Вчені записки Університету "КРОК"

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Відповідно до наказів Міністерства освіти і науки України №886 від 02.07.2020 р. та № 894 від 10 жовтня 2022 р. збірник наукових праць "Вчені записки Університету "КРОК" включено до Переліку наукових фахових видань України, категорія "Б" з економіки (економічні спеціальності - 051 "Економіка", 071 "Облік і оподаткування", 072 "Фінанси, банківська справа та страхування", 073 "Менеджмент", 075 "Маркетинг", 076 "Підприємництво, торгівля та біржова діяльність", 241 "Готельно-ресторанна справа", 281 "Публічне управління та адміністрування", 292 "Міжнародні економічні відносини") та психології (спеціальність – 053 "Психологія"). Збірник розрахований на науковців, аспірантів та практиків, які проводять дослідження сучасних проблем економіки, управління та психології та шляхів їх розв’язання. Періодичність: щоквартально (березень, червень, вересень, грудень). Мови видання: українська та англійська (змішаними мовами).


Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 2 з 2
  • Ескіз
    The role of total quality management implementation on production rates at libyan iron & steel company “LISCO”
    (Університет «КРОК», 2018) Hisham, S.
    Libyan manufacturing companies such as Libyan Iron & Steel Company (LISCO) are struggling with many difficulties in implementing and maintaining a suitable quality management systems. TQM nowadays still a new concept which is now introduced in LISCO having the objectives of improving the quality of productivity. They are also lacking the knowledge of Total Quality Management (TQM) applications and approaches. In addition, these analyses can assist decision makers to focus on the strengths and weaknesses related to implementation of quality systems. This study is conducted to determine the role played by Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation on productivity in Libyan Iron & Steel Company (LISCO). The study was carried out at LISCO and based on production rates data, provided directly by production planning department. A descriptive statistics has been approved for data analysis. The overall result shows the TQMpractices are contributing towards productivity. It reveals a positive relationship between implementing TQM and productivity. To summarise, this paper has used some of statistical sketches in the analysis of production rates in the Libyan Iron and Steel Company, in order to reach an overview about the implementation of TQM systems and determine the relative importance to the productivity. To achieve the aim of this investigation a descriptive analytical method was used. The finding revealed that the production raised rates followed the year of first application of a quality management system
  • Ескіз
    Market of canned fruits and vegetables of Ukraine
    (Університет «КРОК», 2020) Kuzmenko, O.; Orlova, V.; Serhieieva, O.
    The article highlights the situation and main trends in the Ukrainian market of canned fruits and vegetables, including the need to invest, expand production, increase competition and natural and marinated canned food, jams and purees, juices, tomato products, and canned dietary and for baby food. In the course of studying the market, the dependence on the product category, consumption of canned vegetables and snacks, which fluctuates with different intensity, is considered. The main market segments are highlighted, namely the main part of Ukrainian production in this area is focused on processing tomatoes, more than half of which are converted into domestic canned tomato paste and puree. Among other popular types of canning and corn -peas and corn, which our housewives find the widest application. It is determined that in the recent period the domestic market of vegetable products belongs to the significant in cost, cost and efficiency of institutions, characterized by contradictory development trends. The central place in the market structure belongs to wholesale and retail trade, market infrastructure; it is these elements that determine the trade turnover of the industry, as well as technological prospects. The work highlights the main problems, in particular the lack of an efficient sales system, adequately developed logistics. The volumes, capacities and growth rates of the market are determined. The work covers all segments of the market: from the development of raw materials and pricing of vegetables and fruits to domestic and foreign trade in finished canned fruits and vegetables, as well as increasing product quality; diversification; expansion of the segment of environmentally friendly products. In order to develop the market of canned fruits and vegetables, it is proposed to improve the quality and safety of products, optimize pricing policies, focus on increasing production capacity and sales.