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The factor of war as a threat to sustainable development and a challenge for corporate social responsibility
(Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2024) Korol, Svitlana; Sobchuk, Olena; Bielova, Olena; Shapovalova, Alla; Бєлова, Олена Ігорівна
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to analyze the practice of involving multinational companies in achiev-ing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in general, and the response to SDG 16 “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions”.The research methodology involves a comparative analysis of the attitude towards the SDG leaders of sus-tainable development and MNCs that currently continue to work on the Russian market is presented. The conducted research showed that MNCs mostly recognize their impact on achieving SDG 16, but at the same time (1) they put it at a medium or low priority level; (2) emphasize justice and strong institutions. As a result of the study, it was proven that the existing approach to assessing the level of achievement of SDG 16 does not take into account modern conditions of warfare and needs to be revised.The novelty of the study lies in the further development of scientific approaches to assessment of interna-tional business contribution to SDGs achievement and promotion of sustainable peace, opposition to military aggression, as well as substantiating the need to change approaches (criteria) to assessing the achievement of SDG 16.
The right to scientific discovery as an object of legal protection: National and international perspectives
(Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, 2024) Mykola Kotenko; Oleg Dzisiak; Olga Tymoshenko; Evgeniy Zozulya; Eduard Ivanchenko; Дзісяк, Олег Петрович
Introduction to the Problem: This article explores the concept of the right to scientific discovery as a fundamental aspect of human rights, examining its legal protection both at the national and international levels. Purpose/Study Objectives: The purpose of this research is to analyze the domestic legal framework for rights to scientific discoveries and characterize foreign approaches to regulating relations related to the implementation and protection of rights to this object of intellectual property. Design/Methodology/Approach: The methodology covers both general scientific and specific legal methods. In particular, the authors used the following methods: analysis and synthesis, formal-legal, comparative-legal, analytical-prognostic, socio-legal research, empirical, and induction methods. By analyzing national laws, international treaties, and case studies, this research provides a comprehensive overview of the legal landscape surrounding the right to scientific discovery. Findings: The right to scientific discovery is a critical aspect of legal protection at both national and international levels. While intellectual property laws provide a primary mechanism for protecting scientific discoveries, broader human rights frameworks and international treaties also play vital roles. Moreover, significant disparities exist between countries regarding access to scientific knowledge and research capacity. Thus, international cooperation and support are crucial to mitigate these imbalances and promote global equity in scientific advancement. Finally, balancing the rights of individual inventors with the public interest, ethical considerations, and global equity remains a complex and ongoing challenge
Implementation of EU Norms in Ukraine and Hungary: A Comparative Legal Analysis on the Path to European Integration
(Editorial Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia, 2025) Horbachenko, Oleksandra; Tomina, Viktoriia; Kotviakovskyi, Yurii; Khominich, Mykola; Smolenko, Yehor; Горбаченко, Олександра Володимирівна
European integration has become one of the most crucial strategic moments for European countries, including Ukraine and Hungary. The process of joining the European Union entails not only political and economic changes but also a deep harmonization of legislation with European European Union jurisdiction. Both countries have significant experience in implementing European Union norms, although their paths to this have been different. The article provides a comparative analysis of the experiences of Ukraine and Hungary in implementing European Union norms. The goal is to better understand the significance and importance of implementing European Union norms on the path to European integration and to contribute to more extensive discussions and analysis of this process in Ukraine and Hungary. Hungary's experience is crucial for Ukraine, given their geographical proximity and similarity in legal systems. The implementation of European Union norms is a crucial stage on the path to European integration.
Макроекономічний аналіз національної економіки
(Аксіома, 2015) Радіонова І.Ф.; Усик В.І.; Радіонова, Ірина Федорівна
Behavioral insights in education: Intellectual data analysis for management
(Institute of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, 2024) Radionova, Irina; Usyk, Vira; Fareniuk, Yana; Радіонова, Ірина Федорівна
This research utilizes intellectual data analysis to deepen insights into educational dynamics by examining university professors' behavioral responses to education management amidst socioeconomic uncertainty. The study applied sophisticated regression and cluster analysis tools to sociological survey data, focusing on professors' attitudes toward distance education. The survey assessed perceptions of its advantages and disadvantages, aiming to uncover factors influencing professors' inclinations toward this mode of teaching. Results revealed six distinct behavioral "profiles" or clusters of professors, each with unique responses to distance education. These insights guide recommendations for educational policy priorities aimed at addressing weaknesses in education management. Key strategies proposed include forming databases of behavioral responses and employing algorithms for deep intellectual analysis. Such measures intend to align educational practices with the values, welfare needs, and communication preferences of the scholarly community, thereby enhancing their propensity for distance education. The study concludes that a higher level of academic engagement in distance education can be achieved by tailoring educational strategies to the specific needs and values of different professor groups. This approach promises to improve the effectiveness of education management and the overall quality of education, benefiting both professors and students by creating a more supportive and effective teaching environment.