Essays writing: techniques and approaches





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Члени комітету


Університет «КРОК»


the workbook is built in accordance with the current work programme of the discipline "Foreign language (English)" for the 1st and 2nd year students, majoring in Journalism, Economics, Finance and International Relations. The workbook is a collection of exercises based on books used in teaching students written communication. It contains texts adapted from different sources, list of which is given in the end of this workbook. The workbook is designed to help students prepare for studies at university by introducing the types of written communication tasks which are likely to be met in an English speaking study environment. The students can assess their knowledge and practice to: write in an appropriate style, present a solution to a problem, present and justify an opinion, compare and contrast evidence and opinions, evaluate and challenge ideas, evidence, or arguments Sample answers are provided to give students an insight into what is required for writing a topic sentence, a supporting sentence, a closing sentence and paragraphs. The sample answers are also examples of writing different types of texts using different levels and styles of language. They are adapted versions of the texts from the sources listed in the reference block of the workbook.


Ключові слова

essays, есеїстика, англійська мова

Бібліографічний опис

Marynovych V. Essays writing: techniques and approaches: Work book for students majoring in Journalism, Economics, Finance and International Relations. Kyiv: «KROK» University, 2023. 81 p.