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Документ Advantages of fact-based decision-making principle on TQM implementation at Libyan Iron & Steel company LISCO(Університет «КРОК», 2021) Safar, H.; Bielova, O.; Бєлова, Олена ІгорівнаThe article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the formation and management decisions, based on facts in the process of implementing the principle of Total Quality Management in the Libyan Iron & Steel Company LISCO.The aim of the article is to determine the role of the principles of implementation of total quality management (TQM) in relation to product quality in the Libyan Metallurgical Company (LISCO).The article examines the peculiarities of Libyan companies and found that Libyan manufacturing companies, on the example of the Libyan Iron & Steel Company LISCO, face many difficulties and obstacles in implementing and maintaining modern quality management systems. The article presents the definitions of "Quality", "Quality Management" and "Total Quality Management". It is proven that since today "Total Quality Management" is still a new concept that is currently being implemented in the activities of the Libyan company LISCO, the question arises about improving the applied quality managementmethods. This article demonstrated that Libyan companies and their management still have lack of knowledge about programs and approaches to Total Quality Management. In addition, the study and analysis of the current activities of the Libyan company will help managers and executives who make decisions based on facts in the management of manufacturing companies and projects implemented in the course of their activities; also, these studies will allow companies to focus on the strengths and weaknesses of management systems in general, which are associated with the implementation of common quality systems. The article also notes that the Libyan company LISCO makes many efforts to try to develop and implement a system of Total Quality Management and effectivelyapply it in the company as a whole and in the process of implementing individual projects in particular. However, the article emphasizes that due to the large number of threats and difficulties in implementing a Total Quality Management system in the company's activities (the most powerful of which are the impact of exogenous factors, some technical aspects, integration and development of Libyan company’s staff), it becomes clear that systems to date is only partially possible and requires phased implementation. The article also raises the question of the need for a comprehensive approach to research on the formation and implementation of the Total Quality Management system in LISCO and argues the relevance of further research in this area.Документ Advantages of implementation system of climate and environmental management in the activities of the enterprise(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2021) Bielova, O.I.; Naumova, O.O.; Бєлова, Олена Ігорівна; Наумова, Олена ОлександрівнаДокумент Analysis and prioritizing rick minimizing techniques of IT projects(Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури, 2021) Jalal, Elbaruni; Bielova, Olena Ihorivna; Melenchuk, Viktor Mikolayovich; Бєлова, Олена ІгорівнаThis article is devoted to the risk analysis of IT projects. The article defines the risks of IT projects, classifies the key risks of IT projects and identifies the main sources of risks of IT projects. The analysis of risks of IT projects at introduction of information management system in realization of projects of the company is also presented. The possibility of risks of IT projects during the implementation of the management information system in the implementation of the company's projects is analyzed. And also the ways of minimization of occurrence of risks of IT projects at introduction of information management system in realization of projects of the company are offered. Under ideal circumstances, in modern organizations, project implementation reduces risks to zero. At the same time, in modern realities, it remains necessary to take into account risks and manage them as part of the organization when implementing projects. Nevertheless, risk minimization is effective for the dynamic growth of an organization or institution when implementing projects. The current trends in information projects in today's competitive world are fundamental and necessary for any project-oriented organization to manage risks in information outsourcing projects in an ideally complex task. Thus, this article examines the main factors that lead to the emergence of risks, based on modern scientific sources from leading researchers in the field of project management, taking into account the peculiarities of developing an optimal risk management system in an organization when implementing projects, as well as the implementation of such a system under various scenarios of projects’ implementation in organizations. A structure aimed at improving the risk management system in organizations during project implementation is also proposed. The study found that prioritization in the consideration of project risks, as well as risk factors, helps to correlate the risk of the project and the risk of the company itself. Prioritizing the response to risk factors and their strength of influence, considering the time, volume and quality of risks are of paramount importance for the dynamic growth of the organization and allow to conduct a matrix analysis of risks, and then propose ways to minimize risk.Документ Content marketing model for effective Web content management(Університет «КРОК», 2021) Diachuk, I.; Дьячук, Ірина ВіталіївнаThe current stage of development of the Internet economy has led to an increase in the need for information, which plays the role of a production factor and a strategic resource. New forms of information services for users of Internet resources are being actively introduced with the provision of documented information prepared in accordance with the needs of these users. The market of information products and services is formed as a set of economic, legal, organizational and programmatic relations for the sale and purchase of information products and services, which are formed between their suppliers and consumers. Ways of disseminating information products and information services can be based on both free and commercial principles. The purpose of this article is to develop an understanding of content marketing as a contemporary tool of Internet-marketing, as well as to equip Ukrainian businesses with content marketing model for the effective management of website content. This study made use of qualitative data collection with semi-structured interviews, survey, observation methods, quantitative and qualitative methods of content analysis of regional B2B companies, comparative analysis. The following essential stages of the content marketing process as preliminary search and analysis, website content creation, promotion and distribution, and content marketing progress assessment were identified. The strategic decisions and activities at each stage of the process showed how a company’s on-site and off-site content can be used as a tool to establish the relationship between the brand and its target audience and increase brand visibility online. It has been revealed that the content marketing tasks are to communicate with the audience, distribute information, build trust and rapport with the audience and gain the loyalty of website users. This study offered several useful insights into how website content, social media and various optimization techniques work together in engaging with the target audience and driving website traffic and sales leadsДокумент Corporate culture in forming the motivational mechanism of strategic management of project-oriented organizations(УДУ імені Михайла Драгоманова, 2024) Bielova, О.І.; Lotariev, A.G.; Bielov, О.E.; Бєлова, Олена Ігорівна; Лотарєв, Андрій ГригоровичIn project-oriented organizations operating in the rapidly changing environment of globalization and digitalization, corporate culture takes on special importance. It is the corporate culture that becomes the basis for creating a motivational mechanism for strategic management that stimulates employees to implement strategic innovation projects, increase work efficiency, and achieve the company's strategic goals.Документ Employment flexibility in Ukraine: advantages and limitations(ТОВ "ФІНТЕХАЛЬЯНС", 2021) Petrova, Irina; Kravchenko, Irina; Lisogor, Larisa; Chuvardynskyi, Vladyslav; Петрова, Ірина ЛеонідівнаThe changes in the economic and social spheres that occur in conditions of rapid technological changes and affect the structure, form and nature of employment are studied. It is argued that increasing employment flexibility, which is in line with the idea of expanding economic freedom for employers and employees, may exacerbate the social risks associated, in particular, with a weakening of the social security of employed. The existing foreign mechanisms of risk prevention in promoting employment flexibility are analysed, and it had reflected in the flexicurity concept. It is proved that the strengthening of employment flexibility in Ukrainian practice is accompanied by three main tendencies: diversification of employment forms that are characterized by flexibility; maintaining the rigidity of labour legislation on employment and employment in the public sector; preservation of the non-sufficient and inefficient level of social protection of flexible employment. Various points of view of different scientists on employment flexibility are analysed that allowed to study the specific forms of flexible employment in the Ukrainian economy. Proposals had developed to improve the conditions for the development of flexible employment, covering organizational, economic and institutional vectors.Документ Evaluation of effectiveness of responsibility centers in the management accounting system(Allied Business Academies, 2019) Drobyazko, Svetlana; Shapovalova, Alla; Bielova, Olena; Nazarenko, Oleksandr; Yunatskyi, Marian; Бєлова, Олена ІгорівнаEvaluation of effectiveness of responsibility centers was studied on basis of reporting for different levels of management, in terms of their overall performance, which should be based on previous key indicators, which should be understood as a set (a system) of indicators both financial and non-financial, enabling managing personnel to determine the extent to which they have reached strategic and operational goals. At the same time, segregation of the appropriate types of centers of responsibility, depending on the chosen approach to implementation of management accounting at enterprises was justified. To achieve target performance indicators of responsibility centers an employee motivation system with financial and social incentives was developed aiming not only to identify contribution of certain responsibility centers in the process of accomplishing management goals, but personal contribution of each individual employee. To evaluate sufficiency of information in management reporting, a diagnostic map developed based on analysis of key indicators is proposed. © 2019 Allied Business AcademiesДокумент Features of climate and ecological management and marketing as the basis for sustainable strategic development of a modern enterprise(Університет «КРОК», 2021) Bielova, O.; Бєлова, Олена ІгорівнаThe article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the formation of climate and ecological management and marketing in a modern enterprise. The terms "climate management", "ecological management" and "sustainable strategic development of the enterprise" are defined. The preconditions for the emergence and development of ecological and climate management and marketing in a modern enterprise in the process of its sustainable strategic development are identified and analyzed. Since the sustainable strategic development of the enterprise is defined in the article as a kind of socio-economic strategic development of the enterprise, carried out in harmony with the environment, it is emphasized that sustainable strategic development involves ensuring and meeting real social needs without compromising the interests of future generations, which involves the use of ecological and climate management and marketing. It is also emphasized that for the enterprise in the transition to the model of sustainable development itis necessary to ensure economically stable and further development of the enterprise due to its rational economic activity on the basis of low-waste and resource-saving technologies; as well as to promote changes in the structure of production and consumption, as there is a need to compare production with depreciation and consumption. The article defines that ecological and climate management in a modern enterprise in the process of its sustainable strategic development affects such areas as: organizational culture of the enterprise; natural resources management; waste management; security management; energy management at the enterprise; product life cycle management, etc. The article analyzes that the effectiveness of climate and ecological management and marketing also depends on such internal factors as: the level of staff qualifications; motivation of management and staff; availability of resources; level of responsibility at the enterprise. Of the external factors, the norms and laws on ecological protection at the macro level and the participation of stakeholders at the micro level are identified as key. The main advantages of climate and ecological management and marketing for sustainable strategic development of the enterprise are identified and it isemphasized that with optimally thought-out and planned implementation climate and ecological management and marketing can not only significantly increase the company's profit and production capacity, but also contributes to the formation of manifestationsof modern ecological culture, which is an integral part of sustainable strategic development of any modern enterpriseДокумент Features of managing the creative development of the socio-economic system in the conditions of influence of Covid-19 pandemic(Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2023) Kopytko, Marta; Zaverbnyj, Andrij; Diachuk, Iryna; Nikonenko, Uliana; Khalina, Olena; Дьячук, Ірина ВіталіївнаThe main purpose of the study is to model the process of managing the creative development of the socio-economic system in the conditions of influence of COVID-19 pandemic. For this, we have applied the methodology of functional modeling and graphical display, which includes the possibility of structural analysis and serves as effective information technology for any control system. Socio-economic systems are a large number of complex organizational structures with a large number of management processes. The largest of these are companies and organizations with appropriate personnel, on which it depends on where the company will move. It is impossible to compete without creative development. For an illustrative example, we used the current socio-economic system in the form of a company, in which creativity and creative development play an important role. As a result, we reflected how, through a convenient and easy-to-use model, it is possible to form clear steps and stages that would informatively reflect creative development for the socio-economic system (company). © 2023 The Author(s).Документ Formation of development strategies of transport and logistics companies under current conditions(IAEME Publication, 2020) Stetsiv, Iryna S.; Diachuk, Iryna V.; Vdovichena, Olga G.; Heidor, Alla P.; Chervinchuk, Andrii V.; Дьячук, Ірина ВіталіївнаIn the activities of any company there comes a stage when it needs to expand the horizons of its business. It is extremely important to work out a clear sequence of actions that should be performed to achieve maximum results on the threshold of choosing the direction of further development. In fact, the development strategy is such a plan of actions. Therefore, the purpose of this research article is to study the construction features of the development strategy of transport and logistics companies along with the analysis of factors, which should be taken into account during this creating. We have used the method of analysis and synthesis, as well as the method of comparison to conduct the investigation. Achieving the target goal was ensured by defining separate formation stages for the development strategy of transport and logistics companies. In addition, the research article considers the indicators that determine the ratings, conducted by various international organizations and institutions for assessing the state of transport and logistics in their member countries. Thus, the Aggregated Logistics Performance Index for 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018 has been analyzed; the indicator called Doing Business in the regional context, as well as in the context of countries around the world has been examined. The source of information was the data published on the official website of The World Bank. Along with that, the directions of growth in demand for various modes of transport in the near future have been determined, based on the data provided in the International Transport Forum Transport Outlook 2019. At the same time, consideration of the construction stages of development strategies for companies, involved in the field of logistics and transport, has been carried out with a detailed description of each of them. In addition, the statistics of gross revenues of the largest transport and logistics companies is the confirmation of the effectiveness of the development strategies' application towards expanding cross-border cooperation. © IAEME Publication.Документ Forming of integrated understanding of project terms: faulk's algorithm as one of the formalized approaches(Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center, 2020) Kolomytseva, Olena; Verenych, Olena; Danchenko, Olena; Bielova, Olena; Palonna, Tetyana; Pepchuk, Serhii; Бєлова, Олена Ігорівна; Данченко, Олена БорисівнаThe success of the project implementation depends not only on the highly qualified professional project team. Success also depends on a clear (integrated) understanding of all project processes by all stakeholders. Integrated understanding is based on a clear understanding of project terms and concepts. Such terms and concepts are captured in conventional project management methodologies, methods, and approaches. However, they need to be understood not only by industry experts, but also by some stakeholders. Lack of an integrated understanding of terms and concepts leads to misunderstanding of project actions and, therefore, delays in project implementation, which is determined by the time of integrated understanding formation. The necessary terminological volume for stakeholders can be determined by applying a frequency dictionary approach, which allow all terms and concepts to be ranked according to their appearance and use at different stages of the project life cycle. The purpose of the article is to present a formalized approach to implementing a consistent presentation to capture project terms and concepts by stakeholders. To this end, it is proposed to use the Faulk’s algorithm to construct an effective acquisition sequence. If there is a certain set of terms, each of which must be appropriately mastered, and between these terms there are certain dependencies (sequence of mastering), then the problem of constructing the best path to mastering can be solved by applying a Faulk’s algorithm based on a graph theory approach. © 2020 by author(s) and VsI Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center.Документ Human Resource Management and Corporate Culture in Small Enterprises: Case of Ukraine(ФОП Лібуркіна Л. М., 2020) Petrova, I.L.; Albdrane, M.; Петрова, Ірина ЛеонідівнаThe article deals with the peculiarities of human resources management system in small enterprises in Ukraine, identifies its distinctive features, which reflect in organizational culture and provide unique opportunities of productivity growth in an organization, and on the other hand impede its development. Human resources management system is considered as a complex and multifaceted process, covering the set of organizational practices and activities aimed at effi cient and effective utilization of the most valuable resource of an organization – people and at the same time as a dynamic system which should be constantly improved. The specificity of human resource management in small businesses in Ukraine was analyzed and compared with European experience. The authors’ attention was paid to fore key characteristics of human resources management system in small business as staff professional development, using outsourcing and leasing of staff, motivation system as well as improvement of corporate culture. These characteristics show both controversial problems of small enterprises growth and opportunities of their further development. Besides, weakness of Ukrainian small business is evident in limited HR-practices, informal procedures and relations, lack of social protection, uncertainty and unpredictability of doing business, insufficient level of corporate culture. Relying on the results of research suggestions on improvement of human resources management system in small enterprises were made.Документ Learning space conceptual model for computing games developers(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2018) Biloshchytskyi, Andrii; Kuchansky, Alexander; Andrashko, Yurii; Bielova, Olena; Бєлова, Олена ІгорівнаThe article is devoted to the construction of learning space conceptual model for preparation of GameHub computer game developers in higher education institutions. The concept consists of three main components: a methodological or pedagogical component, a technological component, an information component. The article describes processes scheme for developing of learning space infrastructure and reflects the interactions between GameHub participants. The article presents an example of such a scheme for magistracy students, bachelor's degree students and free listeners from one of the Ukrainian universities. An approach to the student knowledge diagnosis is described on the basis of writing and testing analysis. Highlighted results in this paper are useful as a guide for step-by-step organization and for supporting the functioning of game educational hubs in higher education institutions. The described concept includes basic tools that are necessary for effective student training organizing on the principles of computer game development. Learning space conceptual model can serve as foundation for the formation of professionals training implementation roadmap in gaming industry. The concept is proposed for implementation by universities and private IT companies interested in Serious Games industry development. © 2018 IEEE.Документ Marketing and climate change(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2021) Bielova, O.I.; Naumova, О.О.; Бєлова, Олена Ігорівна; Наумова, Олена ОлександрівнаДокумент Motivational mechanism in project management: strategic aspect(Університет «КРОК», 2020) Bielova, O.; Poskrypko, Yu.; Бєлова, Олена ІгорівнаThe article identifies and analyzes the priority factors that have a significant impact on the formation of a motivational mechanism for project management in strategically oriented enterprises. Itis determined that well-selected staff and not just staff, but each employee is indispensable for the success of both the individual project and the enterprise as a whole, and if the company in today's highly competitive industry seeks to develop, it cannot afford dispersion in the selection staff and in motivating staff. It is established that since the focus of the development of the motivational mechanism of project management was a person, there is a need to analyze the motivational impact on staff during the project. It is also analyzed that the establishment of the main motives of the project team members, allows us to conclude that they all affect the effectiveness of strategic management of the enterprise as a whole. The article presents and argues the structuring of motivators and demotivators of the motivational mechanism of project management, which allows to summarize the main factors influencing the project team and increase the strategic activity of each project stakeholder. The article states that the key to the success of any company that implements the project approach will be to develop a management strategy in which actions in the company and its internal structure will be as consistent as possible with external conditions, and for this thecompany must develop such a motivational mechanism of project management, which will correspond to the system of strategic management of the enterprise as a whole.Документ Peculiarities of inclusive resource centers implementation in Ukraine(Університет «КРОК», 2020) Yevchenko, M.; Bielova, O.; Бєлова, Олена ІгорівнаPromoting equal access to quality education is an international agenda. In Ukraine, many changes have been made along the way, both at the level of legislation and at the level of practice: changes have been made to the basic Laws of Ukraine on the development and implementation of inclusive education; created conditions for teaching children and youth with special educational needs on the basis of many preschool, secondary and higher education institutions, training teachers to work in an inclusive educational environment, etc. At the same time, there are still many challengesalong the way: lack of resources, experience, understanding of the main advantages of this new philosophy of education. The modern paradigm of education is based on the idea of creating adequate conditions for individuals with different learning needs (including for people with various mental and physical disabilities and gifted people). Modern educational practices and pedagogical systems of developed and developing countries are undergoing the necessary changes in society, making the transition to new educational concepts and technologies. International organizations recommend inclusive education as a priority for the development of the education system, aimed at realizing the rights of citizens to receive quality education and social integration.The underpinning principal is that all children have the right to be educated regardless of their special needs, disabilities and abilities with appropriate support provided. In order to make the education system inclusive and provide education for all citizens, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine together with other stakeholders developed strategies which support the education of children with special educational needs and initiated thecreation of the inclusive resource centers(IRC).The aim of this study is to highlight new approach on theoretical justifications and applied calculations necessary to ensure the implementation of inclusive resource centers.This article focuses on implementation of inclusive resource centers in Ukraine. The article also presents target audience, characterizes the profiles of children withspecial educational needs, their parents and teachers. Competitiveness of substituteinstitutions is analyzed using parametric method and the method with the weighted indicators. To evaluate the project alternatives, the «SPACE»method is applied. The article demonstrates the international experience oftwo modelsofіnclusive resource centersДокумент Personnel marketing in company’s compensation policy(Університет «КРОК», 2020) Bielova, O.; Petrova, I.; Бєлова, Олена Ігорівна; Петрова, Ірина ЛеонідівнаThis article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the formation of the compensation policy of the modern enterprise and the role of personnel marketing in its formation.The terms "personnel marketing" and "compensation policy" are defined. Personnel marketing is defined as a type of management activities aimed at long-term provision of the organization with human resources that form the strategic potential that is necessary to achieve its specific target priorities.Compensation policy is defined as a system of external incentives that encourage the employee to get a result that satisfies both the employee and the company. It is also proposed to consider the employees of the enterprise as an "internal consumer", which allows to update the relevance of the application and development of internal marketing, and in particular personnel marketing. The main motivators and demotivators that influence the behavior of the employeein building an effective system of personnel marketing in the compensation policy of the enterprise are identified. The influence of motivators and demotivators on the needs of employees is graphically presented and the specifics of this influence on the effectiveness of staff marketing in the compensation policy of the company are analyzed. Features, advantages and disadvantages of creating a compensation policy at a modern enterprise are analyzed. Specific examples of optimization of personnel marketing in modern enterprises are given. The key elements of the compensation policy that affect the efficiency of a modern enterprise are highlighted. The list of principles of construction of effective compensation policy at the modern enterprise (which includes: openness, flexibility, complexity, stability, system, efficiency, etc.) is formed and features of their application are analyzed. The relevance of further research in the field of personnel marketing in the compensation policy of the enterprise is arguedДокумент Preservation and development of human potential of Ukraine in modern conditions(Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Видавничо-поліграфічний центр «Київський університет», 2022) Petrova, Iryna; Sandugey, Valentina; Mamedova, Shahla; Петрова, Ірина ЛеонідівнаThe article analyses the process of transforming human potential into human capital, as well as the decisive role of human capital in the formation of a competitive economy. The issues of ensuring conditions, identifying problems and evaluating the prospects for the development of human capital in Ukraine are investigated. The aim of the article is to substantiate contradictions in the formation of human potential and human capital, to reveal and explaine the gap between them, to determine the type of their reproduction and to show some ways of their preservation and development in modern conditions. The hypothesis of the article is the assumption that the human potential formed as a result of the accumulation of knowledge, skills and experience does not guarantee that its bearers will receive higher incomes from labor. The transformation of human potential into human capital involves the process of capitalization of acquired knowledge, which is influenced by many objective and subjective factors. Research Methodology is based on classical human capital theory as well as contemporary approaches to human recourses development. In addition, the following methods were used in the research process: theoretical generalization (concept of human potential and human capital) analysis and synthesis (component structure of human potential, levels and phases and types of human potential reproduction), quantitative-qualitative analysis (determination of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of human potential), comparative analysis (studying and comparing human potential indicators in different countries), statistical analysis and sociological analysis (using data of statistics and sociological research). Findings include our propositions on creating jobs, establishing interaction between the labor market and the market of educational services, developing the infrastructure of the labor market, raising the standard of living of the population, limiting the unemployment rate, supporting motivation to work, and regulating population migration. These factors require special measures to create conditions for the transformation of human potential into human capital, as well as for the development of human capital in the economy of Ukraine.Документ The factor of war as a threat to sustainable development and a challenge for corporate social responsibility(Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2024) Korol, Svitlana; Sobchuk, Olena; Bielova, Olena; Shapovalova, Alla; Бєлова, Олена ІгорівнаAbstract. The purpose of the study is to analyze the practice of involving multinational companies in achiev-ing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in general, and the response to SDG 16 “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions”.The research methodology involves a comparative analysis of the attitude towards the SDG leaders of sus-tainable development and MNCs that currently continue to work on the Russian market is presented. The conducted research showed that MNCs mostly recognize their impact on achieving SDG 16, but at the same time (1) they put it at a medium or low priority level; (2) emphasize justice and strong institutions. As a result of the study, it was proven that the existing approach to assessing the level of achievement of SDG 16 does not take into account modern conditions of warfare and needs to be revised.The novelty of the study lies in the further development of scientific approaches to assessment of interna-tional business contribution to SDGs achievement and promotion of sustainable peace, opposition to military aggression, as well as substantiating the need to change approaches (criteria) to assessing the achievement of SDG 16.Документ The role of corporate culture in managing virtual project teams: strategic challenges, solutions, and development prospects(Scientific Center of Innovative Researches OU, 2024) Bielova, Olena; Bielov, Oleksandr; Бєлова, Олена Ігорівна