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Документ Economic assessment of the activity of retail investors on the stock market(Scientific Center of Innovative Researches OÜ, 2024) Kuzminsky, Volodymyr; Ziemtsov, Serhii; Кузьмінський, Володимир ЗигмонтовичThe article examines the activity of a retail investor on the stock market. Issues of economic assessment of their activity and problems of increasing its effectiveness are studied. The dynamics of the share of retail investors in the total volume of trading in the stock market is analyzed. The key factors of growth of retail investors' activity in the stock market are studied. It was determined that the share of retail investors in the volume of trades on the stock market has almost doubled. The factors that caused such a powerful dynamic were analyzed. Two factors such as available investment opportunities and empowerment through information are discussed in detail. An economic assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of retail investors was carried out. The reasons for the negative results of their work on the stock market have been revealed. The importance of developing specific investment goals before starting investment activities on the stock market and adapting investment strategies to them is determined. It is suggested to use paper trading simulators that reproduce the real trading environment. It has been found to allow investors to make virtual trades and track their performance in real time. It is recommended to engage more comprehensive analytical and research platforms that provide tools for charting and price research. This has been proven to allow investors to more effectively analyze market trends, identify potential economic opportunities, and develop effective trading strategies. Possibilities of minimizing transaction costs through the use of ETFs-shares of investment funds, which are often traded on the stock exchange, are considered. As a result of the conducted research, the possibilities of further scientific research on this topic in the direction of using the latest financial programs based on artificial intelligence and comprehensive assessment of the interaction of various sectors of the stock market with their help were considered.Документ Features of forecasting stock price changes of oil production companies using combinations of trend and non-trend indicators(Scientific Center of Innovative Research OU, 2024) Savchenko, Vadym; Bobrov, Yevgeniy; Бобров, Євгеній АнатолійовичToday, a company's share price is influenced by a wide array of factors, ranging from fundamental internal dynamics to political decisions, industry-specific developments, macroeconomic conditions, and global trends. Investors face challenges in selecting an appropriate approach to identifying the target industry and asset, interpreting analysis results, and determining the optimal market entry point. In this context, several pertinent issues emerge regarding forecasting share price changes for oil production companies (BP p.l.c, Chevron p.l.c, Exxon Mobil Corp., Shell p.l.c) on the stock exchange, particularly concerning the use of technical analysis tools like moving averages and oscillators. This study examines the impact of different moving average settings and their combinations on the accuracy of predicting share price movements. Based on these findings, tasks addressed by such indicators are identified, and a systematic approach to selecting technical analysis tools and their configurations is proposed. The paper explores various methods for forming and interpreting signals generated by individual indicators and their combinations, focusing on their implications for forecasting asset price changes. Several criteria are proposed for evaluating the effectiveness of these approaches during the testing phase. The study compares and analyzes the results of multiple forecasting system configurations, identifying the optimal ones according to the selected criteria. Calculations are based on weekly stock data spanning 2000 to 2024, from which the most effective combination of indicators for the forecasting system is determined. Potential areas for optimization and additional tools to enhance the system are also outlined. Finally, the study concludes that the proposed approach to constructing a forecasting system is viable for executing real stock transactions with the selected companies' shares.Документ Managing the development of decentralized energy systems with photovoltaic and biogas household prosumers(Elsevier Ltd, 2024) Meng Li; Uliana Pysmenna; Sviatoslav Petrovets; Iryna Sotnyk; Tetiana Kurbatova; Петровець, СвятославThe paper aims to reconsider the impact of developing decentralized energy systems with residential prosumers from the standpoint of energy security, first of all, the impact on supply security. Therefore, the paper complements and develops the methodology of the short- and medium-term energy security assessment in the condition of fast-acting threats. The evaluation of such an impact envisages the prosumers' system value in the power system, which contributes to strengthening energy security and supply reliability. We examined it from the standpoint of system security enhancement costs / avoiding losses caused by threats impact based on four system value components: the value of avoided lost load (VoLL) as the avoided losses and damages caused by disruptions and blackouts, the value of the decreased capacity needs: flexible load (VFD) and baseload demand decrease value (BDV) and the value of technological losses avoided (VL). Using the methods of energy security and system value assessment, the reconsideration of energy policy is suggested to stimulate the establishment of a vast share of decentralized locally balanced self-power-supplying systems under military and economic threats. The paper focuses on photovoltaic household prosumers and biogas small-scale prosumers, whose potential as self-sufficient demand has been underestimatedДокумент Макроекономічний аналіз національної економіки(Аксіома, 2015) Радіонова І.Ф.; Усик В.І.; Радіонова, Ірина ФедорівнаДокумент Behavioral insights in education: Intellectual data analysis for management(Institute of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, 2024) Radionova, Irina; Usyk, Vira; Fareniuk, Yana; Радіонова, Ірина ФедорівнаThis research utilizes intellectual data analysis to deepen insights into educational dynamics by examining university professors' behavioral responses to education management amidst socioeconomic uncertainty. The study applied sophisticated regression and cluster analysis tools to sociological survey data, focusing on professors' attitudes toward distance education. The survey assessed perceptions of its advantages and disadvantages, aiming to uncover factors influencing professors' inclinations toward this mode of teaching. Results revealed six distinct behavioral "profiles" or clusters of professors, each with unique responses to distance education. These insights guide recommendations for educational policy priorities aimed at addressing weaknesses in education management. Key strategies proposed include forming databases of behavioral responses and employing algorithms for deep intellectual analysis. Such measures intend to align educational practices with the values, welfare needs, and communication preferences of the scholarly community, thereby enhancing their propensity for distance education. The study concludes that a higher level of academic engagement in distance education can be achieved by tailoring educational strategies to the specific needs and values of different professor groups. This approach promises to improve the effectiveness of education management and the overall quality of education, benefiting both professors and students by creating a more supportive and effective teaching environment.Документ Правила політики уряду у фінансуванні освіти: ідентифікація на основі нейронних мереж(ЗВО «Подільський державний університет», 2019) Радіонова, І.Ф.; Усик, В.І.; Радіонова, Ірина ФедорівнаМета. Просування у вирішенні проблеми ідентифікації правил фінансування освіти та використання потенціалу методу штучних нейронних мереж в процесі ідентифікації правил. Методика дослідження. У процесі дослідження використано такі конкретні методи: системний підхід – для класифікації форм ідентифікації правил політики та визначення рівнів, на яких мали б реалізуватись правила фінансування освіти; аналізу на основі штучних нейронних мереж – для обґрунтування та ідентифікації правил фінансування освітньої сфери; формалізації та графічного представлення отриманих результатів – для унаочнення результатів дослідження. Результати дослідження. Визначено, що правила політики уряду є інструментом публічного управління, а для використання в цій якості вони мають бути ідентифіковані та інституціоналізовані. Обґрунтовано, що використання методу штучних нейронних мереж, який дозволяє аналізувати та прогнозувати нелінійні процеси з високою невизначеністю, створює нові можливості ідентифікації правил політики. Здійснено прогнозування двох показників фінансування освіти, формування яких мало б підпорядковуватись правилам уряду, на основі двох нейронних мереж. Наукова новизна результатів дослідження. Запропоновано інноваційний підхід до моделювання та прогнозування показників фінансування української освіти, як підпорядкованих певним правилам уряду, з використанням моделей штучних нейронних мереж. Це дало змогу отримати графи зв’язків між вхідними та вихідними змінними та передбачити показники частки витрат на освіту у ВВП та частки витрат на освіту у державних витратах, за умови реалізації передбачуваних урядом, міжнародними установами та науково-дослідними установами країни п’ятьох вхідних змінних, а саме: продуктивності праці, частки інноваційної діяльності, частки дефіциту бюджету та державного боргу у ВВП, частки працездатного населення у населенні країни. Практична значущість результатів дослідження. Розроблені та запропоновані авторами практичні підходи до ідентифікації правил фінансування освіти можуть сприяти досягненню вищого рівня інституціоналізації правил та використовуватися в роботі Міністерства освіти і науки.Документ Функція соціальної політики та соціальна інклюзія в поясненні загальної економічної рівноваги(Київський національний ун-т ім.Тараса Шевченка, 2020) Радіонова, І.; Радіонова, Ірина ФедорівнаОбґрунтовано функцію соціальної політики як таку, що віддзеркалює актуальну суспільну цінність – соціальну інклюзію. Зміст останньої розглянуто з огляду на її причини та форми виявлення. Подано рівняння соціальної функції (DI) як нелінійного зв'язку між випуском і диференціацією доходів, у якій (диференціації) виявляється рівень інклюзії. Здійснено імплементацію соціальної функції в теоретичну конструкцію – модель IS-LM-DI, що пояснює формування загальної рівноваги з позицій взаємодії трьох політик: фінансової, монетарної та соціальноїДокумент Social inclusion as a public management goal: determinacy for proper assessment(Західноукраїнський національний університет, 2020) Radionova, Iryna; Радіонова, Ірина ФедорівнаIntroduction. The article substantiates the necessity to clarify the content of the phenomenon and the concept of social inclusion for national public administration system improvement. To this end, it analyzes social sphere management practices and some national social policy models of governments of different countries. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the ideas and practices of social inclusion management for their implementation in the Ukrainian economy and society Method (methodology). The methodological basis of this study is formed by the works of scientists who have created the theory of social inclusion and also formed by the econometrics toolkit. Results. The considered article makes a generalization regarding the existence of three areas of inclusion implementation, namely: in the distribution of income, property and national wealth, in labor and entrepreneurial activity, in participation in public administration and direct democracy. It has defined a series of indicators by which inclusion can be assessed in each of the identified areas. The article has constructed the integral index of social inclusion and explains the possibilities of its practical use in public administration. It identifies the problems that arise when trying to calculate such an integral index of inclusion and outlines the possible ways of solving them. It presents the results of a comparative analysis of the relationship between the level of differentiation of citizens’ incomes and the level of GDP per capita in Ukraine and Lithuania.Документ Social inclusion and economic uncertainty: the reflection in public policy(University of Pardubice, 2021) Radionova, Iryna; Krasota, Olena; Радіонова, Ірина ФедорівнаThe considered study is based on the idea of the relationship between social inclusion and economic uncertainty. The way these phenomena relate to each other should be reflected in the choice of public policy model. Although social inclusion has various manifestations, it is primarily manifested in the stratification of society by income. The initial generalizations are made on the basis of the analysis of empirical data regarding the relationship between two indicators of differentiation. The authors interpret social inclusion as a phenomenon that implies a decrease in income differentiation against the background of economic indicators improvement. Certain public authority influential factors should be identified to make social inclusion public authority strategic target. A set of endogenous variables has been analyzed according to the Ukrainian data. Neural Networks tools have been used to assess their impact on income differentiation indicators. The differentiation of income in Ukrainian society has been influenced by obvious and hidden variables. The effects of the identified variables on income differentiation have appeared to be multilevel. These variables combined into nodes of interaction. Awareness of these links and nodes of interaction is an important prerequisite for the formation of a public policy model which can ensure social inclusion.Документ Institutional design of macro-financial security for the national economy stabilization(Scientific Center of Innovative Researches OU, 2022) Radionova, Iryna; Malkovska, Yuliia; Радіонова, Ірина ФедорівнаThe relevance of the study as regards macrofinancial security institutional design for the Ukrainian economy and society is explained by at least two circumstances. First, the macrofinancial sphere of the national economy lacks stability, and the accumulated imbalances threaten its integrity. Second, macro financial imbalances have not been the object of special monitoring, analysis, correction, and prevention by public (state) authorities. This is manifested in the lack of rules, algorithms, procedures, incentives, sanctions, channels of interaction between governments and communities and society, and so on. Thus, there is a lack of what is called institutional design. The latter is designed to evaluate, prevent, and correct macrofinancial imbalances. And macrofinancial stability in this way, at the request of governments, becomes an economic reality