Публікації викладачів та співробітників
Постійне посилання на розділhttps://dspace.krok.edu.ua/handle/krok/118
Документ Analysis and prioritizing rick minimizing techniques of IT projects(Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури, 2021) Jalal, Elbaruni; Bielova, Olena Ihorivna; Melenchuk, Viktor Mikolayovich; Бєлова, Олена ІгорівнаThis article is devoted to the risk analysis of IT projects. The article defines the risks of IT projects, classifies the key risks of IT projects and identifies the main sources of risks of IT projects. The analysis of risks of IT projects at introduction of information management system in realization of projects of the company is also presented. The possibility of risks of IT projects during the implementation of the management information system in the implementation of the company's projects is analyzed. And also the ways of minimization of occurrence of risks of IT projects at introduction of information management system in realization of projects of the company are offered. Under ideal circumstances, in modern organizations, project implementation reduces risks to zero. At the same time, in modern realities, it remains necessary to take into account risks and manage them as part of the organization when implementing projects. Nevertheless, risk minimization is effective for the dynamic growth of an organization or institution when implementing projects. The current trends in information projects in today's competitive world are fundamental and necessary for any project-oriented organization to manage risks in information outsourcing projects in an ideally complex task. Thus, this article examines the main factors that lead to the emergence of risks, based on modern scientific sources from leading researchers in the field of project management, taking into account the peculiarities of developing an optimal risk management system in an organization when implementing projects, as well as the implementation of such a system under various scenarios of projects’ implementation in organizations. A structure aimed at improving the risk management system in organizations during project implementation is also proposed. The study found that prioritization in the consideration of project risks, as well as risk factors, helps to correlate the risk of the project and the risk of the company itself. Prioritizing the response to risk factors and their strength of influence, considering the time, volume and quality of risks are of paramount importance for the dynamic growth of the organization and allow to conduct a matrix analysis of risks, and then propose ways to minimize risk.