Кафедра міжнародного бізнесу
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://dspace.krok.edu.ua/handle/krok/3222
Документ OKR as tool of staff efficiency improvement(Придніпровська державна Академія будівництва і архітектури, 2024) Naumova, Olena; Kopyl, Andrii; Наумова, Олена ОлександрівнаThe article examines the management system of setting objectives and evaluating the key results as one of the factors in improving employee satisfaction and effectiveness. The relevance of the research topic is justified by the current negative situa-tion in the labor market of Ukraine and its continued stagnation, which negatively affects businesses. This trend requires com-panies to implement new tools to increase employee satisfaction and enhance employee effectiveness. This article investigates how implementing the OKR management system increases employee effectiveness. The scientific results obtained are practical proof of the direct impact of clear and understandable objective setting on employee performance, which directly influences the organization’s achievement of its strategic goals. The importance of periodically evaluating and reviewing established goals and key results has been identified.