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Зараз показуємо 1 - 10 з 76
  • Ескіз
    The impact of migration on state-building and national identity
    (Sociological Demography Press, 2024) Sukhodolska, Anastasiia; Kulinich, Oleg; Derevianko, Artem; Mokhonchuk, Bohdan; Makovetska, Nelia; Маковецька, Неля Євгенівна
    Global migration, which became widespread in the second half of the twentieth century, has become not only an important factor in social transformations but has also caused significant changes in the ethno-national context. The dynamic nature of contemporary migration flows requires constant study of changes in the mechanisms and strategies of national identification and state formation. Thus, the urgency of the problem, as well as the insufficient theoretical and practical development, determined the relevance of conducting a study in this area. The study used systematic analysis, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, empirical approaches (document analysis, content analysis, and observation), modeling and deconstruction. The study aims to examine how migration affects national identity and state institutions, accounting for opportunities and obstacles for state-building initiatives. © 2024 Sociological Demography Press.
  • Ескіз
    Grundlagen of Legal Responsibility and Guaranteeing the Efficacy of Measures in Compliance with European Human Rights Standards
    (Sebelas Maret University Faculty of Law, 2024) Zahrebelna, Nataliia; Dubovoy, Andriy; Vashchuk, Oleksandr; Serhii Sadovyi; Pyshna, Alla; Загребельна, Наталія Анатоліївна; Дубовой, А.С.; Ващук, О.
    The study aims to analyze effective human rights protection by clarifying the concept of legal liability from the point of view of the EU legislation and case law on human rights. Ensuring justice, freedom, and equality before the law is important. Ukraine is committed to EU integration; therefore, adapting Ukrainian legislation to European standards is a key step in this process. The study focuses on determining the need for and ways of adapting the Ukrainian legal framework to European standards. As a result of the study, The European Union (EU) plays a crucial role in Ukraine's foreign and integration policy, emphasizing the need to harmonize legislation with European standards. Legal liability is crucial in modern legal doctrine, ensuring the rule of law, guaranteeing rights, and protecting interests. Ukraine should learn best practices from the EU, such as Germany's "judicial autonomy" principle, to strengthen its independence. The EU also promotes transparency in appointments and careers, fighting corruption through anti-corruption bodies and financial control. Ukraine should also study and implement effective administrative liability systems, such as those used by France and Spain, to improve internal control and respond effectively to violations
  • Ескіз
    The risk of developing alcohol addiction - what coping strategies do Ukrainian military personnel use after participating in intense hostilities?
    (Publishing Office of the University of Rzeszow, 2024) Prykhodko, Ihor; Matsehora, Yanina; Baida, Maksim; Zahrebelnyi, Oleksandr; Lipatov, Ivan; Kuzina , Viktoriia; Marushchenko, Kateryna; Rumiantsev, Yurii; Skliarova, Hanna; Склярова, Ганна Олександрівна
    Introduction and aim. Since February 24, 2022, military personnel of the Ukrainian Defense Forces have been resisting the military aggression of the Russian Federation. After participating in combat operations, military personnel accumulated combat stress. Drinking alcohol was one of the ways to overcome it. The purpose of the article is to identify the types of coping strategies for the risk of developing alcohol addiction among Ukrainian military personnel who participated in intense hostilities. Material and methods. Ukrainian Defense Forces military personnel (n=162 males, between 20 and 60 years of age) took part in this study. To determine coping strategies and the risk of developing alcohol addiction the AUDIT and the COPE Inventory were used. Results. Cluster analysis made it possible to identify 4 types of coping strategies with different prevalence and levels of risk of developing alcohol addiction among participants. Conclusion. Productive coping has been associated with a reduced risk of alcohol use in military personnel, but the ability to be situational flexible in the use of coping is important. Compulsive alcohol use was preceded by a period of intensive use of social support coping by military personnel. This period is sensitive to the risk of developing alcohol addiction.
  • Ескіз
    The ethical aspect of public administration under special regime and sustainable development
    (Editorial Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia, 2024) Danylenko-Nehara, Yuliia; Semenets-Orlova, Inna; Kapitanets, Svitlana; Kyrychenko, Mykola; Bykov, Oleksandr; Биков, Олександр Миколайович
    Standards of ethical conduct for public servants encompass all aspects of public administration. Standards of ethical conduct for public servants under special legal regimes act as a measure of the rule of law, impartiality, and integrity. They are guarantees of the rationality and efficiency of public administration. The article aims to determine the content and features of applying standards of ethical conduct for public servants under special legal regimes, particularly the legal regime of martial law. The methodological framework of this study encompasses general and special methods, methods of scientific cognition, system analysis, formal-logical, structural-logical, and dialectical methods, and numerous empirical methods. The article substantiates that the legal regime of martial law has entailed increased corruption risks and determines their objective (impossibility of electronic declaration, expended list of admissible gifts) and subjective (involvement of public servants in the collection, receipt, and distribution of charitable and humanitarian assistance) reasons. The above should be compensated by means of raising standards of ethical conduct. Conclusions make a stand for the inadmissibility of disregarding the rules of ethical conduct by public servants and deny any justification for their violation under the legal regime of martial law
  • Ескіз
    The role and significance of state-building as ensuring national security in the context of artificial intelligence development
    (John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2025) Gumenyuk, Vitaliy; Nikitin, Anatolii; Bondar , Oleksandr; Zhydovtsev, Iaroslav; Yermakova, Hanna; Гуменюк, Віталій Васильович
    Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a major technology and represents a fundamental and revolutionary innovation of our time that has the potential to significantly change the global scenario. In the context of further development of artificial intelligence, state establishment plays a central role in ensuring national security. Countries are tasked with developing legal frameworks for the development and application of AI. Additionally, governments should commit resources to AI research and development to ensure access to cutting-edge technology. As AI continues to evolve, nation-building remains crucial for the protection of national security. Countries must shoulder the responsibility of establishing legal structures to supervise the progression and implementation of artificial intelligence. Investing in AI research and development is essential to secure access to cutting-edge technology. Gracious society and open engagement apply critical impact on forming AI approaches. Civic organizations can contribute to expanding open mindfulness of the related dangers and openings of AI, guaranteeing straightforwardness and responsibility in legislative activities, and pushing for the creation of capable AI approaches. Open interest can help governments in comprehending the yearnings of citizens with respect to AI approaches. This study explores the role and importance of nation-building in ensuring national security in the context of the development of artificial intelligence. It also examines how civil society and public participation can effectively shape AI policy. The topic offers diverse research and analytical opportunities that enable a deeper understanding of the interactions and mutual influences between statehood and artificial intelligence in the context of ensuring national security. It examines the potential and threats that artificial intelligence poses to national security and considers strategies that countries can adopt to ensure security in this area. Based on the research findings, recommendations and suggestions are made for governments and civil society to improve the effectiveness of public participation in formulating AI policies.
  • Ескіз
    Re-adaptation of junior athletes to competitive activity after a forced break
    (Editura Universitatii din Pitesti, 2024) Popovych, Ihor; Burlakova, Iryna; Omelianiuk, Serhii; Kornienko, Victoria; Kondes, Tetiana; Kharytonova, Nataliia; Zavatska, Nataliia; Hoian, Ihor; Кондес, Тетяна Василівна
    This study aims to perform a theoretical and empirical analysis to identify psychological factors, establish key correlations, and determine the differences in junior athletes’ re-adaptation to competitive activity after a forced break. Methods: The research involved 36 junior athletes from both individual and team sports, representing sports schools for children and youth – “LSSCY Enerhetyk” (Lviv, Ukraine), “SSSYOR №1” (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine), and junior academies of professional football and handball clubs from Kherson and Mykolaiv. A forced break in competitive activity was the primary criterion for participant selection. Valid and reliable psycho-diagnostic tools, previously tested in sports studies, were employed. Results: No statistically significant differences were observed in the re-adaptive capacity parameters across the examined junior samples. An algorithm for creating a profile to assess junior athletes’ ability to re-adapt is proposed. It considerably simplifies the management of recovery process and is capable of increasing the accuracy of planning competitive activities. It was established that the following parameters are the most dependent parameters of re-adaptation (three correlations for each): “adaptability”, “acceptance of others” and “internality”. The most dependent coping strategies (five correlations for each) are as follows: “problem-solving planning” and “escape–avoidance”. It was explained that the strongest direct correlation of “internality” with the coping strategy “problem-solving planning” (rs = .549; p <.001) testifies that the efforts made by the re-adapting individual have the greatest re-adapting effect. It was found that the opposite effect is in the correlation between “emotional comfort” and the coping strategy “escape–avoidance” (rs =-.525; p = .001) which is the most undesirable combination at the stage of re-adaptation. Discussion and conclusions. It was substantiated that juniors’ re-adaptation to competitive activity after a forced break is the return of athletes to active training and competitive processes in order to resume a sporting career. It was noted that the comparison of two groups with low and high levels of the parameters of re-adaptation confirmed that adaptive capacity and internal orientation towards problem-solving is the most effective combination of juniors’ competences at the stage of re-adaptation to competitive activity after a forced break. It was summarized that re-adaptation is an important scientific problem in research into sporting activities which requires empirical study and implementation of effective practices in sporting activities.
  • Ескіз
    The factor of war as a threat to sustainable development and a challenge for corporate social responsibility
    (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2024) Korol, Svitlana; Sobchuk, Olena; Bielova, Olena; Shapovalova, Alla; Бєлова, Олена Ігорівна
    Abstract. The purpose of the study is to analyze the practice of involving multinational companies in achiev-ing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in general, and the response to SDG 16 “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions”.The research methodology involves a comparative analysis of the attitude towards the SDG leaders of sus-tainable development and MNCs that currently continue to work on the Russian market is presented. The conducted research showed that MNCs mostly recognize their impact on achieving SDG 16, but at the same time (1) they put it at a medium or low priority level; (2) emphasize justice and strong institutions. As a result of the study, it was proven that the existing approach to assessing the level of achievement of SDG 16 does not take into account modern conditions of warfare and needs to be revised.The novelty of the study lies in the further development of scientific approaches to assessment of interna-tional business contribution to SDGs achievement and promotion of sustainable peace, opposition to military aggression, as well as substantiating the need to change approaches (criteria) to assessing the achievement of SDG 16.
  • Ескіз
    The right to scientific discovery as an object of legal protection: National and international perspectives
    (Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, 2024) Mykola Kotenko; Oleg Dzisiak; Olga Tymoshenko; Evgeniy Zozulya; Eduard Ivanchenko; Дзісяк, Олег Петрович
    Introduction to the Problem: This article explores the concept of the right to scientific discovery as a fundamental aspect of human rights, examining its legal protection both at the national and international levels. Purpose/Study Objectives: The purpose of this research is to analyze the domestic legal framework for rights to scientific discoveries and characterize foreign approaches to regulating relations related to the implementation and protection of rights to this object of intellectual property. Design/Methodology/Approach: The methodology covers both general scientific and specific legal methods. In particular, the authors used the following methods: analysis and synthesis, formal-legal, comparative-legal, analytical-prognostic, socio-legal research, empirical, and induction methods. By analyzing national laws, international treaties, and case studies, this research provides a comprehensive overview of the legal landscape surrounding the right to scientific discovery. Findings: The right to scientific discovery is a critical aspect of legal protection at both national and international levels. While intellectual property laws provide a primary mechanism for protecting scientific discoveries, broader human rights frameworks and international treaties also play vital roles. Moreover, significant disparities exist between countries regarding access to scientific knowledge and research capacity. Thus, international cooperation and support are crucial to mitigate these imbalances and promote global equity in scientific advancement. Finally, balancing the rights of individual inventors with the public interest, ethical considerations, and global equity remains a complex and ongoing challenge
  • Ескіз
    Implementation of EU Norms in Ukraine and Hungary: A Comparative Legal Analysis on the Path to European Integration
    (Editorial Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia, 2025) Horbachenko, Oleksandra; Tomina, Viktoriia; Kotviakovskyi, Yurii; Khominich, Mykola; Smolenko, Yehor; Горбаченко, Олександра Володимирівна
    European integration has become one of the most crucial strategic moments for European countries, including Ukraine and Hungary. The process of joining the European Union entails not only political and economic changes but also a deep harmonization of legislation with European European Union jurisdiction. Both countries have significant experience in implementing European Union norms, although their paths to this have been different. The article provides a comparative analysis of the experiences of Ukraine and Hungary in implementing European Union norms. The goal is to better understand the significance and importance of implementing European Union norms on the path to European integration and to contribute to more extensive discussions and analysis of this process in Ukraine and Hungary. Hungary's experience is crucial for Ukraine, given their geographical proximity and similarity in legal systems. The implementation of European Union norms is a crucial stage on the path to European integration.
  • Ескіз
    Social inclusion and economic uncertainty: the reflection in public policy
    (University of Pardubice, 2021) Radionova, Iryna; Krasota, Olena; Радіонова, Ірина Федорівна
    The considered study is based on the idea of the relationship between social inclusion and economic uncertainty. The way these phenomena relate to each other should be reflected in the choice of public policy model. Although social inclusion has various manifestations, it is primarily manifested in the stratification of society by income. The initial generalizations are made on the basis of the analysis of empirical data regarding the relationship between two indicators of differentiation. The authors interpret social inclusion as a phenomenon that implies a decrease in income differentiation against the background of economic indicators improvement. Certain public authority influential factors should be identified to make social inclusion public authority strategic target. A set of endogenous variables has been analyzed according to the Ukrainian data. Neural Networks tools have been used to assess their impact on income differentiation indicators. The differentiation of income in Ukrainian society has been influenced by obvious and hidden variables. The effects of the identified variables on income differentiation have appeared to be multilevel. These variables combined into nodes of interaction. Awareness of these links and nodes of interaction is an important prerequisite for the formation of a public policy model which can ensure social inclusion.