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Документ Застосування моделі наскрізної оптимізації фінансових і матеріальних потоків у механізмі забезпечення фінансової безпеки на підприємствах оборонної промисловост(ТОВ "ФІНТЕХАЛЬЯНС", 2020) Шемаєва, Л.Г.; Мігус, І.П.; Шемаєв, В.М.; Шемаєв, В.В.; Мельник, Л.М.; Мігус, Ірина ПетрівнаРозглянуто проблему координації матеріальних i фінансових потоків на оборонних підприємствах у виробництві та доставці потрібного обсягу оборонної продукції у встановлені терміни. Мета статті — теоретичне обґрунтування необхідності узгодження певних суперечностей у потокових процесах на підприємствах і розроблення моделі поступової оптимізації матеріальних та пов’язаних з ними фінансових потоків як необхідної умови забезпечення фінансової безпеки підприємств оборонної промисловості. Конфлікт інтересів (суперечності) аналізується щодо проходження матеріальних і пов’язаних із ними фінансових потоків, що відбуваються за чинної системи управління на вітчизняних оборонних підприємствах. Методичною основою дослідження суперечностей потокових процесів підприємства були обрані аналіз і синтез. Економічний потік підприємства умовно розглянуто за характеристиками: обсяг потоку, час потоку і витрати потоку з подальшим урахуванням їхніх характерних якостей, властивостей, взаємозв’язків і суперечностей між ними. Розроблена методика проектування логістичних рішень на підприємстві, яка передбачає здійснення повної оптимізації за допомогою методу компромісу матеріальних і пов’язаних із цим фінансових потоків. Запропонована імітаційна модель була доведена до впровадження програмного забезпечення та була протестована на оборонних машинобудівних підприємствах Києва. Для врегулювання суперечностей, що виникають поетапно, встановлено два параметри (час потоку та обсяг потоку) за критеріями: 1) мінімізація витрат на всіх стадіях потоку; 2) мінімізація періоду оборотності оборотних коштів — доцільно використовувати метод багатокритеріальної оптимізації. Вирішення багатокритеріального завдання оптимізації матеріальних і пов’язаних із цим фінансових потоків на підприємстві базується на використанні методу компромісу, який реалізується на основі моделювальних моделей. Запропонована модель складається з п’яти взаємодіючих програмних елементів: модель управління програмою, програма закупівель, транспортна програма, програма складських складів, оцінка варіантів і програма вибору логістичних рішень. Для розв’язання вищезазначеної проблеми пропонуємо використовувати метод «лівий нижній кут», який раніше використовувався для вирішення інженерних завдань. Запропонований метод дозволяє розв’язати задачу оптимізації вектора, коли критеріїв два, а кількість розглянутих варіантів - невелика.Документ Money laundering: macroeconomic assessment methods and current trend in Ukraine(FINTECHALLIANCE LLC, 2020) Korystin, O. Yе.; Mihus, I. P.; Svyrydiuk, N. P.; Likhovitskyy, Ya. O.; Mitina, О. M.; Мігус, Ірина ПетрівнаThe paper examines the scientists’ approaches to the evaluation of money laundering. Attention is drawn to the macroeconomic results of such an analysis. The research on the scope of money laundering and its impact on the country’s economy is reviewed. Relevant literature and selected techniques have been highlighted and are widely available in the world. The focus is on discussing the macroeconomic implications of money laundering and on finding methods for evaluating the various scales and conclusions reached by various scholars on the scope and flows of money laundering. An authors’ approach to the analysis of the phenomenon of money laundering is proposed based on the study of the links between the level of money laundering with the level of vulnerability of economic sectors and the spread of other negative socio-economic phenomena. Using unique empirical data obtained as a result of an expert survey in the field of money laundering, conducted a statistical analysis and test of the statistical hypothesis regarding the presence of interconnections and to determine the essential dependence of money laundering level on the selected indicators’ subgroups of macroeconomic nature for analysis based on Pearson and Kendall’s Taw correlation coefficients. The conclusions on the correlation between the level of money laundering in Ukraine and macroeconomic processes in Ukraine are substantiated: shadowing of economic relations, optimization of tax burden at the initiative of business entities and «prosperity» of money laundering due to strong corruption ties in this sphere. The grounds for determining the priorities of further state policy in the sphere of anti-money laundering have been formed, for the national financial monitoring of relevant benchmarks of increased risk of financial transactions in specific sectors of the economy and possible further methodological use of sectoral analysis (with wider coverage of the national economic sectors) money laundering risks.Документ Improvement of the methodological approach to assessing the impact of public governance on ensuring the economic security of the state(FINTECHALLIANCE LLC, 2020) Akimova, L.; Akimov, O.; Mihus, I.; Koval, Ya.; Dmitrenko, V.; Мігус, Ірина ПетрівнаEnsuring economic security is a guarantee of independence and autonomy of the state, an integral condition for stability and effective functioning of society. Given the development of the world economy, ensuring the economic security of Ukraine, which is the basis of national security, is becoming an increasingly urgent problem. The formation of the system of economic security of Ukraine takes place in the conditions of economic globalization, which can not but affect the national interests and trends of socio-economic development of the country. It is to address this result that the issue of regulating the role and place of economic security in the general system of public administration mechanisms in Ukraine arises. In today’s realities there is a negative trend of increasing influence of external and internal threats on the activities of the state and its management. The modern concept of state development provides a single set of requirements for its institutions: openness of legal and economic systems; transparency of the mechanism of public administration, its economic, legal and information support; protection of economic interests of the state, social protection of life and health of the population, etc. Improving the management of economic processes in the state should begin with the development of a clear procedure and mechanisms for identifying and neutralizing threats in the system, which will contribute to the development of effective economic policy, state control over the socio-economic system, objective prioritization of economic reform, etc. Assessment of the current state of economic regulation has revealed that the main energy of the executive branch is spent not on overcoming the causes that provoke illegitimate phenomena, but on combating their consequences, so it requires the development of effective mechanisms for public administration of economic security.Документ Influence of corporate governance ratings on assessment of non-financial threats to economic security of joint stock companies(FINTECHALLIANCE LLC, 2021) Mihus, I.; Akimova, L.; Akimov, O.; Laptev, S.; Zakharov, O.; Gaman, N.; Мігус, Ірина Петрівна; Лаптєв, Сергій Михайлович; Захаров, Олександр ІвановичIn modern conditions of transformation and globalization of economic processes, rapid development of information and science-intensive technologies, each company seeks to ensure effective management of its activities and achieve a higher level of competitiveness. The level of quality of corporate governance influences the formation of the rating of enterprises and plays an important role in making decisions about investing in the company. At the same time, ensuring financial security is the most urgent task of society, the state, enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, entrepreneurs, and every citizen. In this regard, the practical implementation of recommendations to maintain financial security at the appropriate level will contribute to the completion of market transformations in the financial and credit sphere of the country, increase the level of financial security of enterprises, increase human security. It is corporate-type enterprises, namely joint-stock companies and limited liability companies, that are the main types of business structures that ensure the development of a market economy. Therefore, it is advisable to pay attention to the features of ensuring and assessing the quality of corporate governance of enterprises aimed at implementing the model of long-term sustainable development. The purpose of the article is to establish the impact of corporate governance ratings on the assessment of non-financial threats to the economic security of joint stock companies. In the article In the article the systematization of corporate governance indicators by criteria is carried out; the main components of the S&P corporate governance rating methodology, the CORE rating, the main components of the RID-Expert RA corporate governance rating methodology, the main components of the corporate governance methodology of the Crichton-Miller and Warman methodology, the main components of the Corporate Governance rating rating Credit Rating Agency; the advantages and disadvantages of methods of compiling corporate governance ratings are highlighted.Документ Implementation of the model of innovative tourist product in Ukraine: financial and economic aspects(FINTECHALLIANCE LLC, 2021) Havryliuk, S.; Melko, L.; Uvarova, G.; Karyuk, V.; Mihus, I.; Гаврилюк, Світлана Павлівна; Мелько, Людмила Федорівна; Уварова, Ганна Шевкетівна; Карюк, Вікторія Іванівна; Мігус, Ірина ПетрівнаThe article presents a scientific discussion on trends and prospects for product innovation in the tourism business. The main objective of the study is to substantiate the nature and role of innovative tourism products in improving the efficiency of economic and product activities of tourism enterprises, the need for their implementation in tourism at its present stage in Ukraine. Analysis of literature sources and existing approaches to solving the problem of implementation of innovative products by tourism enterprises allowed us to formulate conceptual tools in this area, taking into account industry specifics, to characterize the types of product innovations of tourism enterprises. The topicality of solving this scientific problem boils down to the fact that in conditions of competition, the development of tourism business is ensured primarily by the use of product innovations by tourism enterprises, the introduction of effective ways to implement priority areas of innovation. The study of the problem of implementation of innovative tourist products in the practical activities of enterprises is carried out in the following logical sequence: the subject matter and types of innovative tourist products have been analysed, the main prerequisites for their implementation in the activities of enterprises have been defined; the main trends in the development of innovations in the tourism business of Ukraine, in particular, new tourism products and innovative approaches used to retain regular customers and attract new ones in a competitive environment; an optimal model of implementation of innovative tourist products has been developed. The methodological tools of the conducted study were general theoretical and specific methods, in particular, logical and dialectical, graphoanalytical method, method of scientific abstraction, systemic and integrated approaches. The study covered the period of 2010—2019. The object of research is an innovative tourist product that allowed implementation of its model taking into account the effect of external and internal environment.The article presents the results of empirical analysis of the main trends in the development of innovation at the present stage of development of the tourism business in Ukraine. In addition, there are reasons that inhibit innovation in tourism, which must be taken into account for the development and implementation of innovative tourist products.The study theoretically proves and supports that the development of innovative activities and the introduction of innovative tourist products provide tourism enterprises with competitive advantages. The results of the study can be useful in the practical work of travel agencies that seek to create a portfolio of innovative products and increase the efficiency of their activities.Документ Methodology of corporate financial diagnostics in the period of a crisis(MAGNANIMITAS Assn., 2021) Mihus, Iryna; Denysenko, Mykola; Rumyk, Igor; Pletenetska, Svetlana; Laptiev, Mykhailo; Kupriichuk, Vasyl; Мігус, Ірина Петрівна; Румик, Ігор Іванович; Плетенецька, Світлана Михайлівна; Лаптєв, Михайло СергійовичThe article is devoted to corporate financial diagnostics' peculiarities in the context of ideas about organizational crises. The economic signs of a crisis enterprise are considered in conjunction with the critical signs of a crisis: a threat to priority goals, suddenness, and lack of time for making anti-crisis decisions. The study of scientific ideas about the crisis, in conjunction with the enterprise's financial characteristics, is a necessary stage in the formation of the methodology of corporate financial diagnostics.Документ The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the loyalty of employees(MAGNANIMITAS Assn, 2021) Mihus, Iryna; Laptev, Sergey; Parashchenko, Liudmyla; Koval, Yana; Odarchyk, Kateryna; Panchenko, Oksana; Мігус, Ірина Петрівна; Лаптєв, Сергій Михайлович; Паращенко, Людмила Іванівна; Одарчук, Катерина МиколаївнаThe global COVID-19 pandemic has been a real test for most employers and their employees. The purpose of the article is to establish the pandemic's impact on employees' loyalty and identify the factors that have had the most significant impact. The main objectives of the survey of the hired staff were as follows: to find out how the interviewed employees understand the concept of "loyalty"; to study with the help of the survey the factors that affect the loyalty of staff in the first and second stages of the survey; find out how much the respondents' answers have changed during the quarantine year. The study was conducted by interviewing Ukrainian enterprises' employees by Google forms in two stages: in March - April 2020 and February-March 2021. The 15125 people took part in the survey, of which 76.3% were women (11540 people) and 23.7% (3585 people). We understood that it is more appropriate to use the concept of "loyalty" and consider it is agreeing with the company's mission and vision, compliance with corporate culture and ethics, which allows achieving strategic goals. Only the employer and employees' joint efforts will contribute to the effective operation of enterprises, even in a pandemic COVID-19.