Concept of liberal peace management through mediation





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Університет «КРОК»


Theoretical study of peace as dynamics of life free from violence from perspective of management science reveals instrumental potential of mediation, i.e. organization of peace in communication among people, in liberal peace management, which is process of organization and development of peaceful life by nonviolent means. Liberal peace management through mediation in private and public contexts maintains dialogue, negotiations, and decision-making ensuring maximum autonomy of the parties to achieve agreements between people and voluntary compli-ance with the agreements. As a peaceful way of dispute settlement, liberal peace management through mediation helps to build peace within and between societies ensuring the right of every-one to enjoy just and prosperous peace free from fear and want, as urges 2016 Declaration on the Right to Peace.


Ключові слова

mediation, peace management, peace and conflict studies, amicable settlement, right to peace, peacebuilding

Бібліографічний опис

Sheliazenko Y. Concept of liberal peace management through mediation/ Y. Sheliazenko //Legal Bulletin.-2021.-№2.-Pp.114–119.