Frantsuz, A.Француз, Анатолій Йосипович2024-10-302016Frantsuz A. Compelling issues of realization of human and civil rights and liber ties in Ukraine/ A. Frantsuz //Правничий вісник Університету «КРОК».-2016. - Вип. 24. -С.5-102312-7686 issues of the rights and liberties of man and citizen are studied in the article, guara ntees of human and civil rights and liberties are analyzed, factors have b een affected on enforcement of human and civil rights and liberties in Ukraine are studiedenhuman rightslibertiesguarantees of the rights and liberties of man and citizenan enforcement of human rightsthe mechanism of legal regulationCompelling issues of realization of human and civil rights and liber ties in UkraineArticle