Наукові публікації у періодичних фахових виданнях України
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://dspace.krok.edu.ua/handle/krok/122
Документ Mutual responsibility of the state and the individual for the ecological state of the environment(Видавнича група «Наукові перспективи», 2024) Horielova, Veronika Yuriivna; Горєлова, Вероніка ЮріївнаThe article examines the current state and problematic aspects of liability in the environmental sphere and nature management, which is a "sustainable issue", the solution of which is complicated, firstly by military conflicts, environmental and man-made disasters.It is emphasised that the highest value is a human being, his or her life and well-being, which are inextricably linked and dependent on the quality of the environment.The fact that this issue affects almost all aspects of human activity highlights the importance of finding ways to solve it.Responsibility in the environmental sphere, therefore, should be seen, on the one hand, as the responsibility of the state to the individual, and, on the other hand, as the responsibility of the individual for the damage caused to the environment.The article investigates the peculiarities of positive (ensuring rational use of nature, identifying risks and threats to the environment and preventing them, etc.) and negative responsibility of the State for the ecological state of the environment to a person, which should not be viewed from the standpoint of "guilty without guilt", but as unsatisfactory work of state bodies to prevent environmental threats.The features of positive and negative human responsibility for the ecological state of the environment are also considered.Due to the absence of legislative consolidation, the article offers the author's definition of the understanding of damage to the environment -as negative consequences resulting from irrational or illegal interference.Summarising the experts research, the article concludes that there is an inequality of responsibility between the subjects of environmental law.In the context of inadequate state environmental control and a high level of environmental violations, it would be correct to introduce public control and give such control broad powers to ensure compliance withenvironmental legislation, which will serve to preserve the environment and strengthen law and order.Документ To the issue of safety in food sphere as the highest social value in the healthcare system(Видавнича група «Наукові перспективи», 2024) Horielova, Veronika Yuriivna; Горєлова, Вероніка Юріївнаhe article is devoted to substantiating the conceptual foundations of the current state of food safety in the healthcare system. The issue of food safety is related to two fundamental and contradictory factors that are inextricably linked: on the one hand, it is the process of combating environmental pollution, and on the other hand, counteracting fraudulent actions by food producers. Among the main threats to food safety are a number of unresolved issues and the neglect of the main measures of state influence in the field of healthcare on the activities of economic actors. Based on WHO international standards and national legislation, it is possible to outline the main guidelines for achieving food safety, including: compliance with the latest food standards; prevention of potential contamination of agricultural land, water, air and the use of harmful substances in products; and improvement of food production technologies. Based on the basic requirements outlined in the HACCP food safety management system, certain problematic issues regarding the complexity of the integration processes of the HACCP system in Ukraine at the present stage are identified. The article outlines and describes the main types of threats that currently exist in Ukraine and are directly related to food quality. The article outlines the ways to overcome such threats, which have already been activated by the state, expert and public organisations. The article considers the recommendations of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) on responsible management of land tenure, fisheries and forestry in the context of national food security. Based on the research, it is possible to draw conclusions: in order to achieve safety goals in the food industry, attention should be focused not only on economic and legal issues, but also on the ecological side of the issue; provision of the state doctrine of health protection is not possible without approval of the doctrine of food safety; the state strategy must have a regulatory nature and correspond to the best international documents and practices; strategies must meet real-time requirements and have a long-term nature; focus on human health should be implemented through the prism of maintaining a healthy (safe) environment. It is emphasised that at the current stage in Ukraine, attention should be focused on priority immediate measures that do not require significant investments from the state,like: reducing tax pressure on food producers, spreading and supporting public control on a par with state control