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Документ Abduction of Ukrainian children during full-scale invasion(University of Warsaw, 2023) Frantsuz, Anatolii; Stepanenko, Nataliia; Shevchenko, Dmytro; Француз, Анатолій Йосипович; Степаненко, Наталія В'ячеславівнаProtecting and ensuring the rights of children is one of the crucial and fundamental tasks of the state, as children represent the future of any nation in the world. In the present circumstances, the attention and measures from Ukrainian authorities and society, demand clear and effective adherence to international standards regarding the rights of children, who have been illegally displaced and taken out of Ukraine. According to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, every child has the right to protection from any form of violence, including protection against illegal removal from their country. The actions taken by the aggressor state against Ukrainian children pose a direct threat to the lives and health of the civilian population, contravene international and domestic laws, and violate the constitutional rights and freedoms of Ukrainian citizens. Our country must ensure the restoration of children’s connections with their parents or other family members who are within the territory of Ukraine. The state authorities should exercise effective control over the exportation of children beyond the country’s borders, establish the reasons and circumstances of illegal removal, and participate in international cooperation with other countries to facilitate the return of illegally removed children to Ukrainian territory. However, in the conditions of war, fully controlling and unquestionably implementing this issue is difficult and problematic. The return of illegally removed children to Ukrainian territory and the protection of those who are in temporarily occupied territories constitutes a lengthy and challenging process that requires adequate efforts and significant legal support and resources. One of the top priorities for our state is the necessity to establish an effective system for safeguarding children’s rights, which would assist in their return to Ukrainian territory and their subsequent effective integration into society. Therefore, the practical implementation of comprehensive measures worldwide necessitates the development of new legal mechanisms for protecting children’s rights that would operate in conditions of war and allow international legal institutions to promptly respond to any violations of children’s rightsДокумент Acquisition of academic integrity competencies by postgraduate students and their impact on their scientific activity(Scientific Center of Innovative Research, 2022) Mihus, Iryna; Nakonechna, Nataliia; Мігус, Ірина Петрівна; Наконечна, Наталія ВасилівнаAcademic integrity plays an important role in everyone's research, especially for graduate students who are in the early stages of their careers.The purpose of the article is to establish the basic competencies in the field of academic integrity that postgraduate students should possess.The main methods that were used in the research are analysis and synthesis, methods of comparative analysis, generalization, which made it possible to achieve the set goal.The methodological basis of the study was a survey of postgraduate students of Ukrainian universities. Based on the results of the literature review, the authors systematized the main forms of violations of academic integrity that graduate students may encounter during their studies.Based on the results of a survey of postgraduate students, the main issues of compliance with academic integrity were investigated: compliance with the code of academic integrity of the university; availability of persons responsible for familiarizing postgraduate students with issues of academic integrity; the main forms of violations of academic integrity that postgraduate students may encounter during their studies; the main decisions made as a result of the detection of cases of violation of academic integrity; core competencies that graduate students would like to possess to prevent academic integrity violations. The main measures to inform postgraduate students about the observance of academic integrity have been proposedДокумент Actual directions of regulation and stimulation of innovative development of industrial enterprise(Scientific Center of Innovative Research, 2022) Kyrychenko, Oksana; Кириченко, Оксана СергіївнаThe article explores current directions of regulation and stimulation of innovative development of industrial enterprises with the introduction of new, revolutionary technologies consisting of three main key components: providing state support and stimulating scientific and technical activities; assistance in promoting newly created innovations in industrial production; formation and development of the ecosystem of Industry 4.0. The purpose of the article is to study the current directions of regulation andstimulation of innovative development of industrial enterprises. The main objectives are to study the directions of state support for the introduction of new technologies and the renewal of production capacities of enterprises; systematization and classification of these areas, research of conditions and technologies that will ensure the technological and economic development of enterprises and ensure the development of a new digital economy in the country and active social and economic development.In order to substantiate the actual directions of regulation and stimulation of innovative development of industrial enterprises, a logical, dialectical approach and methods of scientific knowledge were applied: observation, comparison, abstraction.The comprehensive, systematic introduction of these innovations is possible to transfer innovation activity in Ukraine to a new level of high-tech digital development and will ensure dynamic integration, industrial introduction of newly created innovations, strengthen the relationship between science, education and industrial production and build a new national ecosystem of "Industry 4.0" in Ukraine on its basis. The main priority areas of technological development are: the field of information and communication technologies; Engineering; aerospace; military industrial complex; complex engineering; creation of new materials; and the creation of technologies in the field of alternative energy. These sectors are important, their development willhave a significant impact on the development of other areas and industries. An important task in the development of innovative technologies of scientific technological developments with the introduction of technologies is the formation and development of the domestic market of technological innovations, companies that create innovations, their offers on the market and companies, enterprises that are in demand for these implementationsДокумент Administracyjnoprawny system swiadzen na rzecz osob niepelnosprawnych w Polsce(Університет «КРОК», 2017) Francuz, A.I.; Maj , E.A.; Француз, Анатолій ЙосиповичУ статті досліджується феномен інвалідності, концепція інвалідності та питання створення адміністративної системи управління допомогою інвалідам на прикладі Польщі.Документ Advantages of fact-based decision-making principle on TQM implementation at Libyan Iron & Steel company LISCO(Університет «КРОК», 2021) Safar, H.; Bielova, O.; Бєлова, Олена ІгорівнаThe article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the formation and management decisions, based on facts in the process of implementing the principle of Total Quality Management in the Libyan Iron & Steel Company LISCO.The aim of the article is to determine the role of the principles of implementation of total quality management (TQM) in relation to product quality in the Libyan Metallurgical Company (LISCO).The article examines the peculiarities of Libyan companies and found that Libyan manufacturing companies, on the example of the Libyan Iron & Steel Company LISCO, face many difficulties and obstacles in implementing and maintaining modern quality management systems. The article presents the definitions of "Quality", "Quality Management" and "Total Quality Management". It is proven that since today "Total Quality Management" is still a new concept that is currently being implemented in the activities of the Libyan company LISCO, the question arises about improving the applied quality managementmethods. This article demonstrated that Libyan companies and their management still have lack of knowledge about programs and approaches to Total Quality Management. In addition, the study and analysis of the current activities of the Libyan company will help managers and executives who make decisions based on facts in the management of manufacturing companies and projects implemented in the course of their activities; also, these studies will allow companies to focus on the strengths and weaknesses of management systems in general, which are associated with the implementation of common quality systems. The article also notes that the Libyan company LISCO makes many efforts to try to develop and implement a system of Total Quality Management and effectivelyapply it in the company as a whole and in the process of implementing individual projects in particular. However, the article emphasizes that due to the large number of threats and difficulties in implementing a Total Quality Management system in the company's activities (the most powerful of which are the impact of exogenous factors, some technical aspects, integration and development of Libyan company’s staff), it becomes clear that systems to date is only partially possible and requires phased implementation. The article also raises the question of the need for a comprehensive approach to research on the formation and implementation of the Total Quality Management system in LISCO and argues the relevance of further research in this area.Документ Advantages of implementation system of climate and environmental management in the activities of the enterprise(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2021) Bielova, O.I.; Naumova, O.O.; Бєлова, Олена Ігорівна; Наумова, Олена ОлександрівнаДокумент Analysis and prioritizing rick minimizing techniques of IT projects(Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури, 2021) Jalal, Elbaruni; Bielova, Olena Ihorivna; Melenchuk, Viktor Mikolayovich; Бєлова, Олена ІгорівнаThis article is devoted to the risk analysis of IT projects. The article defines the risks of IT projects, classifies the key risks of IT projects and identifies the main sources of risks of IT projects. The analysis of risks of IT projects at introduction of information management system in realization of projects of the company is also presented. The possibility of risks of IT projects during the implementation of the management information system in the implementation of the company's projects is analyzed. And also the ways of minimization of occurrence of risks of IT projects at introduction of information management system in realization of projects of the company are offered. Under ideal circumstances, in modern organizations, project implementation reduces risks to zero. At the same time, in modern realities, it remains necessary to take into account risks and manage them as part of the organization when implementing projects. Nevertheless, risk minimization is effective for the dynamic growth of an organization or institution when implementing projects. The current trends in information projects in today's competitive world are fundamental and necessary for any project-oriented organization to manage risks in information outsourcing projects in an ideally complex task. Thus, this article examines the main factors that lead to the emergence of risks, based on modern scientific sources from leading researchers in the field of project management, taking into account the peculiarities of developing an optimal risk management system in an organization when implementing projects, as well as the implementation of such a system under various scenarios of projects’ implementation in organizations. A structure aimed at improving the risk management system in organizations during project implementation is also proposed. The study found that prioritization in the consideration of project risks, as well as risk factors, helps to correlate the risk of the project and the risk of the company itself. Prioritizing the response to risk factors and their strength of influence, considering the time, volume and quality of risks are of paramount importance for the dynamic growth of the organization and allow to conduct a matrix analysis of risks, and then propose ways to minimize risk.Документ Analysis of financial statements as a business management tool(MAGNANIMITAS Assn, 2024) Panchenko, Olha; Balazyuk, Oksana; Portovaras, Tetіana; Andrieieva, Vita; Kotkovsky, Volodymyr; Андрєєва, Віта АнатоліївнаIn today's dynamic business environment and intensified competition among companies, the study of financial stability and management efficiency is crucial for any successful organization. Therefore, the analysis of financial statements is a necessary tool for enterprises to make rational management decisions and achieve strategic goals. Additionally, financial analysis is essential in the context of increasing competition and market volatility. The capacity to promptly respond to changes in the economic environment and adapt strategies is increasingly crucial for ensuring enterprise efficiency. Financial statement analysis, in particular, enables companies to assess their financial strength, determine optimal development strategies and make informed decisions in a changing market environment. Financial statement analysis is a crucial aspect of successful management. It involves a systematic analysis of an enterprise's financial and economic activities, including its structure, dynamics, and effectiveness. The scientific literature reviewed in this paper emphasizes the significance of financial statement analysis as a tool for identifying risks, formulating management strategies, and enhancing financial stability. In particular, the article discusses various aspects of the analytical approach, methods and tools of analysis that can help companies make informed management decisions. This article aims to explore the role and importance of financial statement analysis in business management. It covers various aspects of the analytical approach, methods, and implements of analysis to determine how this tool can become crucial for making informed strategic and operational decisions.Документ Assessment of financial management by own expenses at hotel and restaurant enterprises(Fintechalliance LLC, 2024) Rumyk, Ihor; Lakiza, Viktoriia; Kurylо, Oksana; Antoshkova, Nataliia; Taranenko, Halyna; Румик, Ігор ІвановичEvaluating a management system is always a complex and debatable process, as it is difficult to find an approach that integrates all aspects of management and allows for a comprehensive assessment that reflects the level satisfying all the needs of enterprise management. This also pertains to financial management, which, despite the possibility of using indicators of the financial activity of the enterprise, also includes a range of other indicators such as technical support, staff, and more. Taking into account the existing challenges, the aim of this article is to propose an original approach to evalu-ating the financial expense management of enterprises. In doing so, recognizing the complexity and individuality of each open socio-economic system, the focus is on en-terprises in the hotel and restaurant industry. Accordingly, it is possible to present a scientific objective that involves the development of an integrated approach to assessing the effectiveness of financial expense management in hotel and restaurant enterprises through the enhancement and addition of new indicators. The research methodology involves the use of general scientific methods such as abstraction, analysis, synthesis, etc. However, the key methods are integral methods for determining the consolidated index and expert analysis. In combination, they facilitated the identification of the im-portance of indicators and the obtaining of assessment results. The main result of the study was the identification of operating hotel and restaurant enterprises and, based on their data and information, calculation of indicators which ultimately allowed the calcu-lation and analysis of the dynamic, consolidated index of the effectiveness of financial management of expenses. The limitation concerns not considering an even broader spectrum of indicators, as the concept of "effectiveness" is extremely broad and our proposed list is not exhaustiveДокумент Assessment of the impact of the armed conflict in Ukraine on the development of the agricultural sector and price setting(Polissia National University, 2021) Semenenko, Oleh; Minochkin, Anatolii; Vasylenko, Serhii; Klepikov, Valerii; Pravdyvets, Oleksandr; Правдивець, Олександр МиколайовичThis paper analyses the impact of the armed conflict in Ukraine on the development of the agricultural sector and changes in average prices of agricultural products, and also identifies a possible relationship between changes in prices for agricultural products and financial expenditures for defence needs. The paper also investigates the possible relationship between changes in military spending, gross harvest of cereals and legumes, harvested and threshed area, their yield levels. The study considers how the presence and duration of armed conflict in the country affects: macroeconomic indicators, intensity of hostilities and their localisation in areas of economic activity, gross domestic product (GDP), government expenditures, export-import indicators; household expenditures and domestic investment, consumer and household expenditures. All this, indirectly, has an impact on fluctuations in average prices of products of different sectors of agriculture sold by enterprises. The study takes into account the importance of the agricultural sector of Ukraine, which is a significant part of the country GDP. The dependence of military spending on the size of GDP is the reason for analysing the relationship between the impact of the existing armed conflict on changes in the state of agriculture in Ukraine. One of the results of such actions was also the spending of more money on the purchase of agricultural products to support the defence needs of the state, etc. Therefore, to understand the magnitude of the impact of gross harvest factors, crop yields, and agricultural land volumes on the pricing of agricultural output using the method of statistical equation dependencies, the findings of the relevant analysis can be used as a basis for developing approaches, methods, and techniques to improve crop yields, or – initiate economic development of the country by increasing agricultural crop yieldsДокумент Assessment of the level of economic security of innovatively active enterprises as the basis of the management process within the financial and legal field(ТОВ "ФІНТЕХАЛЬЯНС", 2021) Litvin, Nataliia; Grabar, Nataliia; Tymofeev, Serhii; Harasym, Pavlo; Myshchyshyn, Olha; Літвін, Наталія МиколаївнаToday, in the current conditions of enterprise management, it is relevant to build and implement an effective economic security management system in the enterprise’s activities. Accordingly, as a control element, it is necessary to highlight the value of assessing the level of economic security in order to make the company’s specialists successful management decisions. Under the influence of momentary changes in management, it is problematic to select the theoretical and methodological foundations that will be used in such an element of enterprise management, including economic security, as an assessment. Some parameters that are obtained when assessing the level of economic security of an enterprise do not take into account all important aspects of activities. The main goal is to assess the level of economic security of innovatively active enterprises as the basis of the management process within the financial and legal field. The expediency of applying the Solow model to determine the level of economic security of innovatively active enterprises, based on the use of such quantitative indicators as the available labor resources, production assets, the volume of investment in innovation, the volume of non-productive consumption and the final product, is proposed and substantiated. The use of this technique allows us to conclude about the importance of resource provision and the dominant influence of the provision of labor resources to innovatively active enterprises. The research methodology assumes that at the present stage, the assessment of the level of economic security of enterprises is carried out using various methods and techniques. Agreeing with the permanent approaches proposed by economists, we propose to adapt to the system of methods for assessing the economic security of enterprises a method based on the use of the Solow model, the essence of which is that the economic security of an enterprise is considered as a whole economic phenomenonДокумент Business contribution to the global economic sustainable development(Scientific Publishing Center «InterConf», 2023) Tsevukh, Svitlana Mykhaylivna; Цевух, Світлана МихайлівнаДокумент Business reputation of enterprises: definitions, structure and reputation risk management(Scientific Center of Innovative Research, 2022) Korzhevskyi, Igor; Mihus, Iryna; Мігус, Ірина ПетрівнаThe article is devoted to the study of the essence of the scientific category "business reputation", as well as its structure and components. The purpose of the article is to establish the impact of business reputation on the economic security of enterprises based on the study of the main definitions and structure of business reputation. The main methods of research are the methods of analysis and synthesis, the method of comparative analysis, the method of systematization, and the graphic method, which contributed to the achievement of the set purpose. The main results of the article are the author's interpretation of the concept of "company's business reputation". The article also summarizes the main components of the company's business reputation, namely:image; reputation of the manager; information transparency; transparent organizational culture; financial stability of the company; goodwill social adaptability of the company; product quality; compliance. As a result of the research carried out by the author, the definitions of the scientific phenomenon of business reputation were systematized according to the multi-level principle in terms of different approaches; legal; marketing; marketing and accounting; marketing process; accounting; accounting and legal. According to the results of the scientific work on reputational risks, we systematized the main types of such risks: direct actions of your company and company practices; actions of employees, leaders, investors, or anyone that directly represents your business or has a relationship with your business; direct actions by partners or suppliers; as a result of external factors, like customers. Effectively managing reputational risk involves five steps systematized, namely: assessing company's reputation among stakeholders; evaluating company's real character; closing reputation-reality gaps; monitoring changing beliefs and expectations; putting a senior executive below the CEO in charge. Therefore, taking into account the above, the main measures for effective management of reputational risk are proposed, which can become the basis of further researchДокумент Change policy as "the new anti-burnout psychology" for teachers(Університет «КРОК», 2018) Petrunko, O.; Teslenko, V.; Петрунько, Ольга ВолодимирівнаA possibility to apply a change policy to counteract the syndrome of the professional burnout of teachers is presented in the article. The factors, promoting such change within the proceeding the indi-vidual movement / educational organization to the optimal functioning under the modern circumstances are analyzed.Документ Clinical psychology in the eu: a comparative analysis of best practices(Scientific Center of Innovative Research OÜ (Estonia), 2024) Burlakova, Iryna; Chernysh, Oksana; Kondes, Tetiana; Кондес, Тетяна ВасилівнаClinical psychology plays a vital role in promoting mental health and well-being across the European Union (EU). With diverse cultural, social, and systemic contexts, understanding the best practices in clinical psychology is crucial for improving mentalhealth care services. This article provides a comprehensive comparative analysis of clinical psychology practices across various EU member states, highlighting effective methodologies, training standards, and systemic frameworks. The primary aim of this article is to explore and evaluate the therapeutic approaches, training and professional development standards, and systemic frameworks utilized in clinical psychology across different EU countries. By identifying and comparing these practices, the article seeks to highlight the most effective methods and propose recommendations for enhancing mental health care in the region. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, including a thorough literature review, structured surveys, and semi-structured interviews with clinical psychologists, policymakers, and experts from various EU member states. Additionally, case studies from selected countries provide detailed insights into practical applications and outcomes. Quantitative data is analyzed using statistical methods, while qualitative data is interpreted through thematic analysis. The analysis reveals significant variation in therapeutic approaches, with the UK and Germany emphasizing evidence-based practices such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), while Sweden focuses on preventive strategies and public health integration. Training and professional development standards are most rigorous in Germany and the UK, ensuring high-quality practice. The Netherlands and Italy showcase the benefits of innovative and community-based care models. Overall, countries with robust mental health policies and integrated care systems tend to achieve better clinical outcomes. The findings underscore the importance of adopting evidence-based practices, enhancing training standards, and fostering therapeutic diversity to address complex mental health issues. Cross-border collaboration and knowledge exchange among EU member states can further refine and harmonize clinical psychology practicesДокумент Comparative analysis of experience of Georgia and Ukraine in implementation of mediation in commercial disputes(Університет «КРОК», 2021) Francuz, Anatolij; Polishchuk, Viktoriia; Француз, Анатолій ЙосиповичThis article is devoted to the analysis of the practical experience of mediation application in commercial disputes. A comparative analysis of the historical development of mediation in Georgia and Ukraine has been made. In the past in Georgia, mediators were found to be individuals, who enjoyed authority and trust among the members of society and who knew laws very well. In Ukraine, mediation has developed as a part of negotiations between the disputing parties. It is determined that current mediation in Georgia and Ukraine is developing in different ways. The starting point of the mediation development in Georgia can be considered a creation of a mediation clinic at the university. Thereafter, an institution that was focused on social dialogue was created in Georgia in 2008. Further development of mediation in Georgia was accompanied by the introduction of pilot projects and the active development of the training system for the new profession, namely a mediator. The result of pilot projects in Georgia was the adoption of amendments to the Civil Procedure Code, which established two forms of mediation. Mediation has become a must in family disputes and in settling disputes between neighbours. For other types of disputes, including commercial disputes, mediation was a recommendation. It was researched that financial incentives and accountability have been also applied to encour- age mediation in Georgia. For parties, who have used mediation before applying to the court but have not reached an agreement, a lower court fee is set. If the parties have waived the obligatory mediation, the defaulting party shall pay a fine. Georgian law also stipulates the possibility of enforcement of a decision made in the mediation process if one of the parties fails to comply with it. The author analysed that the draft law on mediation in Georgia will stimulate the state and all its bodies and businesses to actively use mediation in any disputes. In Ukraine, the development of mediation began in the 1990s. It is researched that Ukraine and Georgia have a similar start in the introduction of mediation into the legal system. An authority that is engaged in social dialogue has also been set up in Ukraine. However, in the absence of effort consolidation of all stakeholders in the legal definition of the mediation process in Ukraine, paths of mediation development in Ukraine and Georgia had split. It is concluded that the criterion of the success in implementation of mediation in legal terms is the need to introduce mediation disciplines in higher education institutions and to carry out educational work among the population on the effectiveness of this method of dispute resolution.Документ Comparative characteristics of the training of doctors of philosophy in economics in the leading countries of the world(Scientific Center of Innovative Research, 2022) Mihus, Iryna; Nakonechna, Nataliia; Мігус, Ірина Петрівна; Наконечна, Наталія ВасилівнаThe scientific training of doctors of philosophy is one of the indicators of the country's development and demonstrates the innovative progress of society. The purpose of the article is to compare the features of the training of doctors of philosophy in the leading countries of the world. The main methods that were used in the research are analysis and synthesis, methods of comparative analysis, generalization, which made it possible to achieve the set goal. The article examines the specifics of Training PhDs in Economics, and systematizes the specifics of each country. In the article, a comparative analysis of the system of training economics specialists at the scientific level of doctoral studies in the USA, Canada, Japan, and EU countries is carried out. The main differences were established in such areas as: Program duration; Master's degree requirements; Research flexibility; Funding opportunities; Teaching expectations. It has been established that Universities in Australia, New Zealand and Canada typically follow the American PhD structure: two years of classes plus three years of independent research. A PhD experience there is comparable to the one in the US. Similar programs (in terms of organization) are offered by top Asian schools in Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea. In other parts of the world, where economics research capacities are less developed, doctoral studies take various forms, such as employment at the national academy of sciences.Документ Compelling issues of realization of human and civil rights and liber ties in Ukraine(Університет "КРОК", 2016) Frantsuz, A.; Француз, Анатолій ЙосиповичCompelling issues of the rights and liberties of man and citizen are studied in the article, guara ntees of human and civil rights and liberties are analyzed, factors have b een affected on enforcement of human and civil rights and liberties in Ukraine are studiedДокумент Concept and content of professional ethics of a mediator(ТОВ «Наукова установа «Правові горизонти», 2024) Horielova, Veronica; Vishnevska, Yulia; Горєлова, Вероніка ЮріївнаThe article explores the content of a mediator’s professional ethics. It asserts that although conflicts originate in the social sphere, they fall within the legal domain (arising and being resolved within the scope of legal consequences) when considered as objects of mediation. It is noted that the mediator’s role is not solely a psychological phenomenon and should not be reduced to its practical application. Unlike a psychologist, a mediator operates within well-defined legal frameworks regarding the mediation procedure. Given the adversarial nature of the mediation object, a mediator cannot be either a party or an arbitrator. In other words, the mediator’s work is carried out within institutional legal principles, while the psychological aspect is strictly non-institutional. It has been researched that the professional ethics of a mediator is based on ethical values: trust; justice, including the principles of neutrality, independence, and impartiality; conscientiousness; truth, including transparency and honesty; f reedom, meaning respect for the mediator’s autonomy; responsibility; conscience, which includes the principle of voluntariness, dignity, humanity, and compliance with the requirements imposed on the mediator. It is noted that at present, there are no codified norms of ethical conduct for mediators, and the legislator’s attention is focused on regulating their activities. Emphasis is placed on the necessity of professional ethics arising from its socio-cultural purpose, which defines a system of values and principles that should correspond to the general concept of goodness for adequate professional communication. The article outlines some requirements for the ethics of mediators as mentioned in Ukrainian and foreign Codes of Ethics for Mediators. The main content of mediator ethics is defined in the article. The main features of the concept of professional ethics of a mediator are identified. An author’s definition of the concept of professional ethics of a mediator is proposedДокумент Conceptual trends of modern morality in legal society(Науково-дослідний інститут приватного права і підприємництва ім. академіка Ф. Г. Бурчака, 2020) Horielova, V.; Горєлова, Вероніка ЮріївнаThe article is devoted to the analysis of the current state of morality in the legal society. Observing the transformation of the content of morality, which is a special state in the mobile process of social development and is progressing at the turn of political and socio-economic transformations. We can say that the transformation of morality in law is a transformation of public opinion of different meaning and direction, which due to internal or external factors or a combination of them are reproduced in the rules of law. The transformation of morality occurs at certain stages of development of society, and especially at those points in time when people are very sensitive to any external changes. In such periods, the general morality of society may be on a new countdown and lead to changes in directions to its further evolutionary path. Such a transformation of morality cannot exist outside the law and not affect its content. The article examines current trends in the transformation of morality in a legal society, which give rise to new theoretical constructions and approaches in relations in society, and thus encourage the modernization of legal tablets. The article analyzes the materials of statistical research on the views on the morals of the younger generation and the elderly. The tendency of gradual degradation of moral foundations is traced. The article states that certain provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Public Morality” are unconstitutional, although they coincide with the requirements of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. It is emphasized that the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Public Morality” does not fulfil its function, because it lacks many necessary factors that need attention, and its provisions should not be perceived as a restriction of freedom of expression for man, as freedom of legal the state is possible only within the framework of observance of the law and norms of morality. The article emphasizes that the content of the category “rule of law” implies the filling of legal norms with several moral principles and principles, because otherwise, the state can not be called legal. The article substantiates and proposes the category of “stabilizing function of morality” as a new moral and legal category, which is to maintain the stability of basic principles and rules of human life within the state through public resources, social, humanitarian, educational, propaganda and other methods of influence