Кафедра маркетингу та поведінкової економіки
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://dspace.krok.edu.ua/handle/krok/3159
12 результатів
Результати пошуку
Документ Advantages of implementation system of climate and environmental management in the activities of the enterprise(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2021) Bielova, O.I.; Naumova, O.O.; Бєлова, Олена Ігорівна; Наумова, Олена ОлександрівнаДокумент Marketing and climate change(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2021) Bielova, O.I.; Naumova, О.О.; Бєлова, Олена Ігорівна; Наумова, Олена ОлександрівнаДокумент The role of corporate culture in managing virtual project teams: strategic challenges, solutions, and development prospects(Scientific Center of Innovative Researches OU, 2024) Bielova, Olena; Bielov, Oleksandr; Бєлова, Олена ІгорівнаДокумент Analysis and prioritizing rick minimizing techniques of IT projects(Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури, 2021) Jalal, Elbaruni; Bielova, Olena Ihorivna; Melenchuk, Viktor Mikolayovich; Бєлова, Олена ІгорівнаThis article is devoted to the risk analysis of IT projects. The article defines the risks of IT projects, classifies the key risks of IT projects and identifies the main sources of risks of IT projects. The analysis of risks of IT projects at introduction of information management system in realization of projects of the company is also presented. The possibility of risks of IT projects during the implementation of the management information system in the implementation of the company's projects is analyzed. And also the ways of minimization of occurrence of risks of IT projects at introduction of information management system in realization of projects of the company are offered. Under ideal circumstances, in modern organizations, project implementation reduces risks to zero. At the same time, in modern realities, it remains necessary to take into account risks and manage them as part of the organization when implementing projects. Nevertheless, risk minimization is effective for the dynamic growth of an organization or institution when implementing projects. The current trends in information projects in today's competitive world are fundamental and necessary for any project-oriented organization to manage risks in information outsourcing projects in an ideally complex task. Thus, this article examines the main factors that lead to the emergence of risks, based on modern scientific sources from leading researchers in the field of project management, taking into account the peculiarities of developing an optimal risk management system in an organization when implementing projects, as well as the implementation of such a system under various scenarios of projects’ implementation in organizations. A structure aimed at improving the risk management system in organizations during project implementation is also proposed. The study found that prioritization in the consideration of project risks, as well as risk factors, helps to correlate the risk of the project and the risk of the company itself. Prioritizing the response to risk factors and their strength of influence, considering the time, volume and quality of risks are of paramount importance for the dynamic growth of the organization and allow to conduct a matrix analysis of risks, and then propose ways to minimize risk.Документ Огляд та класифікація особливостей арт-проєктів як факторів ризику(Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут», 2021) Данченко, О.Б.; Рибалко, І.В.; Заруцький, С.О.; Бєлова, О.І.; Бєлова, Олена Ігорівна; Данченко, Олена БорисівнаПропонується огляд особливостей арт-проєктів як ймовірних загроз для планування та реалізації проєктів творчої сфери за наступними напрямками: психологічні аспекти творчої особистості та специфіка арт-проєктів, що характерна виключно для проєктів даної сфери. Визначено, що сукупність факторів внутрішнього та зовнішнього середовища є основою для формування переліку та ранжирування ризиків арт-проєктів. Детальний аналіз наукових робіт, присвячений дослідженням у сфері впровадження проєктного підходу в творчій сфері, вивченню психологічних рис, що суттєво відрізняють творчу особистість від психології інших людей та дослідженням у сфері управління ризиками, довів, що увага з боку наукової спільноти щодо дослідження ризиків та природи їх походження саме для арт-проєктів на сьогодні дуже незначна. Впровадження методології проєктного підходу до організації та реалізації творчих заходів в Україні наразі ще досить слабке, а протиризикові заходи починають розроблятися тільки після настання ризику. Тож, питання вивчення ризиків у реалізації арт-проєктів залишається актуальним та затребуваним. Аналіз психологічних рис творчих особистостей та специфіка арт-проєктів, як джерел походження ризиків, дав можливість для розробки видів ризиків для подальшої їх класифікації. Зроблено висновки, що складена класифікаційна схема має практичну цінність для менеджерів арт-проєктів. Вона дозволить в подальшому передбачати варіанти розвитку подій, заздалегідь визначати чинники впливу зовнішнього та внутрішнього оточення арт-проєкту та завчасно розробляти заходи, методи та прийоми щодо недопущення ризикової події або, у разі її настання, мінімізувати негативні наслідки для досягнення цілей арт-проєкту (час, бюджет, зміст, якість). Зараз до переліку видів ризиків арт-проєктів включено лише два джерела походження ризиків. Але натомість робота над складанням класифікаційної схема ризиків арт-проєктів буде продовжена, щоб включити в себе максимально можливі джерела походження ризиків і дати менеджеру проєкту дієвий інструмент для ідентифікації та аналізу ймовірних загроз (ризиків) або можливостей.Документ Work motivation factors at the project-oriented enterprises(Norwegian Academy of Science, 2021) Poskrypko, Yu.; Bielova, O.; Poskrypko, D.; Бєлова, Олена ІгорівнаThe paper deals with the work motivation structure of employees (project team members) at the project oriented enterprises and the method of the research are given, the descriptive analysis of the results was performed, the econometric model is constructed. The hypothesis of this study is the assumption that the structure of intrinsic motivation factors is heterogeneous and they have different meanings for work motivation, therefore, they will impact other factors of the motivation system, in particular, the employee's performance of project-oriented SMEs.Документ Motivational mechanism in project management: strategic aspect(Університет «КРОК», 2020) Bielova, O.; Poskrypko, Yu.; Бєлова, Олена ІгорівнаThe article identifies and analyzes the priority factors that have a significant impact on the formation of a motivational mechanism for project management in strategically oriented enterprises. Itis determined that well-selected staff and not just staff, but each employee is indispensable for the success of both the individual project and the enterprise as a whole, and if the company in today's highly competitive industry seeks to develop, it cannot afford dispersion in the selection staff and in motivating staff. It is established that since the focus of the development of the motivational mechanism of project management was a person, there is a need to analyze the motivational impact on staff during the project. It is also analyzed that the establishment of the main motives of the project team members, allows us to conclude that they all affect the effectiveness of strategic management of the enterprise as a whole. The article presents and argues the structuring of motivators and demotivators of the motivational mechanism of project management, which allows to summarize the main factors influencing the project team and increase the strategic activity of each project stakeholder. The article states that the key to the success of any company that implements the project approach will be to develop a management strategy in which actions in the company and its internal structure will be as consistent as possible with external conditions, and for this thecompany must develop such a motivational mechanism of project management, which will correspond to the system of strategic management of the enterprise as a whole.Документ Peculiarities of inclusive resource centers implementation in Ukraine(Університет «КРОК», 2020) Yevchenko, M.; Bielova, O.; Бєлова, Олена ІгорівнаPromoting equal access to quality education is an international agenda. In Ukraine, many changes have been made along the way, both at the level of legislation and at the level of practice: changes have been made to the basic Laws of Ukraine on the development and implementation of inclusive education; created conditions for teaching children and youth with special educational needs on the basis of many preschool, secondary and higher education institutions, training teachers to work in an inclusive educational environment, etc. At the same time, there are still many challengesalong the way: lack of resources, experience, understanding of the main advantages of this new philosophy of education. The modern paradigm of education is based on the idea of creating adequate conditions for individuals with different learning needs (including for people with various mental and physical disabilities and gifted people). Modern educational practices and pedagogical systems of developed and developing countries are undergoing the necessary changes in society, making the transition to new educational concepts and technologies. International organizations recommend inclusive education as a priority for the development of the education system, aimed at realizing the rights of citizens to receive quality education and social integration.The underpinning principal is that all children have the right to be educated regardless of their special needs, disabilities and abilities with appropriate support provided. In order to make the education system inclusive and provide education for all citizens, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine together with other stakeholders developed strategies which support the education of children with special educational needs and initiated thecreation of the inclusive resource centers(IRC).The aim of this study is to highlight new approach on theoretical justifications and applied calculations necessary to ensure the implementation of inclusive resource centers.This article focuses on implementation of inclusive resource centers in Ukraine. The article also presents target audience, characterizes the profiles of children withspecial educational needs, their parents and teachers. Competitiveness of substituteinstitutions is analyzed using parametric method and the method with the weighted indicators. To evaluate the project alternatives, the «SPACE»method is applied. The article demonstrates the international experience oftwo modelsofіnclusive resource centersДокумент Personnel marketing in company’s compensation policy(Університет «КРОК», 2020) Bielova, O.; Petrova, I.; Бєлова, Олена Ігорівна; Петрова, Ірина ЛеонідівнаThis article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the formation of the compensation policy of the modern enterprise and the role of personnel marketing in its formation.The terms "personnel marketing" and "compensation policy" are defined. Personnel marketing is defined as a type of management activities aimed at long-term provision of the organization with human resources that form the strategic potential that is necessary to achieve its specific target priorities.Compensation policy is defined as a system of external incentives that encourage the employee to get a result that satisfies both the employee and the company. It is also proposed to consider the employees of the enterprise as an "internal consumer", which allows to update the relevance of the application and development of internal marketing, and in particular personnel marketing. The main motivators and demotivators that influence the behavior of the employeein building an effective system of personnel marketing in the compensation policy of the enterprise are identified. The influence of motivators and demotivators on the needs of employees is graphically presented and the specifics of this influence on the effectiveness of staff marketing in the compensation policy of the company are analyzed. Features, advantages and disadvantages of creating a compensation policy at a modern enterprise are analyzed. Specific examples of optimization of personnel marketing in modern enterprises are given. The key elements of the compensation policy that affect the efficiency of a modern enterprise are highlighted. The list of principles of construction of effective compensation policy at the modern enterprise (which includes: openness, flexibility, complexity, stability, system, efficiency, etc.) is formed and features of their application are analyzed. The relevance of further research in the field of personnel marketing in the compensation policy of the enterprise is arguedДокумент Advantages of fact-based decision-making principle on TQM implementation at Libyan Iron & Steel company LISCO(Університет «КРОК», 2021) Safar, H.; Bielova, O.; Бєлова, Олена ІгорівнаThe article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the formation and management decisions, based on facts in the process of implementing the principle of Total Quality Management in the Libyan Iron & Steel Company LISCO.The aim of the article is to determine the role of the principles of implementation of total quality management (TQM) in relation to product quality in the Libyan Metallurgical Company (LISCO).The article examines the peculiarities of Libyan companies and found that Libyan manufacturing companies, on the example of the Libyan Iron & Steel Company LISCO, face many difficulties and obstacles in implementing and maintaining modern quality management systems. The article presents the definitions of "Quality", "Quality Management" and "Total Quality Management". It is proven that since today "Total Quality Management" is still a new concept that is currently being implemented in the activities of the Libyan company LISCO, the question arises about improving the applied quality managementmethods. This article demonstrated that Libyan companies and their management still have lack of knowledge about programs and approaches to Total Quality Management. In addition, the study and analysis of the current activities of the Libyan company will help managers and executives who make decisions based on facts in the management of manufacturing companies and projects implemented in the course of their activities; also, these studies will allow companies to focus on the strengths and weaknesses of management systems in general, which are associated with the implementation of common quality systems. The article also notes that the Libyan company LISCO makes many efforts to try to develop and implement a system of Total Quality Management and effectivelyapply it in the company as a whole and in the process of implementing individual projects in particular. However, the article emphasizes that due to the large number of threats and difficulties in implementing a Total Quality Management system in the company's activities (the most powerful of which are the impact of exogenous factors, some technical aspects, integration and development of Libyan company’s staff), it becomes clear that systems to date is only partially possible and requires phased implementation. The article also raises the question of the need for a comprehensive approach to research on the formation and implementation of the Total Quality Management system in LISCO and argues the relevance of further research in this area.