Theoretical Base of Modeling the Project Team with a Service Technical Systems by Simulatio







Науковий ступінь

Рівень дисертації

Шифр та назва спеціальності

Рада захисту

Установа захисту

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Члени комітету


IAEME Publication


The article proposes a system of simulation for the formation of crews of ships. The main directions of simulation modeling are described, which allow to optimize the volume of work of the team during the operation of the vessel. The model allows you to control: time of each event; the duration of each work; the amount of marriage detected in the work; the duration of the work that is performed repeatedly in connection with the detection of marriage; the total duration of the completion of the repair process of the technical system; the total amount of labor of the project team - the crew of the ship. © IAEME Publication.


Ключові слова

methodology, network models, project team, ship crews, simulation system

Бібліографічний опис

Theoretical Base of Modeling the Project Team with a Service Technical Systems by Simulatio / Victor G. Alkema, Oleksandr V. Darushyn, Tetiana A. Vorkut, Okcana Ye. Bilonog and Yuriy O. Tretinichenko // International Journal of Management. - 2020. – No. 11(4). – Pp. 453-465