Contractual Relations in the Information Sphere






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EManuscript Technologies


The article is devoted to the consideration of theoretical aspects of determining the possibility of concluding transactions with information. The widespread involvement of intangible assets into the real economic turnover and the emergence of a mass market for such products, combined with the “explosive” development of digital technologies, creates the conditions in which intangible assets become viable. Such development of technologies, global computerization, international trade has led to the widespread use of information, which has become one of the main and significant objects of the market and civil turnover. From the point of view of legal doctrine, the authors analyse the peculiarities of committing such transactions, outline the concepts and methodologies of civil law regulation of such relations. © 2020 EManuscript Technologies. All rights reserved.


Ключові слова

access, constitutional right, economic turnover, information, right, turnover

Бібліографічний опис

Contractual Relations in the Information Sphere / S. Iasechko, V. Skomorovskyi, M. Haliantych, V. Zadorozhnyi, O. Obryvkina, O. Pohrebniak // Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy. - 2020. - Vol. 11. - Issue 8 (Aug-Sept). - Pp. 301-303