Valentina; Mamedova, Shahla; Петрова, Ірина ЛеонідівнаThe article analyses the process of transforming human potential into human capital, as well as the decisive role of human capital in the formation of a competitive economy. The issues of ensuring conditions, identifying problems and evaluating the prospects for the development of human capital in Ukraine are investigated. The aim of the article is to substantiate contradictions in the formation of human potential and human capital, to reveal and explaine the gap between them, to determine the type of their reproduction and to show some ways of their preservation and development in modern conditions. The hypothesis of the article is the assumption that the human potential formed as a result of the accumulation of knowledge, skills and experience does not guarantee that its bearers will receive higher incomes from labor. The transformation of human potential into human capital involves the process of capitalization of acquired knowledge, which is influenced by many objective and subjective factors. Research Methodology is based on classical human capital theory as well as contemporary approaches to human recourses development. In addition, the following methods were used in the research process: theoretical generalization (concept of human potential and human capital) analysis and synthesis (component structure of human potential, levels and phases and types of human potential reproduction), quantitative-qualitative analysis (determination of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of human potential), comparative analysis (studying and comparing human potential indicators in different countries), statistical analysis and sociological analysis (using data of statistics and sociological research). Findings include our propositions on creating jobs, establishing interaction between the labor market and the market of educational services, developing the infrastructure of the labor market, raising the standard of living of the population, limiting the unemployment rate, supporting motivation to work, and regulating population migration. These factors require special measures to create conditions for the transformation of human potential into human capital, as well as for the development of human capital in the economy of Ukraine.Документ Prevention of economic crimes by the police: a legal measurement(Видавнича група «Наукові перспективи», 2024) Horielova, Veronika Yuryivna; Горєлова, Вероніка ЮріївнаThe article is devoted to the study of the problem of crime prevention in the economic sphere, which is considered relevant in view of the large number of reports of criminal acts, especially in the area of the use of budgetary funds, privatisation relations, land relations, foreign economic activity, etc. In addition, the article focuses on the study of cybercrime, since most economic crimes are committed via the Internet, and therefore it is considered necessary to implement appropriate measures to prevent and combat illegal manifestations in the field of digital relations. It is emphasised that economic crime primarily threatens the national security of the state. It should be noted that maintaining a sufficient level of protection against criminal manifestations in the economic sphere is implemented in different ways in developed countries, but the problem of criminals' constant improvement of mechanisms and methods of committing criminal acts in this sphere remains. The article examines the main problems of economic crime prevention. Based on a survey, the author found that investigators today lack the specialised knowledge and skills in both economics and IT (at least at a basic level) to successfully investigate economic crime, which has a negative impact on the quality of investigation, combating and prevention of crime in this area. The article shows that Ukraine does not yet have an appropriate law enforcement agency, and the draft law "On the principles of preventing and combating economic crimes and exercising financial control" does not contain any information on the nature of the state body that would have the authority and capacity to effectively monitor illegal manifestations in the economic sphere. It is noted that the prevention of economic crime will be facilitated by the creation of a sufficient set of training for future police officers in the field of economics and IT. It is also considered necessary to create a single police unit that will deal only with economic crimes.Документ Principles of training of pedagogical staff under the paradigm of the New Ukrainian School(Запорізький національний університет; Литовський університет спорту, 2020) Kit, Mykhailo; Кіт, Михайло ОлеговичUnder the concept of the New Ukrainian School,requirements for modern teachersare higher.The basic competencies of the new teacher comprise openness, dedication to the profession, the ability to work on the basis of the subject-subject principle, social activity and unindifference.In addition, it is important to be able to apply the latest teaching technologies, be creative and strive for self-improvement.What should be the key principles of training such teachers remains the key question posed in the article.The subject ofresearchis training of teachersin the context of the new paradigm.The purpose of the articleis to determine theprinciples of training of thebasiccompetencies in anew teacheraccording to the paradigm of the New Ukrainian School. The methodology ofstudying theattractiveness of theschoolis basedupon theuse ofsystematic,logical,historical and dialecticalapproachesandmethods.The results ofscientificresearch.Key principles ofpedagogical training: meaningful (philosophicaland pedagogical content of activity), dynamic (field of professional development through the identification to creative self-realization), institutional (organization of a positive humane environment),technological (adequate forms, methods and means of professional development of the teacher's personality, based on cooperation).Professional development of the teacher is impossible without constant self-education, participation in programs of training and any other kinds and forms of professional development.The practical value of the results.Professional competence of the teacher is a prerequisite for the improvements in education and successful development of the New Ukrainian School. In order to prepare a quality competitive specialist, the teacher must react quickly to changes in the socio-economic environmentand adapt their professional activity to new conditionsДокумент Public morality as an object of national security of ukraine: theoretical and legal aspect(Національний університет "Одеська юридична академія", 2020) Horielova, V.; Горєлова, Вероніка ЮріївнаThe article examines the expediency of introducing spiritual and moral and ethical values as an object of protection by the National Security Service of Ukraine in accordance with the draft Law on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the Security Service of Ukraine” to improve organizational and legal principles. activities of the Security Service of Ukraine. It is established that as an object of national security, public morality can be interpreted in a narrow and broad sense. In a broad sense, such an object of public morality can be interpreted as a system of state values, such as sovereignty, language, territorial integrity, health, honour, dignity, inviolability of the person and so on. In the narrow sense, the object of social morality is the spiritual state of each individual, because a person according to the Basic Law of Ukraine is the highest value. It is clear that public morality cannot be “programmed” even by interpreting the practice of past world experience, and thus moral values are more appropriate to lay in the legal field to be protected. In our opinion, public morality as an object of protection by the security service of Ukraine should include in its structure values and ideas related to the life of society, as well as requirements and practices corresponding to these values. The current legislation of Ukraine, which is designed to protect human rights and freedoms, unfortunately, does not contain an interpretation of the concept of “morality” and “public morality”. Even though everyone can understand good and evil, useful and harmful, he is also subject to his own ideas of good and bad. Under the law, a basic amount of responsibilities is created, the standard of moral behaviour necessary for the proper functioning of society. Thus, although the law cannot express the will of everyone and cannot correspond to the moral idea of justice of everyone, it is in democratic, legal states that the law creates a personal space of man, in which he harmoniously coexists with his own considerations of morality. Morality as a specific object of the national security service of Ukraine should form a kind of code of appropriate and positive for society, regulate behaviour, have a special spiritual dimension and perform in society several socially significant functions that will promote harmonization of person and society. Although the law cannot express the will of everyone and cannot correspond to the moral notion of justice of everyone, it is in democratic, legal states that the law creates a person’s personal space in which he harmoniously coexists with his own considerations of morality. Morality as a specific object of the national security service of Ukraine should form a kind of code of appropriate and positive for society, regulate behaviour, have a special spiritual dimension and perform in society a number of socially significant functions that will promote harmonization of person and society. Although the law cannot express the will of everyone and cannot correspond to the moral notion of justice of everyone, it is in democratic, legal states that the law creates a person’s personal space in which he harmoniously coexists with his own considerations of morality. Morality as a specific object of the national security service of Ukraine should form a kind of code of appropriate and positive for society, regulate behaviour, have a special spiritual dimension and perform in society a number of socially significant functions that will promote harmonization of person and societyДокумент Social inclusion as a public management goal: determinacy for proper assessment(Західноукраїнський національний університет, 2020) Radionova, Iryna; Радіонова, Ірина ФедорівнаIntroduction. The article substantiates the necessity to clarify the content of the phenomenon and the concept of social inclusion for national public administration system improvement. To this end, it analyzes social sphere management practices and some national social policy models of governments of different countries. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the ideas and practices of social inclusion management for their implementation in the Ukrainian economy and society Method (methodology). The methodological basis of this study is formed by the works of scientists who have created the theory of social inclusion and also formed by the econometrics toolkit. Results. The considered article makes a generalization regarding the existence of three areas of inclusion implementation, namely: in the distribution of income, property and national wealth, in labor and entrepreneurial activity, in participation in public administration and direct democracy. It has defined a series of indicators by which inclusion can be assessed in each of the identified areas. The article has constructed the integral index of social inclusion and explains the possibilities of its practical use in public administration. It identifies the problems that arise when trying to calculate such an integral index of inclusion and outlines the possible ways of solving them. It presents the results of a comparative analysis of the relationship between the level of differentiation of citizens’ incomes and the level of GDP per capita in Ukraine and Lithuania.Документ Strategic development of export-import operations of enterprises in the post-war economic recovery in the context of Ukraine's integration into the European Union(Державний Науково-дослідний інститут інформатизації та моделювання економіки, 2024) Pletenetska, S.M; Puzyrova, P.V.; Bikhunov, V.V.; Shubin, D.A.; Плетенецька, Світлана МихайлівнаThe subject of the research is the theoretical and practical aspects of the strategic development of export–import operations of enterprises in the post–war economic recovery of Ukraine in the context of its integration into the European Union. The aim of the research is to determine the strategic directions and prospects for the development of export–import operations of Ukrainian enterprises in the post–war economic recovery in the context of Ukraine’s integration into the European Union. Research methods. In the course of the study, we used the following general scientific and special methods: literature analysis; statistical analysis; SWOT analysis; comparative analysis; scenario analysis method; expert survey; factor analysis; graphical and tabular analysis and others. Results of the investigation. It has been established that in the context of Ukraine’s post–war recovery, the strategic development of export–import operations is of particular importance, since economic stability and the reconstruction of the national economy directly depend on Ukraine’s successful integration into the world economic community, in particular into the European Union. The EU is one of Ukraine’s key economic partners, so deepening trade relations and adapting Ukrainian business to European standards is becoming an important task for businesses and the government. It is proved that after the war, Ukraine will need to restore its production potential and infrastructure, which makes the development of foreign economic activity an extremely important factor in stimulating economic growth. It is established that an effective export–import policy will provide enterprises with new opportunities to enter international markets, help attract investment, increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian goods and services, and create new jobs. In addition, Ukraine’s integration into the EU implies active adaptation of legislation, economic instruments and standards to European norms, which will require flexibility and readiness for reforms from enterprises. The author analyzes and finds out that an important component is also the prospects for expanding trade with the EU countries through the Free Trade Area, which is already operating under the EU–Ukraine Association Agreement, which contributes to improving the quality of Ukrainian products, developing small and medium–sized enterprises and diversifying export markets. It is proved that the identification of strategic directions for the development of export–import operations in the post–war period is extremely relevant, which will ensure Ukraine’s economic recovery and its successful integration into the European and world markets Scope of the results. Strategic development management, foreign economic activity, export–import operations, integration into the EU, business economics, international economics. Conclusions. The study has determined that export–import operations play a key role in the recovery of Ukraine’s post–war economy and integration into the European Union. Despite the numerous obstacles faced by Ukrainian enterprises as a result of the war, the strategic development of this sector opens up new opportunities for economic growth. The author proposes the main strategic directions for the development of export–import operations for Ukrainian enterprises, namely: integration into the EU and adaptation to the requirements of European markets; diversification of export markets; modernization and digitalization of processes; and stimulation of state export support programs. Thus, integration into the EU, modernization of production processes, diversification of export markets, and development of state programs to support exporters will allow Ukraine to take its rightful place on the world economic stage and ensure stable economic growth in the future.Документ The impact of business reputation on ensuring the economic security of a company(Видавничий дім "Гельветика", 2024) Naumova, Olena; Naumova, Mariia; Shevchuk, Artem; Наумова, Олена Олександрівна; Наумова, Марія; Шевчук, АртемThe article offers a theoretical analysis of the influence of reputation on a company's economic stability and practical insights for businesses in monitoring and evaluating reputation to uphold economic security. For monitoring a company`s reputation, authors recommend applying the reputation dimensions (drivers) formulated by RepTrak Company. The article underscores the pivotal role of a resilient, positive reputation in attracting skilled employees, strengthening brand marketing efforts, and fostering long-term customer loyalty. It also highlights the dire consequences of a damaged reputation, which can negatively affect economic security – creating financial setbacks, hindering the company's advancement, and more. This underlines the pressing need for reputation management and the imperative for businesses to be proactive in this area for favorable market developmentДокумент To the issue of safety in food sphere as the highest social value in the healthcare system(Видавнича група «Наукові перспективи», 2024) Horielova, Veronika Yuriivna; Горєлова, Вероніка Юріївнаhe article is devoted to substantiating the conceptual foundations of the current state of food safety in the healthcare system. The issue of food safety is related to two fundamental and contradictory factors that are inextricably linked: on the one hand, it is the process of combating environmental pollution, and on the other hand, counteracting fraudulent actions by food producers. Among the main threats to food safety are a number of unresolved issues and the neglect of the main measures of state influence in the field of healthcare on the activities of economic actors. Based on WHO international standards and national legislation, it is possible to outline the main guidelines for achieving food safety, including: compliance with the latest food standards; prevention of potential contamination of agricultural land, water, air and the use of harmful substances in products; and improvement of food production technologies. Based on the basic requirements outlined in the HACCP food safety management system, certain problematic issues regarding the complexity of the integration processes of the HACCP system in Ukraine at the present stage are identified. The article outlines and describes the main types of threats that currently exist in Ukraine and are directly related to food quality. The article outlines the ways to overcome such threats, which have already been activated by the state, expert and public organisations. The article considers the recommendations of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) on responsible management of land tenure, fisheries and forestry in the context of national food security. Based on the research, it is possible to draw conclusions: in order to achieve safety goals in the food industry, attention should be focused not only on economic and legal issues, but also on the ecological side of the issue; provision of the state doctrine of health protection is not possible without approval of the doctrine of food safety; the state strategy must have a regulatory nature and correspond to the best international documents and practices; strategies must meet real-time requirements and have a long-term nature; focus on human health should be implemented through the prism of maintaining a healthy (safe) environment. It is emphasised that at the current stage in Ukraine, attention should be focused on priority immediate measures that do not require significant investments from the state,like: reducing tax pressure on food producers, spreading and supporting public control on a par with state controlДокумент Алгоритм створення проектного офісу організації(Видавнича група «Наукові перспективи», 2025) Сумець, Олександр Михайлович; Алькема, Віктор ГригоровичУ статті наведені результати щодо формалізації типового алгоритму створення проектного офісу в організаціях різної галузевої належності, що отримали статус проектно-орієнтованих. Проектний офіс відіграє ключову роль у середовищі, де одночасно виконуються декілька проектів, таким чином підкреслюючи суттєвий вплив керівників на загальний стратегічний розвиток компанії. Створення офісу управління проектами не лише посилює спроможність організації ефективно реалізовувати останні, але й створює середовище, сприятливе для стратегічної гармонізації управлінської діяльності, що стосується проектів у межах організації. Проектний офіс є одним із елементів організаційної структури підприємства, фірми чи компанії. При цьому він функціонує як ключова організаційна структура, яка відіграє фундаментальну роль у нагляді, координації та вдосконаленні проектної діяльності. Метою дослідження є розробка типового алгоритму створення проектного офісу в проектно-орієнтованій організації, що мають різну галузеву належність. Методологія виконаного дослідження базувалася на основі аналізу наукових публікацій вітчизняних і закордонних дослідників та матеріалів, що оприлюднені на різних Інтернет-платформах Аналіз наукової і навчально-методичної літератури, а також програм тренінгів з управління проектами та організації проектних офісів надав можливість формалізувати типовий узагальнений алгоритм створення проектних офісів у проектно орієнтованих організаціях. Даний алгоритм складається з трьох етапів, у межах яких виконується тринадцять послідовних кроків. Алгоритм ґрун тується на системному підході до утворення в загальній структурі проектно орієнтованої організації проектного офісу, спираючись на результати аналізу між учасниками проектів, а також запровадження моніторингу та оцінки діяльності проектного офісу задля вчасного його вдосконалення. Отримані результати дослідження спрямовані на розвиток теоретико-методичної бази організації проектних офісів саме для проектно-орієнтованих організацій. Перспективою подальших досліджень у цьому напрямі є розробка методич ного забезпечення оцінки ефективності імплементації проектного офісу в загальну структуру проектного-орієнтованої організації, встановлення і обґрунтування оціночних показників ефективності функціонування проектного офісу. її потреб, цілей і пріоритетів, функціонал, наявні ресурси, процеси та інструменти управління проектами, а також на встановлені стандарти роботи. У процесі розробки алгоритму було враховано створення системи комунікації між учасниками проектів, а також запровадження моніторингу та оцінки діяльності проектного офісу задля вчасного його вдосконалення. Отримані результати дослідження спрямовані на розвиток теоретико-методичної бази організації проектних офісів саме для проектно-орієнтованих організацій. Перспективою подальших досліджень у цьому напрямі є розробка методич ного забезпечення оцінки ефективності імплементації проектного офісу в загальну структуру проектного-орієнтованої організації, встановлення і обґрунтування оціночних показників ефективності функціонування проектного офісуДокумент Амбівалентність концепцій права власності на землю: фактичне право, юридична абстракція чи відповідальність?(Національна академія правових наук України, 2020) Сидор, В.Д.; Сидор, Вікторія ДмитрівнаПоступальний розвиток доктрини земельного права України неможли вий без перегляду існуючих концепцій права власності на землю, відносин і зв’яз ків людини з землею, що відображають основний зміст процесів збалансованого соціально-економічного та екологічного розвитку. Сучасні виклики, пов’язані з перспективою скасування мораторію на відчуження земель сільськогосподарсь кого призначення, утворенням латифундій і зняттям обмежень щодо суб’єктного складу власників, потребують конструктивного та адекватного реагування. Метою статті є аналіз існуючих у країнах загального та континентального пра ва підходів до розуміння права власності на землю, а також викладення власного бачення найбільш прийнятної для правової системи України концепції з урахуван ням національної стратегії сталого розвитку держави та особливого статусу землі як основ ного національного багатства. У дослідженні проаналізовано емпіричний підхід країн загального права у розу мінні права власності на землю. Охарактеризовано властиву країнам континен тального права абстрактну концепцію сприйняття власності на землю як юридично визнаного і закріпленого факту. Авторка доходить висновку, що законні інтереси різних суб’єктів земельних від носин нерідко можуть суперечити одне одному, тому важливого значення набуває здатність земельного законодавства забезпечити баланс цих інтересів. Це досягаєть ся завдяки втручанню держави з метою додержання принципу пріоритету публіч них інтересів над приватними. Раціональний і справедливий розподіл суспільної користі землі досягається через встановлення державою певних обмежень влас ників землі та землекористувачів, спрямованих на забезпечення добробуту всіх громадян. Обґрунтовано перспективність концепції права власності на землю як взаємної відповідальності громадянина і держави, оскільки право власності на зем лю як обмежений природний ресурс завжди пов’язане з соціальними потребами та обов’язкамиДокумент Аналіз впливу диджиталізації на попит і пропозицію на ринку праці України(Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана, 2022) Бараш, А.Ю.; Петрова, І.Л.; Петрова, Ірина ЛеонідівнаУ статті визначено вплив цифровізації та автоматизації виробничих процесів на попит і пропозицію на ринку праці України. Встановлено позитивні наслідки оцифривізації, які стабілізують ситуацію на вітчизняному ринку праці, зокрема в екстремальних умовах пандемії і війни, це: поява нових цифрових професій, можливість віддаленої роботи, індивідуалізація форм зайнятості і умов співпраці під особисті потреби суб’єктів ринку праці. Введено поняття цифрові професії, як креативної трудової діяльності, яка пов’язана з впровадженням, забезпеченням функціонування і поширенням працівником цифрових технологій у виробничих процесах в будь-якій сфері економічної діяльності. Обґрунтовано тенденцію збільшення чисельності цифрових працівників внаслідок загальносвітової тенденції побудування глобального інформаційного суспільства. Показано наслідки диджиталізації, які заважають ефективному функціонуванню ринку праці і проявляються у збільшенні безробіття через появу зайвих працівників, навички яких є недоцільними у оцифрованій реальності, відплив кадрів на зарубіжні ринки праці, посилення нерівності населення у трудових можливостях. Зроблено висновок про необхідність взаємодії освітніх закладів, бізнесу і держави у досягненні збалансування попиту і пропозиції на ринку праці України в умовах диджиталізації.