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Документ The role of smart technologies in maintaining student motivation during distance learning(Universidad de Carabobo, 2024) Novak, Ilona; Butsyk, Ihor; Hetman , Yuliia; Norenko, Iryna; Derevianko, Denys; Новак, Ілона МилославівнаSmart technologies are a common element of education, which have a positive impact on the organization of education, its efficiency, and the possibility of self-control. The aim of the study is to determine the role of smart technologies in the distance learning to maintain student motivation. The aim was achieved through the use of the methods of observation and analysis, calculations of the coefficient of oscillation, the coefficient of variation, and Spearman’s rank coefficient. Learning mechanisms provided for acquiring language knowledge, develop the consecutive interpreting skills, and master formal and informal communication styles. It was established that such learning mechanisms after the study enhanced students’ motivation of 82% for distance learning. Before the study, a high level of motivation was observed among only 21% of students. The results of the Stapel Scale showed that smart technologies (1.0) had the greatest impact on students’ motivation, which is related to the continuity of learning. The learning process had also the greatest impact on students’ dynamic adaptation (2.25). The conducted research is important for the development of students’ professional foreign language skills and enhancement of their motivation through the use of smart technologies during distance learning.