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  • Документ
    Digitization of the Production Process: An Example of The Use of RFID Technologies For Modern Enterprises
    (Transnational Press London Ltd, 2024) Denysov, Oleg; Litvin, Nataliia; Lotariev, Andrii; Oliinyk, Vitalii; Денисов, Олег Євгенійович; Літвін, Наталія Миколаївна; Лотарєв, Андрій Григорович
    The purpose of the study is to improve the efficiency of the production process of engineering enterprises. The object of study is enterprise engineering. The scientific task is to determine the most optimal RFID technologies to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the production process of engineering enterprises. The technique involves the use of the Saaty method of hierarchies and pairwise comparison. As a result, the most optimal and effective RFID technologies were selected to improve the production process of engineering enterprises through hierarchical ordering of the most significant RFID technologies that affect the production process of engineering enterprises. One limitation of this study is its exclusive focus on RFID technologies, which may not take into account the potential of other technology solutions to improve manufacturing processes. In addition, the use of Saaty's method of hierarchies and even comparison may introduce subjectivity into the selection of optimal technologies, since the results depend on expert assessments. Prospects for further research may include comparison of RFID with other modern technologies that are being implemented in engineering enterprises to ensure greater objectivity and completeness of the analysis. Also, an important aspect of future research could be a detailed analysis of the impact of RFID implementation on the economic efficiency of production and employee workload.
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    Modern Economic-Legal Methods of Using Artificial Intelligence in An Educational Company: Information Technology to To Self-Development and Scientific Activity
    (Transnational Press London Ltd, 2024) Pazieieva, Anna; Smolinska, Olesia; Syniuk, Oksana; Turytsya, Olya; Leskiv, Halyna; Пазєєва, Ганна Михайлівна
    The main goal of the article is to highlight the most dangerous threats of artificial intelligence in an educational company and to formulate economic and legal methods to counter them. The object of the study is the key information technologies of an educational company. The scientific task is to conduct a detailed study of the system for using information technologies in an educational company and the subsequent formation of the most effective economic and legal methods of countering threats in this area. The methodology includes methods of system analysis, graph theory, pairwise comparison and hierarchical analysis. As a result, a number of key threats to artificial intelligence in theeducational company were identified, methods to counter them were formed. In addition, key countermeasures were identified. The study has limitations because it takes into account only a limited number of threats of the functioning of an individual educational company
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    The influence of social media on psychological well-being: Examination and outlook
    (Malque Publishing, 2024) Ordatii, Nataliia; Nykonenko, Olena; Barbashova, Iryna; Klymenko, Ivan; Hrytsaniuk, Vita; Никоненко, Олена Вікторівна
    The article is dedicated to assessing the impact of social networks on the mental health of the population. Social networks have gained global popularity and are integral to modern life. Currently, social networks are platforms for personal development, communication skills, and socialization, searching for like-minded individuals and new friends, maintaining personal blogs, distance learning, and work. This study aims to analyze the impact of social networks on the mental health of the population and assess the possible perspectives of this influence. Theoretical methods were used to achieve the set goal: studying, analyzing, and systematizing scientific literature data. Currently, approximately 60% of the world's population uses social networks, with approximately 40% of users using them not only for entertainment and relaxation but also for work and education, which determines their socioeconomic significance. According to statistics, the most popular social networks worldwide are Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, WeChat, and TikTok. In addition, most social media users are registered in one or several of them. On the one hand, social networks can help people communicate regardless of distance, acquire new knowledge, meet like-minded individuals, exchange ideas, and increase social support. On the other hand, their excessive use is associated with the development of addiction, low self-esteem, levels of anxiety and depression, and deterioration of social and physical health. These problems are particularly acute with increasing time spent in the virtual world. Therefore, in recent years, there has been increased interest in studying the impact of social networks on the health of the population as a whole and persons in particular and in developing and implementing effective methods to prevent the negative aspects of their us. This is a promising direction for further research. © 2024 Malque Publishing. All rights reserved.
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    Managing Weak Signals In The Foreign Economic Activity of a Modern Enterprise: Preventing a Decrease in the Financial and Economic Security with a Strategic Approach to Solving the Problem
    (Transnational Press London Ltd, 2024) Alkema, Viktor; Hryhoruk, Pavlo; Skhidnytska, Halyna; Senyk, Sviatoslav; Mykytyn, Oleh; Алькема, Віктор Григорович
    The main purpose of the article is to create a system for responding to weak signals in the foreign economic activity of a modern enterprise. The scientific task is to form models of response and management of weak signals in the foreign economic activity of a modern enterprise, in the context of preventing a decrease in the financial and economic security of the enterprise. The proposed approach is based on the use of methods of DFD and functional modeling. As a result, two key models were formed: the first is the main model of management decision-making in the system of responding to weak signals and the second is the management functions for responding to weak signals. Our research makes an innovative contribution by integrating DFD and functional modeling methodologies to develop comprehensive models that provide deeper and more effective understanding of managerial decision-making in the context of responding to weak signals in a dynamic foreign economic environment.
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    The Role of Online Media in Shaping Public Opinion about the Prospects for Peace and Military Conflict
    (Pakistan Society of Criminology, 2024) Marukhovskyi, Oleg; Marukhovska-Kartunova, Olga; Kolybabiuk, Svitlana; Pavlova, Liudmyla; Karchevska, Olena; Маруховський, Олег Олександрович; Маруховська-Картунова, Ольга Олександрівна
    The aim of the article is to find out the connection between online media and the manifestations of the components of public opinion about the military conflict and the prospects for peace. The study uses methods such as content analysis, scaling, and correlation analysis. In the study, the hypothesis of the connection between online media content and societal changes in public opinion in Ukraine during the war was confirmed. It was determined that society’s confidence in victory was significantly related to changes in online media’s information field. The attitude towards the Armed Forces of Ukraine correlates only with the perception of news about military operations. The disposition towards the Ukrainian governing bodies is not contingent upon the interpretation of digital media content. The desire to continue the fight correlates with the war awareness level and reporting on domestic politics in digital media. The idea of future peace in public opinion is closely related to the idea of justice and victory broadcast in online media. © 2024, Pakistan Society of Criminology. All rights reserved.
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    Research and methodological basis for ensuring the financial security of banks in Ukraine
    (LLC CPC Business Perspectives, 2018) Balatskyi, Ievgen; Andrieieva, Vita; Solodovnik, Olesia; Lypchanskyi, Volodymyr; Андрєєва, Віта Анатоліївна
    In an unstable financial and economic, political and social context, a number of Ukrainian banks demonstrate downtrends in their profitability, liquidity, and solvency rates. With that, the financial health and the growth vector of the whole banking sector of the country in the strategic perspective precisely depends on the quality of measures taken to ensure the financial security of a banking institution. The article analyzes the concept of financial security of a bank from the standpoint of protective, dynamic, resource-functional, competitive and systemic approaches. The authors substantiate that the financial security of the banking system as a whole and that of an individual bank is an integral part of the financial security of the country. In addition, three methodological approaches to assessing the financial security of the country’s banking sector are identified and described, namely instrumental, system and target-oriented and criterial ones. Based on theoretical and methodological analysis of scientific works and methodological approaches, a system of research and methodological support for the bank’s financial security is proposed. © The author(s) 2019
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    Structural modeling of the impact of bank nonperforming loans on the banking sector: the Ukrainian experience
    (LLC CPC Business Perspectives, 2020) Bondarenko, Eugenia; Zhuravka, Olena; Aiyedogbon, John O.; Sunday, Ologunla Emmanuel; Andrieieva, Vita; Андрєєва, Віта Анатоліївна
    The paper aims to develop scientific and methodological approach to assessing the interaction of nonperforming loans of Ukrainian banking institutions, the profitability of the banking sector and its financial stability, which will allow a more detailed assessment of the directions and degree of mutual influence of these elements. To substantiate this interaction economically and mathematically, structural equation modeling was chosen. Particularly, Statistica was chosen as a software tool to assess the adequacy of the resulting model and determine the level of statistical significance of its parameters. Six key indicators were selected as a research information base, two for each subject of research: indicators of nonperforming loans in the banking sector (the volume of nonperforming loans and the ratio of problem loans excluding capital reserves), profitability indicators of the Ukrainian banking sector (assets profit and rate of return on capital), and indicators of financial stability of the Ukrainian banking sector (regulatory capital-to-risk-weighted assets ratio and liquid assets-to-total assets ratio). For calculations, statistic data of selected indicators for 2005-2019 were used. As a result of calculations, mathematical data were obtained that accurately described the interaction of nonperforming loans of Ukrainian banking institutions, the profitability of the banking sector and its financial stability. The adequacy of the model was verified based on the following criteria: main summary statistics (ICSF criterion, ICS criterion, discrepancy function, maximum residual cosine), noncentrality fit indices (noncentrality parameter, population noncentrality parameter, Steiger-Lind RMSEA index, McDonald noncentrality index, adjusted population Gamma index), other single sample indices (Akaike information criterion, Schwarz criterion), and a normal probability plot. © Eugenia Bondarenko, Olena Zhuravka, John O. Aiyedogbon, Ologunla Emmanuel Sunday, Vita Andrieieva, 2020
  • Документ
    Theoretical aspects of human capital formation through human potential migration redistribution and investment process
    (VGTU, 2020) Podra, Olha; Kurii, Liliia; Alkema, Viktor; Levkiv, Halyna; Dorosh, Oleh; Алькема, Віктор Григорович
    Our research is devoted to the investigation of theoretical aspects of human capital formation through human potential migration redistribution and investment process. This topic was chosen because in the modern conditions human potential development becomes one of basic factors of the competitiveness and economic growing of countries. Migration redistribution becomes an effective mean of indemnification of human potential losses, gives additional possibilities to its development financing, quantitative increase and additional innovative changes in the context of information society and knowledge-based economy development. The detailed analysis of the human potential development and implementation on the global labor market, the emergence of the migration cycle, and process of human potential transformation to capital that is able to provide the socio-economic and individual effects receiving was conducted in the article. Results of this study have theoretical and practical significance. They can be used as a basis for further scientific studies in this field and can be used by state institution in the direction of strategic management of human resources through the human potential migration redistribution and investment process that implies expansion of investment instruments, market infrastructure subjects development all this may provide the reception of material or status effects as a result of human potential capitalization in the labour market. © 2020 The Author(s).
  • Документ
    Theoretical Base of Modeling the Project Team with a Service Technical Systems by Simulatio
    (IAEME Publication, 2020) Alkema, Victor G.; Darushyn, Oleksandr V.; Vorkut, Tetiana A.; Bilonog, Okcana Ye.; Tretinichenko, Yuriy O.; Алькема, Віктор Григорович
    The article proposes a system of simulation for the formation of crews of ships. The main directions of simulation modeling are described, which allow to optimize the volume of work of the team during the operation of the vessel. The model allows you to control: time of each event; the duration of each work; the amount of marriage detected in the work; the duration of the work that is performed repeatedly in connection with the detection of marriage; the total duration of the completion of the repair process of the technical system; the total amount of labor of the project team - the crew of the ship. © IAEME Publication.
  • Документ
    Strategic priorities of intellectual capital management in the enterprise
    (Allied Business Academies, 2019) Khakimov, Rashid; Abduvasikov, Abduaziz; Danyliuk, Serhii; Parshyn, Yurii; Alkema, Viktor; Алькема, Віктор Григорович
    It is proved that there are many methods for measuring intellectual capital, and only their combination will lead to the most reliable data. It was determined that the intellectual capital of the enterprise is derived from intellectual resources, where resources acquire the form of capital when used and create a specific product. Therefore, the primary basis of the innovative achievements of the enterprise is intellectual resources. Outlined key characteristic features of the model helped confirm its innovative character. As experience in managing the intellectual capital of enterprises shows, the competitiveness of the latter primarily depends not on the financial and material resources it controls, but on the result of using intellectual capital, which leaves its mark on its reflection in annual reports or in separate statements of enterprises. © 2019 Allied Business Academies.
  • Документ
    Features of Reforming Economic Legislation in the Conditions of Russian Aggression: Theoretical and Legal Aspects
    (ASERS Publishing House, 2023) Shevchenko, Anatolii Y.; Vykhryst, Serhiy M.; Ostapenko, Iuliia; Bobrovnyk, Svitlana V.; Loshchykhin, Oleksandr; Вихрист, Сергій Михайлович
    The aim of the article is to justify the inexpediency of the abolition of the Economic Code of Ukraine during martial law on the basis on the analysis of international legislation on management. Thus, the analysis of international codified act s on the economic sphere regulation shows that the abolition of the Economic Code of Ukraine does not correspond to the Concepts for updating civil and economic legislation as one of the ways of approximation of domestic legislation to international standards. Apart from that, based on the analysis of current Ukrainian and international legal acts, an attempt is made to explore the problems associated with the use of mechanisms for protecting rights to private property and bringing war criminals to justice for its destruction. Furthermore, the authors propose to improve the mechanisms for protecting the right to private property that is destroyed or damaged as a result of war crimes committed by Russian invaders on the territory of Ukraine. Finally, the authors highlight the key problems related to the restoration of the violated right to pri vate property, which was destroyed or damaged as a result of hostilities on the part of Russia and emphasize the need to adopt international experience in order to increase the effectiveness of mechanisms for defending the violated right to property wi th the assistance of international legal institutions. © 2023, ASERS Publishing House. All rights reserved.
  • Документ
    Method for configuring the composition of a project team based on the criteria of subjective well-bein
    (Technology Center, 2019) Rach, Valentyn; Osakwe, Ikenna; Medvedieva, Olena; Rossoshanskaya, Olha; Borulko, Natalia; Рач, Валентин Анатолійович; Медведєва, Олена Михайлівна; Россошанська, Ольга Валентинівна
    The method for configuring a project team by the criterion of subjective well-being was developed. The method is aimed at searching for such a configuration of candidates at which a team with high commonality is formed based on the importance of values (factors) of subjective well-being and their actual satisfaction at the moment of team formation. The method is based on two conceptual provisions-axioms. Firstly, the most appropriate results of construction of a personal profile are achieved during self-analysis of the attitude of a candidate to indicators of subjective well-being. Secondly, ranking makes it possible to construct a series, in which the least achieved indicators act as the most important. On this basis, it seems possible to compare profiles of candidates with each other and identify the most similar ones. It was theoretically substantiated that the configuration of the closest profiles is a prerequisite for the formation of a positive working environment as a necessary factor for comfortable interaction of team members and a significant integrating factor of involvement in a project. The developed method of the construction of a candidate's personal profile ensures necessary accuracy and increases reliability of obtained information. Two "working zones" of a personal profile (first five and the following seven comprising 27 indicators) that determine close profiles of candidates were identified empirically. The indicators of the overall total rank for indicators of zones and the team coherence coefficient were introduced to compare the profiles. To interpret the value of coherence coefficient in the empirical way, the evaluation scale from seven interval zones for the teams consisting of two to ten participants was constructed. Its effectiveness and adequacy were proved based on the results of experimental testing, the possibility of using the criterion of subjective well-being as a parameter for the formation of project teams. © V. Rach, I. Osakwe, O. Medvedieva, O. Rossoshanska, N. Borulko, 2019.
  • Документ
    Construction of a portfolio formation method by configuring project-candidates based on flow characteristics
    (Technology Center, 2020) Rach, Valentyn; Abdulkadir, Kabir; Medvedieva, Olena; Biriukov, Oleg; Rossoshanska, Olha; Рач, Валентин Анатолійович; Медведєва, Олена Михайлівна; Россошанська, Ольга Валентинівна
    A method for portfolio formation, based on the logical methodological technique for configuring projects-candidates, which are represented by the S-curves of a cost flow and expected results, has been proposed. The application of the technique makes it possible to present a portfolio as continuously going processes of accumulation of potential attractiveness of different combinations of projects rather than a static totality of projects. Configuring has been shown to allow finding such a sequence of the mutual location of projects within a portfolio, in which the criterion, taking into account different types of the flow, reaches a maximum value. Using the S-curves makes it possible to account for changes in the indicators of flows that depend on the time of starting a project in the portfolio and affect its attractiveness. The developed model of portfolio formation, the system-creating factor of which is the configuring technique, revealed the relations between its structural elements, which made it possible to identify the essence of the criterial attractiveness indicator and a portfolio configuration criterion. In calculating attractiveness, the proposed technique for the S-curve coagulation procedure, which implies the discounting of cumulative flows, was used. This coagulation enables obtaining an integral indicator that takes into account the specific features of particular S-curves and opens up the possibility of using any type of flows in the problems of assessing and comparing projects and portfolios. Based on the attractiveness indicator and the use of a procedure for rationing the discounted cumulative flows, a portfolio-forming criterion has been developed. It was established that the criterion adequately reflects a greater attractiveness of projects with a decreasing character of costs and less funding time at the same parameters for the expected results. This fact has been proven by the results of computer simulation. In addition, it was confirmed that the constructed method makes it possible to take into account the strategic importance of a project, the specificity of a portfolio financing schedule, as well as the specific features in the character of changes in a project cost and the expected project result. © 2020, V. Rach, K. Abdulkadir, O. Medvedieva, O. Biriukov, O. Rossoshanskaya.
  • Документ
    Financial and Economic Security in the Field of Financial Markets at the Stage of European Integration
    (AOS-Estratagia and Inovacao, 2022) Novak, Anatolii; Pravdyvets, Oleksander; Chornyi, Oleksandr; Sumbaieva, Liudmyla; Akimova, Liudmyla; Akimov, Oleksandr; Сумбаєва, Людмила Петрівна; Правдивець, Олександр Миколайович
    Purpose: the aim of this article is to study the features of the financial and economic security of the integrated financial market of the EU Theoretical Framework: the concept of financial security was considered as a complex multi-tiered system. The theories of healthy competitive investment environment, and theory of capital markets functioning were employed in the study. Design/Methodology/Approach: the instrumental and methodological apparatus of the work is based on the use of general methods of scientific knowledge: comparison, abstraction, analysis and synthesis. Dialectical metod was used, as well as formal-logical, problem-theoretical, systemic-structural, and the method of comparative legal analysis. Findings: the EU has achieved noticeable success in providing economic security of financial markets over the past decades. The EU experience in this area can be considered the most complete. The uniqueness of this experience is also proven by the fact that it is based on national achievements and the centuries-old financial culture of the EU member states, among which several states are rightfully recognized as global financial players and have the status of international financial centers. Research, Practical and Social Implications: For global expert and regulators community, turning to the EU experience is not only valuable, but also relevant, under the necessity to consider the best world practices when creating a common financial market. Originality/Value: the EU experience in the field of financial and economic security of financial markets is systematized not at the level of individual EU members, but at the level of EU as a community in whole. © 2022 The authors.
  • Документ
    Labour legislation and artificial intelligence: Europe and Ukraine
    (Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2024) Saman, Viktoriia; Novoselska, Iryna; Martiuk, Alina; Yasynok, Mykola; Yasynok, Dmytro; Самань, Вікторія Віталіївна
    The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into various sectors is crucial for economic development and social progress. Even though AI brings many advantages, it still entails numerous challenges and concerns regarding its use and the consequences of such use. First and foremost, this concerns a fundamental change in the labour market, all labour relations, and the rights of employees and employers. This study aims to examine the implications of AI adoption in labour practices and the adaptability of European countries’ legal systems to it. The study provides insights into effective approaches to regulating AI and protecting labour rights by analysing the experiences of Germany, Finland, and Poland. The findings indicate that Germany and Finland adopt proactive approaches to AI regulation, prioritising stakeholder engagement and balanced frameworks. Conversely, Poland’s emphasis on upskilling workers and Ukraine’s commitment to aligning with EU standards underscore the significance of addressing labour rights and economic competitiveness in the context of AI integration. The study highlights the significance of proactive legislation, stakeholder engagement, and skill development initiatives in addressing the challenges and maximising the benefits of AI in the labour sector. © 2024 the author(s), published by De Gruyter.
  • Документ
    Вектори впровадження інформаційно-маніпулятивних технологій у легітимаційний процес України (на прикладі парламентських виборів 2012 року)
    (Institute of Society Transformation, 2013) Рибак, Ірина Вікторівна; Rybak, Iryna
    Актуалізовано проблему співвідношення маніпулятивних та легітимаційних практик сучасного політикуму України в контексті парламентських виборів 2012 року. Визначено закономірності впровадження інформаційно-маніпулятивних технологій в електоральний процес та їх легітимаційний потенціал
  • Документ
    A cross-country study of the direct and inverse relationship between economic globalization and growth
    (LLC CPC Business Perspectives, 2023) Khoroshun, Oleksiy; Olasiuk, Hanna; Rokocha, Vira; Kumar, Sanjeev; Рокоча, Віра Володимирівна
    This study aims to explore the cross-country relationship between economic globalization and growth. It assesses the implications of globalization for the world economy and groups of countries with different income levels. The study employed panel data from the World Bank, the Fraser Institute, and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich for 122 countries from 1970 to 2018. Two-stage fixed effect model was used to assess the impact of globalization on growth. The reverse causality was estimated using the method of instrumental variables. The results showed that the world economy benefited from globalization. In turn, greater openness has reinforced economic growth. The study confirms that globalization benefits are distributed unequally. A significant positive impact of globalization on economic growth is confirmed for high and lowermiddle- income economies with coefficients of 0.02 and 0.01, respectively. Economic growth of high-income countries is determined by financial globalization, while lowermiddle- income countries rely on trade and financial openness. Negative implications of economic globalization took place in upper-middle-income countries with a coefficient of -0.02. In these countries, correlation between trade globalization and growth is -0.13. The effect of economic growth on globalization is found to be significantly positive for high-income (11.08) and upper-middle-income countries (9.62) and statistically insignificant for lower-middle-income economies. © Oleksiy Khoroshun, Hanna Olasiuk, Vira Rokocha, Sanjeev Kumar, 2023.
  • Документ
    Model for forming of optimal credit portfolio of commercial bank
    (Allied Business Academies, 2019) Drobyazko, Svetlana; Bondarevska, Olha; Klymenko, Dmytri; Pletenetska, Svetlana; Pylypenko, Olha; Плетенецька, Світлана Михайлівна; Пилипенко, Ольга Олегівна
    A methodological approach to the optimization of a commercial bank's credit portfolio is proposed based on Markowitz economic and mathematical optimization model. The economic and mathematical model has been formed, relating to optimization of the bank's credit portfolio based on balancing the factors of maximum profitability and given level of credit risk. A methodical approach was formed to form a credit portfolio by types of credit services and the level of profitability of each of them in the total amount of credits granted. © 2019 Allied Business Academies.
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    Social Partnership of Services Sector Professionals in the Entrepreneurship Education
    (Allied Business Academies, 2019) Tkachenko, Serhii; Berezovska, Liudmyla; Protas, Oksana; Parashchenko, Liudmyla; Durmanov, Akmal; Паращенко, Людмила Іванівна
    Summarizing the results of comparative and pedagogical research of the features of social partnership in professional training of specialists in the service sector in Austria and Germany in order to find out the possibilities of creative use of constructive ideas of Austrian and German experience in the system of vocational education of Ukraine. The study showed that in Austria and Germany, the professionalization of adult education in a social partnership is an important part of the career development of professionals during their careers. The content of these lessons is aimed at the formation, development and improvement of personal and professional competencies (organizational, creative, leadership, communicative, etc.) of specialists, as well as increasing the efficiency of their professional activities. © 2019, Allied Business Academies. All rights reserved.
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    Teaching International Students to Analyze Textual-Discursive Categories
    (Sciedu Press, 2021) Fetsko, Ivanna M.; Novak, Ilona M.; Terletska, Liubov M.; Soshko, Oksana H.; Lytvynko, Oksana A.; Новак, Ілона Милославівна
    The purpose of the study is to identify how the course that covers the components of the ten-stepwise approach to discourse analysis of political texts helps international students study the political meanings in Ukraine. The study used the structured observation method to collect rather quantitative than qualitative data and observers' reports on the sampled students' performance in the in-class and out-of-class assignments. It also used discourse analysis awareness test, observation report checklist, and assessment checklist to yield the quantitative data. The course that is based on the ten-stepwise approach to discourse analysis of political texts proved to raise the students' overall awareness of analysis of textual-discursive categories and fosters their skills of both discourse analysis and technical skills to use the NVivo 12 software tool. The results of the Discourse Analysis Awareness Test showed that the sampled students' awareness of discourse analysis was generally good. The mean values varied between 0.643 and0.857, which corresponded to 65-85 grades ECTS. The analysis of the observation reports showed that the five most frequent words used in the corpus of the observation reports of seven experts were as follows: students, contributed, equally, succeeded, managed. All of them evoke a positive idea and feeling and reveal success in meeting goals. The quotes yielded from the reports implied that the course sessions were engaging, challenging, and fruitful in terms of learning how to analyze textual-discursive categories found in political texts. The descriptive statistics drawn from the observation checklist and presented by course topic showed that the observers' mean values improved throughout the course sessions that meant that the students progressed in the discourse analysis. © Copyright for this article is retained by the author(s), with first publication rights granted to the journal. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).