Розділ у колективній монографії, виданій за кордоном
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://dspace.krok.edu.ua/handle/krok/4869
Документ Peculiarities of the methodology for studying social, legal and historical legal systems(E-SCIENCE SPACE, 2023) Kudin, S.; Frantsuz, A.; Shevchenko, D.; Frantsuz-Yakovets, T.; Stepanenko , N.; Француз, Анатолій Йосипович; Француз-Яковець, Тетяна Анатоліївна; Степаненко, Наталія В'ячеславівнаIn the context of the development of the national legal science (including the history of law and comparative history of law), the issues of legal research methodology are becoming increasingly important. This necessitates the use of modern approaches which may result in the acquisition of knowledge which would adequately reflect the entire “palette” of social, legal and historical and legal reality, and identify the common and distinctive features of national and European law from the historical perspective. Such approaches should be based on the principles of research objectivity, social responsibility of scientists, and the diversity of methodological links between legal science and social sciences and humanities. One example of the use of an interdisciplinary approach is the “mastery” of the synergistic approach by legal science. It is fundamentally different in its content from the “traditional” approaches used in legal and historical and legal studies.