Horbachenko, OleksandraTomina, ViktoriiaKotviakovskyi, YuriiKhominich, MykolaSmolenko, YehorГорбаченко, Олександра Володимирівна2025-01-212025Implementation of EU Norms in Ukraine and Hungary: A Comparative Legal Analysis on the Path to European Integration / O. Horbachenko, V. Tomina, Y. Kotviakovskyi, M. Khominich, Y. Smolenko // Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia - Serie de Conferencias. - 2025. - Vol. 4. - Art.No.667(16p.). - DOI https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20256672953-4860https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2025667https://dspace.krok.edu.ua/handle/krok/5255European integration has become one of the most crucial strategic moments for European countries, including Ukraine and Hungary. The process of joining the European Union entails not only political and economic changes but also a deep harmonization of legislation with European European Union jurisdiction. Both countries have significant experience in implementing European Union norms, although their paths to this have been different. The article provides a comparative analysis of the experiences of Ukraine and Hungary in implementing European Union norms. The goal is to better understand the significance and importance of implementing European Union norms on the path to European integration and to contribute to more extensive discussions and analysis of this process in Ukraine and Hungary. Hungary's experience is crucial for Ukraine, given their geographical proximity and similarity in legal systems. The implementation of European Union norms is a crucial stage on the path to European integration.enEuropean integrationimplementation of normsUkraine and HungaryImplementation of EU Norms in Ukraine and Hungary: A Comparative Legal Analysis on the Path to European IntegrationArticlehttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-8805-4024