Вчені записки Університету "КРОК"

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Відповідно до наказів Міністерства освіти і науки України №886 від 02.07.2020 р. та № 894 від 10 жовтня 2022 р. збірник наукових праць "Вчені записки Університету "КРОК" включено до Переліку наукових фахових видань України, категорія "Б" з економіки (економічні спеціальності - 051 "Економіка", 071 "Облік і оподаткування", 072 "Фінанси, банківська справа та страхування", 073 "Менеджмент", 075 "Маркетинг", 076 "Підприємництво, торгівля та біржова діяльність", 241 "Готельно-ресторанна справа", 281 "Публічне управління та адміністрування", 292 "Міжнародні економічні відносини") та психології (спеціальність – 053 "Психологія"). Збірник розрахований на науковців, аспірантів та практиків, які проводять дослідження сучасних проблем економіки, управління та психології та шляхів їх розв’язання. Періодичність: щоквартально (березень, червень, вересень, грудень). Мови видання: українська та англійська (змішаними мовами).


Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 2 з 2
  • Ескіз
    University governance. Entrance for higher education reform
    (Університет «КРОК», 2020) Abdalqhadr, Ali
    The University governance considered as one among the modern management methods that used by universities for reform of higher education. The latter aims to improve the quality of its services , where interests has increased in adopting university governance after the evolution of the adopted educational systems and the development in International University Rankings criteria. The problem of the quality of education is rightly associated with the development of the information society, in which the advanced development of public intelligence and the education system are becoming a decisive factor in the progress of mankind. Under these conditions, information acquires the greatest value and is a strategic product of states. Realizing the importance of having a quality education, most countries around the world declare this problem a national priority and a prerequisite for their own national security. Education and science, influencing all forms of organization of the macrosocial system without exception, all its structural elements, is a universal factor in the modernization of the country, its technological, military, environmental and axiological security. It is no coincidence that indicators of education and research and innovation policy in international practice have long been introduced into the system of national security parameters. The quality of education is a multidimensional model of social norms and requirements for the individual, the educationa environment in which it develops, and the education system that implements them at all stages of human learning. The quality of education is assessed, first, as a social ideal of human education; secondly, as a result of her educational activities; and thirdly, as a criterion for the effectiveness of the educational system.This paper aims at presenting the theoretical framework of the university governance, highlighting some experiences of countries as being the first who applied this method. Also, it refers to the total of obstacles that faced universities when applying the governance, as well as the ways to activate this method in future. The study recommended that there is no single model of governance that is valid for all universities, and that is why every university must choose the most appropriate model for it while creating the appropriate environment for it, to ensure its effectiveness in achieving the assigned goals
  • Ескіз
    Corporate governanceаn оverview: some essentials
    (Університет «КРОК», 2020) Abdalqhadr, Ali
    Today in Ukraine most of the private sector of the economy are enterprises that have acquired the form of joint stock companies as a result of privatization. Joint-stock companies are gradually undergoing the first period of adaptation to new economic conditions, determining the main directions of their development, forming able-bodied teams and intensifying the search for financial resources to implement their strategic plans. Some economic difficulties of the modern period, such as the crisis of defaults,budget deficits, inflation, only increase interest in a cheaper, compared to bank loans, equity market. At the same time, the introduction of an effective system of corporate governance is generally crucial for the development of the industrial and financial sectors of Ukraine's economy. Because conflicts between corporate parties are common, it is important to know clearly the rights and responsibilities of all stakeholders. Even if there is no conflict, awareness of corporate governance will not only nothurt, but will probably be very useful. Corporate governance creates a legal framework for determining the rights and responsibilities of various parties to the corporation. Understanding corporate governance allows each party to plan and implement its strategy and evaluate the behavior of other parties.This paper reviews in generally the concept of Corporate governance For a shorter And easier definition and explanation to Corporate Governance for business students, teachers, managers, by analyses some of the most important of academic studies, review the environmental, ethical disasters and financial crises, to determine what matters most in how corporate governance can support management to development, and what is needed to get the job done to implementing good practices. The literature have showed generally that good governance that good corporate governance benefit firms and support management through greater access to financing, lower cost of capital, better firm performance, and more favorable treatment of all stakeholders. also, Numerous studies agree that evidence is available on the direct relation between Failure in governance or the weakness of governance practices and financial crises, social outcomes including poverty and environmental performance