Кафедра управлінських технологій
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Документ Actual directions of regulation and stimulation of innovative development of industrial enterprise(Scientific Center of Innovative Research, 2022) Kyrychenko, Oksana; Кириченко, Оксана СергіївнаThe article explores current directions of regulation and stimulation of innovative development of industrial enterprises with the introduction of new, revolutionary technologies consisting of three main key components: providing state support and stimulating scientific and technical activities; assistance in promoting newly created innovations in industrial production; formation and development of the ecosystem of Industry 4.0. The purpose of the article is to study the current directions of regulation andstimulation of innovative development of industrial enterprises. The main objectives are to study the directions of state support for the introduction of new technologies and the renewal of production capacities of enterprises; systematization and classification of these areas, research of conditions and technologies that will ensure the technological and economic development of enterprises and ensure the development of a new digital economy in the country and active social and economic development.In order to substantiate the actual directions of regulation and stimulation of innovative development of industrial enterprises, a logical, dialectical approach and methods of scientific knowledge were applied: observation, comparison, abstraction.The comprehensive, systematic introduction of these innovations is possible to transfer innovation activity in Ukraine to a new level of high-tech digital development and will ensure dynamic integration, industrial introduction of newly created innovations, strengthen the relationship between science, education and industrial production and build a new national ecosystem of "Industry 4.0" in Ukraine on its basis. The main priority areas of technological development are: the field of information and communication technologies; Engineering; aerospace; military industrial complex; complex engineering; creation of new materials; and the creation of technologies in the field of alternative energy. These sectors are important, their development willhave a significant impact on the development of other areas and industries. An important task in the development of innovative technologies of scientific technological developments with the introduction of technologies is the formation and development of the domestic market of technological innovations, companies that create innovations, their offers on the market and companies, enterprises that are in demand for these implementationsДокумент Assessment of the level of economic security of innovatively active enterprises as the basis of the management process within the financial and legal field(ТОВ "ФІНТЕХАЛЬЯНС", 2021) Litvin, Nataliia; Grabar, Nataliia; Tymofeev, Serhii; Harasym, Pavlo; Myshchyshyn, Olha; Літвін, Наталія МиколаївнаToday, in the current conditions of enterprise management, it is relevant to build and implement an effective economic security management system in the enterprise’s activities. Accordingly, as a control element, it is necessary to highlight the value of assessing the level of economic security in order to make the company’s specialists successful management decisions. Under the influence of momentary changes in management, it is problematic to select the theoretical and methodological foundations that will be used in such an element of enterprise management, including economic security, as an assessment. Some parameters that are obtained when assessing the level of economic security of an enterprise do not take into account all important aspects of activities. The main goal is to assess the level of economic security of innovatively active enterprises as the basis of the management process within the financial and legal field. The expediency of applying the Solow model to determine the level of economic security of innovatively active enterprises, based on the use of such quantitative indicators as the available labor resources, production assets, the volume of investment in innovation, the volume of non-productive consumption and the final product, is proposed and substantiated. The use of this technique allows us to conclude about the importance of resource provision and the dominant influence of the provision of labor resources to innovatively active enterprises. The research methodology assumes that at the present stage, the assessment of the level of economic security of enterprises is carried out using various methods and techniques. Agreeing with the permanent approaches proposed by economists, we propose to adapt to the system of methods for assessing the economic security of enterprises a method based on the use of the Solow model, the essence of which is that the economic security of an enterprise is considered as a whole economic phenomenonДокумент Cучасні наукові підходи в дослідженнях системи економічної безпеки суб’єктів господарювання(Університет «КРОК», 2013) Алькема, В.Г.; Алькема, Віктор ГригоровичУ статті розглянуто сучасні дослідження економічної безпеки суб’єкта господарювання з використанням ендогенного підходу. Висвітлено концептуальні засади та можливості екзогенного підходу в дослідженнях систем економічної безпекиДокумент Development of the financial and economic security of the company based on the superintendence of its business activity(MAGNANIMITAS Assn., 2021) Kupriichuk, Vasily; Pershko, Larisa; Kyrychenko, Oksana; Nesterenko, Halina; Danylyuk, Kateryna; Kveliashvili, Iryna; Кириченко, Оксана СергіївнаThe article aims to substantiate and develop measures to improve industrial enterprises' financial and economic security based on their business activity management. This study analyzes the factors that shape the business activity of modern companies. The crisis phenomena in the contemporary economy have led to an increase in the importance of the issues of managing the financial and economic security of industrial pursuits. The dynamism of the external and internal environment requires industrial enterprises' management to search for ways to improve the safety of their financial and economic activities. The article presents proposals to develop the financial and economic security of businessesДокумент Digitization of the Production Process: An Example of The Use of RFID Technologies For Modern Enterprises(Transnational Press London Ltd, 2024) Denysov, Oleg; Litvin, Nataliia; Lotariev, Andrii; Oliinyk, Vitalii; Денисов, Олег Євгенійович; Літвін, Наталія Миколаївна; Лотарєв, Андрій ГригоровичThe purpose of the study is to improve the efficiency of the production process of engineering enterprises. The object of study is enterprise engineering. The scientific task is to determine the most optimal RFID technologies to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the production process of engineering enterprises. The technique involves the use of the Saaty method of hierarchies and pairwise comparison. As a result, the most optimal and effective RFID technologies were selected to improve the production process of engineering enterprises through hierarchical ordering of the most significant RFID technologies that affect the production process of engineering enterprises. One limitation of this study is its exclusive focus on RFID technologies, which may not take into account the potential of other technology solutions to improve manufacturing processes. In addition, the use of Saaty's method of hierarchies and even comparison may introduce subjectivity into the selection of optimal technologies, since the results depend on expert assessments. Prospects for further research may include comparison of RFID with other modern technologies that are being implemented in engineering enterprises to ensure greater objectivity and completeness of the analysis. Also, an important aspect of future research could be a detailed analysis of the impact of RFID implementation on the economic efficiency of production and employee workload.Документ Economic justification for strategic decisions to improve the competitiveness of the enter(MAGNANIMITAS Assn, 2022) Vahonova, Oleksandra; Tryfonova, Olena; Bondar, Olena; Petrukha, Nina; Kyrychenko, Oksana; Akimov, Oleksandr; Кириченко, Оксана СергіївнаThe purpose of this article was the development of theoretical provisions, as well as the formulation of methodological and practical recommendations for the formation of a strategy for increasing the competitiveness of an industrial enterprise based on the use of management tools and methods. It is shown that the strategic management of the competitiveness of enterprises is based on the principles of strategic management, scientific approaches to managing competitiveness and should be aimed at creating key competitive advantages related to market position, development of innovations, increasing labor productivity, efficient use of resources, growth in profits of enterprises, formation of effective organizational and managerial structure of enterprises and the development of human resources. Important one for achieving the competitive advantages of the organization is strategic forecasting, characterized by the ability to predict the development of the market situation. A clear understanding of what to strive for gives management staff an understanding of the business development prospects that must be achieved in the future.Документ Impact of logistics on tourist destination development(Видавничий дім "Гельветика", 2024) Alkema, Viktor; Koziichuk, Oksana; Алькема, Віктор Григорович; Козійчук, Оксана ГригорівнаThe research aims to study the impact of logistics on the development of tourist destinations. It discusses the role and objectives of logistics in this context. The Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have significantly impacted the tourism industry and its logistics. The tourism industry worldwide almost fully recovered in the first half of 2024 after the Covid-19 pandemic. In Ukraine, tourism is also recovering, and despite the war, tourist tax revenues increased by almost a quarter in the first half of 2023 compared to the corresponding period in 2021. The research was based on analysis, synthesis, comparative analysis, and systematization methods. The study systematized and generalized the concepts of logistics levels that affect tourist destinations, logistics functions in tourism, and factors influencing the development of tourist destinations. Further research prospects involve justifying a model for the impact of tourism logistics on promoting tourist destinationsДокумент Innovative development and human capital as determinants of knowledge economy(VILNIUS TECH, 2020) Podra, Olha; Litvin, Nataliia; Zhyvko, Zinaida; Kopytko, Marta; Kukharska, Liliia; Літвін, Наталія МиколаївнаThe development of a knowledge economy is a key priority for innovative progress and for ensuring the country’s competitiveness through the efficient use of intellectual resources and human capital. Our paper is focused on a necessity to find out the influence of human capital in providing innovative development and the formation of knowledge economy, to develop measures for its formation, accumulation, preservation, reproduction in order to increase national competitiveness at the world market. The foundation of the knowledge economy is productive knowledge and quality education that contribute to the intellectual capital embodiment into productive activities. A detailed analysis of the current state and problems of the education and science spheres has been carried out, international ratings have been analyzed and the place of Ukraine in them is determined in the article. An estimation of financial losses of the economy in connection with the outflow of students to study abroad is hold in the article. By using the trend modeling method we propose to estimate the effect of the predicted values of the components of innovation activity on the Global Innovation Index. Results show that Ukraine position in the Global Innovation Index rating will strengthen, which can testify, about the redistribution of financing of the innovation sphere in favor of private institutions and investors. The transition to a knowledge economy involves an understanding of the decisive influence of science, the latest technologies, innovations in the global economy, and enables the resource-oriented countries to leave this status and become a countries of high-tech and high skilled development, based on the transformation of knowledge into a source of value and the driving force of economic progress. © 2020 The Author(s). Published by VGTU Press.Документ Legal regulation of the use of financial control tools for public administration of higher education institutions(Scientific Center of Innovative Research, 2023) Greben, Svitlana; Parashchenko, Liudmyla; Паращенко, Людмила ІванівнаThe issue of financing higher education institutions plays an important role in the development of every society. The purpose of the article is to improve the legal regulation of the use of financial control tools for public administration of higher educational institutions. The main methods that were used in the research are: methods of comparative analysis, to compare normative acts of Ukraine, which regulate the use of financial control tools for public administration of higher education institutions; methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization methods and others. The article analyzes the main models of financial control over education funding: Anglo-Saxon and continental models. To evaluate the effectiveness of the funds spent by the state on the proposed mechanism of public administration of higher education institutions with financial control tools, which includes: a mechanism for evaluating the scientific activity of higher education institutions; the IT audit mechanism of the grounds for the formation of a state order for the training of students by institutions of higher education; the mechanism of financial control over the distribution of budget funds depending on the results of the scientific activity of theinstitution of higher education. A mechanism of public administration of higher education institutions with financial control tools has been developed, which includes such basic elements as: purpose, tasks, objects and subjects, main structural components. The main directions of interaction between subjects of the mechanism of public administration of higher education institutions with financial control tools have been established. Directions for establishing the relationship between normative acts of Ukraine on issues of public administration of institutions of higher education and instruments of financial control have been developedДокумент Logistics activity in the regional market of tourist services(Scientific Center of Innovative Research, 2022) Alkema, Viktor; Алькема, Віктор ГригоровичThis article forms modern theoretical and methodological principles on the nature, place and role of logistics in the field of regional tourism. The influenceof the content and quality of logistics activities on the effectiveness and efficiency of tourist services is determined. Modern destructive factors influencing the development of both regional and international tourism have been identified. It is proved that logistics activity helps to strengthen the competitive position of the subjects of the market of tourist services in the regional tourist market. The content of the article reveals a set of basic terms for the interpretation of the definition of "logistics activities" and the main approaches to understanding it. The study of the role and place of logistics activities was carried out within the system-activity approach. The genesis of various aspects of logistics activity on the basis of the analysis ofworks of domestic and foreign scientists is considered. The generalized purpose of logistics activity is formalized and its tasks within the limits of exogenous and endogenous approaches are defined. Peculiarities of logistics activity in the regional tourism market are considered.The author's vision of the institutional structure of the subjects of the market of tourist services in Ukraine is formed and the place and role of the subjects of logistic activity in this market are determined. The logistic analysis of the subjects of the regional tourism market is carried out. The basic object of management in logistics, namely the logistics flow, is defined as the basic sign of differentiation of these subjects. The tendencies of development of the subjects of the regional tourism market are forecasted and the algorithm of their transformation into the subjects of logistic activity is offered. The process-functional structuring of the logistics activity of the subjects of regional tourism has been carried out.The basic postulates concerning logistics activity in the market of tourist services are formulated.A systematic decomposition of the components of logistics activity is presented. The place of logistic activity in the management system of the organization is determined. The nature of the influence of the organizational mechanism of logistics management on the effectiveness and efficiency of the regional tourism market is established. The directions of managerial activity of managers of logistics companies are revealed. The main types of logistics activities in the field of tourism are presentedДокумент Logistics ensuring the performance of security and defense tasks in conditions of hybrid warfare(Scientific Center of Innovative Research, 2022) Alkema, Viktor; Melenchuk, Viktor; Алькема, Віктор Григоровичn this article, modern theoretical and methodological principles have been formed regarding the essence, place and role of logistical support in the sphere of security and defense of the state in the conditions of a hybrid war in the field of regional tourism. The current state of the normative legal framework of state regulation and the state of scientific research regarding the purpose, principles of formation and approaches to the systematization and structuring of the components of logistics support and the assessment of its quality and effectiveness are determined. It was established that certain provisions of regulatory documents regulating these processes are outdated and do not meet the requirements of the times. The authors of the work identified the main alternative approaches to the formation of the basic principles of the formation of logistical support for the purposes of national security of the state and its regions. The composition of the specified principles was clarified based on the specific conditions for the implementation of logistical tasks both in the field of military logistics and the logistics of crisis situations typical for the conditions of conducting a hybrid war. As a result of the analysis of the mentioned approaches, it is proposed to supplement the existing complex with such macroeconomic principles as: the principle of partnership and multilateral cooperation, the anticipatory principle of collective defense, and at the level of individual tasks, the list of existing principles is supplemented with the principle of logistics optimization and outsourcing. The modern understanding of the "logistics support" category based on a systemic approach has been clarified. It was established that logistics support is, firstly, a complex of multifunctional means and tools, secondly, it is hierarchical in its structure, thirdly, the set of its components is determined by a list of specific tasks both within individual functions and in the whole set of tasks of complex (force and other) operations. An analysis of existing approaches to the systematization and structuring of logistics support components was carried out. Deficiencies in the structuring of the components of the logistics environment in the professional publications of individual scientists have been identified. On the basis of a critical analysis of current publications, an author's decomposition of the components of logistical support for solving security and defense tasks in the conditions of hybrid warfare was formed and their content was revealed. It was established that within the framework of the system approach, logistics support is a complex of interconnected links and components connected to each other in a single process of implementing tasks aimed at achieving internal and external security and defense goals. It is substantiated that the main components of this system are normative-legal, informational, organizational-economic, infrastructural, production-technological and medical. It has been proven that logistics support formed on the basis of analysis and consideration of environmental factors enables the realization of security and defense goals by integrating functional, management and support functions, and within them, processes and operationsДокумент Management of state financial policy in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic(MAGNANIMITAS Assn, 2021) Denysov, Oleg; Litvin, Nataliia; Lotariev, Andrii; Yegorova-Gudkova, Tetyana; Akimova, Liudmyla; Akimov, Oleksandr; Денисов, Олег Євгенійович ; Літвін, Наталія Миколаївна ; Лотарєв, Андрій ГригоровичThe Covid-19 pandemic has added an unprecedented element of unpredictability to the global economy. States are trying to fight the epidemic economic and social consequences by taking drastic measures, including financial intervention, in an attempt to stabilize markets. The article draws analogies with the crisis periods of the past, like the Great Depression of the 1930s, and shows that the current crisis has significant differences, which makes it difficult to apply any proven models of public financial policy to mitigate the consequences of the crisis. The necessity of strengthening the investment activity of the state, as well as the activity of the Central Bank to prevent financial panics, is substantiated, which should be carried out simultaneously with structural reformsДокумент Managing Weak Signals In The Foreign Economic Activity of a Modern Enterprise: Preventing a Decrease in the Financial and Economic Security with a Strategic Approach to Solving the Problem(Transnational Press London Ltd, 2024) Alkema, Viktor; Hryhoruk, Pavlo; Skhidnytska, Halyna; Senyk, Sviatoslav; Mykytyn, Oleh; Алькема, Віктор ГригоровичThe main purpose of the article is to create a system for responding to weak signals in the foreign economic activity of a modern enterprise. The scientific task is to form models of response and management of weak signals in the foreign economic activity of a modern enterprise, in the context of preventing a decrease in the financial and economic security of the enterprise. The proposed approach is based on the use of methods of DFD and functional modeling. As a result, two key models were formed: the first is the main model of management decision-making in the system of responding to weak signals and the second is the management functions for responding to weak signals. Our research makes an innovative contribution by integrating DFD and functional modeling methodologies to develop comprehensive models that provide deeper and more effective understanding of managerial decision-making in the context of responding to weak signals in a dynamic foreign economic environment.Документ Modern Economic-Legal Methods of Using Artificial Intelligence in An Educational Company: Information Technology to To Self-Development and Scientific Activity(Transnational Press London Ltd, 2024) Pazieieva, Anna; Smolinska, Olesia; Syniuk, Oksana; Turytsya, Olya; Leskiv, Halyna; Пазєєва, Ганна МихайлівнаThe main goal of the article is to highlight the most dangerous threats of artificial intelligence in an educational company and to formulate economic and legal methods to counter them. The object of the study is the key information technologies of an educational company. The scientific task is to conduct a detailed study of the system for using information technologies in an educational company and the subsequent formation of the most effective economic and legal methods of countering threats in this area. The methodology includes methods of system analysis, graph theory, pairwise comparison and hierarchical analysis. As a result, a number of key threats to artificial intelligence in theeducational company were identified, methods to counter them were formed. In addition, key countermeasures were identified. The study has limitations because it takes into account only a limited number of threats of the functioning of an individual educational companyДокумент Monitoring the state anti-crisis management of economic security of the Ukraine banking institutions(VGTU, 2020) Mihus, Iryna; Koval, Yana; Laptev, Serhiy; Bala, Olha; Kopytko, Marta; Мігус, Ірина Петрівна; Лаптєв, Сергій Михайлович; Копитко, Марта ІванівнаThe study and synthesis of research showed that the most often anti-crisis management is considered, firstly, as a complex of preventive measures that is comprehensive and aimed at preventing and eliminating unfavorable phenomenon for business using existing resources and survival potential, and secondly, as implementation of special procedures for the withdrawal of economic agents from the crisis, in particular such as sanitation, restructuring, bankruptcy, liquidation. The main element of system control at the macro level is the state regulation of the economy, one of the most important tasks of which is the elimination of failures of functioning of the market mechanism at the micro level, that is, the creation of conditions for overcoming the crisis phenomenon in the activities of business entities. This task is solved by developing and implementing measures of state anti-crisis regulation. The main purpose of the article is to carry out diagnostics and monitoring in the system of state crisis management of economic security of banking institutions of Ukraine. In addition, the purpose of the article is also to study and systematize the technology of state anti-crisis regulation of banking institutions of Ukraine. The article highlights the criteria for assessing the system of anti-crisis management of financial stability of banking institutions at macro and micro levels. The diagnostics in the anti-crisis regulation of banking institutions of Ukraine is carried out. The main components of the monitoring in the system of state anti-crisis management in the banking institutions of Ukraine are noted. The levers of state anti-crisis regulation in the banking institutions of Ukraine are described. The measures and technologies of state anti-crisis management at the level of banking institutions of Ukraine are proposed. The results of the study can be used by banking institutions of Ukraine, the National Bank of Ukraine, financial institutions, etc. © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.Документ Resilience and strategic management: ways to ensure economic and social security of Ukrainian enterprises during long-term warfare(Mos Pontevedra: Ediciones Clío, 2025) Alkema, Viktor; Hryhoruk , Pavlo; Skhidnytska , Halyna; Sylkin, Oleksandr; Алькема, Віктор ГригоровичThe objective of the research is to discuss the strategies that companies in Ukraine can implement to maintain their resilience and simultaneously ensure their sustainability in an environment of protracted war. To achieve this objective, a qualitative methodology is employed that combines the hermeneutics of in-depth interviews with business leaders and case studies of two conflict-affected but truly resilient companies. This methodology allows the identification of best practices in crisis management, as well as the necessary adaptation policies in business models to face the growing economic and social challenges. The documentary sources consulted underline the importance of international cooperation, technological innovation, and the development of a favorable regulatory framework to foster business resilience and ensure operational continuity in a context of uncertainty and risk. It is concluded that resilience and strategic management are fundamental to ensure the economic and social security of Ukrainian companies in the context of war, but they are also universal principles that, for what they represent, can be useful to overcome crises of various kinds that threaten the survival of a company located in each time and spaceДокумент Shadow employment in Eastern Europe: practical aspects of evaluation and counteraction(VGTU, 2019) Kopytko, Marta; Pazieieva, Anna; Khorosheniuk, Andrii; Matviienko, Mykhailo; Vinichuk, Мariya; Пазєєва, Ганна МихайлівнаThe paper outlines the main problems of shadowing of the labor market in Eastern Europe on the example of Ukraine and explores the factors that have a direct impact on them. A comparative analysis of the most widespread methods of tax evasion in Ukraine has been conducted. Using the software package MS Excel and CurveExpert 5.0, a study was made of the dynamics of the population employed in the informal economy during the period from 2001 to 2018; the impact of the level of labor market shadowing on the standard of living of the population of Ukraine, as well as the dynamics of the volume of remittances of labor migrants to Ukraine. The level of employment of the population in the informal sector of the economy is analyzed. It is proposed one of the alternative methods of economical and mathematical nature, with the help of which it is possible to conduct researches of the imbalance of economic systems, the construction of a mathematical model of balance on the basis of modeling of a small group using the graph theory, which will enable to carry out tactical and strategic control over the interaction of the main categories of the population in the labor market. © 2019 The Authors.Документ Social Partnership of Services Sector Professionals in the Entrepreneurship Education(Allied Business Academies, 2019) Tkachenko, Serhii; Berezovska, Liudmyla; Protas, Oksana; Parashchenko, Liudmyla; Durmanov, Akmal; Паращенко, Людмила ІванівнаSummarizing the results of comparative and pedagogical research of the features of social partnership in professional training of specialists in the service sector in Austria and Germany in order to find out the possibilities of creative use of constructive ideas of Austrian and German experience in the system of vocational education of Ukraine. The study showed that in Austria and Germany, the professionalization of adult education in a social partnership is an important part of the career development of professionals during their careers. The content of these lessons is aimed at the formation, development and improvement of personal and professional competencies (organizational, creative, leadership, communicative, etc.) of specialists, as well as increasing the efficiency of their professional activities. © 2019, Allied Business Academies. All rights reserved.Документ Strategic directions for innovative development of enterprise financial-economic security systems based on digital technologies/(Fintechalliance LLC, 2024) Pravdyvets, Oleksandr; Litvin, Nataliia; Denysov, Oleg; Polishchuk, Oleksandr; Oliinyk, Vitalii; Правдивець, Олександр Миколайович; Літвін, Наталія Миколаївна; Денисов, Олег Євгенійович; Поліщук, Олександр Аркадійович; Олійник, ВіталійA strategic approach has always been characterized by instability due to constant changes in the dynamics of the external environment in which modern enterprises op erate. The intensification of directions for innovative development changes over time and depends on the current conditions of the enterprise's functioning. Digital technolo gies have transformed the situation, but the problem is whether they remain relevant over a prolonged period. Thus, the article aims to identify the current strategic directions for the innovative development of enterprise financial-economic security systems based on digital technologies. However, to highlight what is currently relevant, it is necessary to evaluate changes in their intensification over recent years to determine whether what worked several years ago can still yield proper results today. This will constitute the main scientific task. The research object is the financial-economic security of such open socio-economic systems as enterprises. The article identifies key strategic directions for the innovative development of enterprise financial-economic security systems in the IT sector, which are highly active in applying digital technologies. Comparing them through a method of comparisons by advantages, we determined the intensification over a spe cific period of more than five years, as this pertains to a strategic approach. IT and security experts were involved, and their opinions were processed through the Delphi method. As a result, despite minor fluctuations, the intensification of the strategic di rections we identified has not changed significantly; therefore, they remain relevant today for enterprises in the IT sector. Given the existing restrictions in conditions of martial law, the practical application of the identified strategic directions was not real ized. The restrictions also affected the industry specificity, as only the IT sector was considered. The further trajectory of research is to enable secure innovative develop ment in the current conditionsДокумент Strategic Planning for Sustainable Development: Implementing Service Management in International Relations of the Enterprise(REFPress, 2023) Khasawneh, Fadiah Sami Ali; Pazieieva, Anna; Shenderivska, Lina; Nosan, Nataliia; Rosolianka, Nataliia; Пазєєва, Ганна МихайлівнаThe main purpose of the article is to determine ways to improve the effectiveness of strategic planning for sustainable development, the implementation of service management within the framework of international relations of a single socio-economic system like enterprise. The object of the research is the system of strategic planning of sustainable development. The scientific task is to form a mechanism for strategic planning of sustainable development of the implementation of service management in the framework of international relations. The research methodology involves the use of modern technologies for modeling the process of forming a mechanism for strategic planning of sustainable development. As a result, a mechanism for strategic planning of sustainable development for the implementation of service management in the framework of international relations was presented. The innovativeness of the results obtained is presented through the use of a graphic language to build a mechanism for strategic planning of sustainable development. The mechanism is a set of blocks that graphically show its operation. The graphic language was used by the software. The study is limited by taking into account only the specifics of service management in the framework of international relations. Prospects for further research should be devoted to taking into account the tactical and operational aspects of sustainable development.