Розділ у колективній монографії, виданій за кордоном
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4 результатів
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Документ Institutional design of macro-financial security for the national economy stabilization(Scientific Center of Innovative Researches OU, 2022) Radionova, Iryna; Malkovska, Yuliia; Радіонова, Ірина ФедорівнаThe relevance of the study as regards macrofinancial security institutional design for the Ukrainian economy and society is explained by at least two circumstances. First, the macrofinancial sphere of the national economy lacks stability, and the accumulated imbalances threaten its integrity. Second, macro financial imbalances have not been the object of special monitoring, analysis, correction, and prevention by public (state) authorities. This is manifested in the lack of rules, algorithms, procedures, incentives, sanctions, channels of interaction between governments and communities and society, and so on. Thus, there is a lack of what is called institutional design. The latter is designed to evaluate, prevent, and correct macrofinancial imbalances. And macrofinancial stability in this way, at the request of governments, becomes an economic realityДокумент Development of innovative business companies and fintech industry in the digital economy(OÜ Scientific Center of Innovative Researches, 2023) Rumyk, Ihor; Melnichenko, Ivan; Румик, Ігор ІвановичThe globalization of economic relations and the development of modern financial technologies require the search for new means of ensuring national interests, inthe market of financial services. In these conditions, the question arises of forming a modern innovative financial system, taking into account the peculiarities both at the level of business structures and at the level of the state. In this system, the leading place as a modern means of service market development belongs to the latest financial services and tools,the implementation of which in all spheres of business activity demonstrates the importance of the development of the fintech industry.The defining trend in the development of the world economy in the 21st century was the spread of information and communication technologies, which made it possible to talk about the formation of the so-called "digital economy" and led to the introduction of the concepts of "digitalization" or "digitalization"into scientific circulation. The most extensive application of digital technologies was reflected in the financial sector, in particular, it made significant changes in the organization of circulation and trading of financial instruments. The transition to digital technologies in various fields of activity has been significantly accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has manifested itself in the sharp growth of e-commerce, increasing the pace of implementation of telemedicine, video conferencing, distance learning and financial technologies. Modern progress in the development of mobile money, financial and technological services of Internet banking can bring significant benefits to the population with low incomes and small businesses, which determines the relevance of research on the development of innovative business companies and the fintech industry in the digital economy. The purpose of the work is to study the essence of the digital economy, financial technologies; analysis of trends in the development of innovative business companies, as well as determination of the direction of influence of FinTech innovations on the development of business structures and the national economy as a whole. The main research methods were scientific abstraction, logical generalization, comparative and statistical analyzes, structural-functional and strategic analysis for substantiation and determination of directions of development of innovative companies. As a result of research, it will be established that the current stage of the development of society is determined by the formation of a new onetype of economic system -digital economy, which is characterizedthe significant impact of information technologies on the rates of economic growth andto all spheres of the economic life of society. Traditional market participantsrespond to these changes by switching to innovative business models, which are an exampledigital and neobanks, as well as adaptation of FinTech innovations in traditional onesbanking business models by creating their own FinTech units,development of partnership with FinTech companies and cooperation with other participant’smarket.Документ Digital economy: innovation and technologies(OU Scientific Center of Innovative Research, 2023) Rumyk, Ihor; Румик, Ігор ІвановичThe digital economy is a type of economy where the key factors (means) of production are digital data: numerical, textual, etc. Their use as a resource makes it possible to significantly increase the efficiency, productivity, value of services and goods, to build a digital society. Digitization is one of the main factors in the growth of the world economy in the next 5-10 years. In addition to the direct productivity gains that companies get from digital technologies, there is a chain of indirect benefits of digitalization, such as saving time, creating new demand for new goods and services, new quality and value. Nowadays, the level of development of digital technologies plays a critical role in the competitiveness of countries and economic unions. The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) considers the transition to a digital economy to be the key driver of economic growth. In recent years, EAEU member states have made significant progress in many areas of digital development. The prospects and relevance of digital development of the economies of the EAEU member states were reflected in the Main Directions of the Digital Agenda of the EAEU by 2025, where digital transformation is emphasized as a key factor of development. Harmonization of efforts in the joint implementation of initiatives and projects of the Digital Agenda of the EAEU will allow the expansion of the capabilities of member states, citizens and business entities not only within the EAEU, but also in foreign markets. The effectiveness of joint actions of member states within the Digital Agenda depends on the successful development of their own economies. The implementation of the Digital Agenda will require the creation of digital platforms, network infrastructures, enabling initiatives and projects, building partnerships with those who have chosen the path of digital transformation. Digital transformation means the integration of digital technologies into all areas of business. This integration leads to fundamental changes in the way citizens, enterprises and organizations act, how they provide value for themselves, their employees, customers, partners, achieving their own and common economic and social goals faster, cheaper and with new quality. Digital technologies include the Internet of Things, robotics and cyber systems, artificial intelligence, big data, paperless technologies, additive technologies (3D printing), cloud and fog computing, unmanned and mobile technologies, biometrics, quantum technologies, identification technologies, blockchain, etc. Digitization should be considered as a tool, not as an end in itself. With a systemic state approach, digital technologies will stimulate the creation of jobs, increase productivity, rates of economic growth and the quality of life of citizens.Документ Peculiarities of the methodology for studying social, legal and historical legal systems(E-SCIENCE SPACE, 2023) Kudin, S.; Frantsuz, A.; Shevchenko, D.; Frantsuz-Yakovets, T.; Stepanenko , N.; Француз, Анатолій Йосипович; Француз-Яковець, Тетяна Анатоліївна; Степаненко, Наталія В'ячеславівнаIn the context of the development of the national legal science (including the history of law and comparative history of law), the issues of legal research methodology are becoming increasingly important. This necessitates the use of modern approaches which may result in the acquisition of knowledge which would adequately reflect the entire “palette” of social, legal and historical and legal reality, and identify the common and distinctive features of national and European law from the historical perspective. Such approaches should be based on the principles of research objectivity, social responsibility of scientists, and the diversity of methodological links between legal science and social sciences and humanities. One example of the use of an interdisciplinary approach is the “mastery” of the synergistic approach by legal science. It is fundamentally different in its content from the “traditional” approaches used in legal and historical and legal studies.